There are, however, some conjunctions which do not cause the transposition of the Nominative, such as und, denn, aber, allein, da, and in general all those words which cause the verb to be placed at the end of the sentence. (§ 90.) 4. The Nominative is also placed after its verb, in a sentence which serves as complement to the one preceding it. Ex.: Wenn er kommt, gehe ich fort. Wenn Sie es befehlen, so muß er es thun. Je mehr ich trinke, desto durstiger bin ich. Wenn die Einen gewinnen, so verlieren die Andern. When he comes, I go away. The more I drink, the more When one party gains, the others lose. 5. The Nominative is placed after its verb, when the conditional particle wenn is suppressed. Ex.: 6. Interrogative sentences are formed without the help of any auxiliary verb, by merely placing the verb before its Nominative. Ex.: 7. The Nominative is placed not only after the verb, but also after the adverb and other words depending on the verb, if the sentence begins with the neuter personal pronoun es. Ex.: Es kam gestern Iemand. Somebody came yesterday. Es ereignet sich nicht alle Tage eine Such an opportunity does not solche Gelegenheit. happen every day. certain words at the end §87. The Germans place of the sentence, which are its key, and without which the sense would not be understood. These words are: 1. The attribute of the subject. 2. The adverb referring to the verb of the subject. 3. The preposition with its regimen or in its place the relative particles daran, darum, &c. 4. The prepositions and separable particles with which the verbs are compounded. 5. The Past Participle and the Infinitive. 6. Lastly the verb of the subject. 1) When the sentence begins with one of the conjunctions wenn, if; weil, because; obschon, although; daß, that; damit, in order that; bevor, che, before; als, da, when; während, while; nachdem, after; bis, until; 2) when the sentence begins with a relative pronoun; and 3) when it begins with an interrogative pronoun or adverb, provided that the interrogation be indirect. Examples. 1 Ich bin meinen Freunden ge- I am true to my friends. treu. What are you doing with it? Ich bekümmere mich nicht das I do not trouble myself about it. rum. 4. Machet die Thüre zu. Schreiben Sie diese Briefe ab. Ich stehe alle Morgen früh auf. 5. Ich habe heute noch nichts gegessen. Er hatte mich um Erlaubniß Ich habe die Ehre, mich Ihnen 6. Wenn ich Bücher und Freunde Ich weiß nicht, ob er glucklich Als ich ihn zum ersten Male Shut the door. He had asked my permission. I have the honor to wish you good morning. If I had books and friends. I do not know if he is happy. When I saw him for the first time. Während er auf dem Lande war. Ich glaube, daß er sehr zufries den ist. Derjenige, welcher zufrieden ist, ist glucklich. Wissen Sie, wer diesen Brief geschrieben hat? While he was in the country. Do you know who wrote this letter? : TABLE OF ALL IRREGULAR FORMS OF DISSONANT AND IRREGULAR VERBS. (The first column contains the irregular form, the second the tense is which it belongs, and the third the Infinitive of the verb.) beflissen Pres. Ind. 2d and 3d pers. backen, to bake Pres. Ind. 2d and 3d pers. Imp. Ind. and Subj. essen, to eat binden, to tie begonn, begönne Imp. Ind. and Subj. do. begonnen Past Part. do. bewog, bewöge bewogen Past Part. do. bin, bist birg Imperative bergen, to hide birgst, birgt biß, bisse Pres. Ind. 2d and 3d pers. do. Imp. Ind. and Subj. beißen, to bite bläsest, bläst. blieb, bliebe Pres. Ind. 2d and 3d pers. blasen, to blow Imp. Ind. and Subj. bleiben, to remain blies, bliese do. blasen, to blow bog, böge do. biegen, to bend borst, börste do. bersten, to burst bot, böte do. bieten, to offer brechen, to break brachte, bract te do. bringen, to bring brannte Imp. Ind. brennen, to burn brätst, brät Pres. Ind. 2d and 3d pers. braten, to roast erwogen Past Part. do. fährst, fährt fällst, fällt fand, fände fängst, fängt fichtst, ficht fiel, ficle fing, finge flichtst, flicht flocht, flöchte flog, flöge floh, flöhe floß, flosse focht, föchte fraß, fräße fror, fröre Pres. Ind. 2d and 3d pers. fahren, to drive (in a do. Imp. Ind. and Subj. carriage) fallen, to fall finden, to find Pres. Ind. 2d and 3d pers. fangen, to catch do. Pres. Ind. 2d and 3d pers. flechten, to braid Imp. Ind. and Subj. do. do. fliegen, to fly do. flichen, to flee do. fließen, to flow do. fechten, to fight do. fressen, to eat (of animals do. frieren, to freeze Imperative fressen, to eat frijsest, frißt Pres. Ind. 2d and 3d pers. do. Imp. Ind. and Subj. fahren, to drive (in a friß fuhr, führe carriage) do. geben, to give do. gelten, to be worth gab, gäbe galt, gälte |