
17 FASTI SOCIETATIS JESU, res et personas memorabiles ejusdem 1753. societatis per singulos anni dies repræsantantes. Operâ et

studio R. P. Joannes Drews. .


Small 8vo. 4 vols.


1 THE JOURNAL OF MAJOR GEORGE WASHINGTON: sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie, esq; H. M.'s lieut. gov. and commander in chief of Virginia, to the commandant of the French forces on Ohio. To which are added, the governor's letter, and a translation of the French officer's answer. With a new map of the country as far as the Mississippi. London. 8vo. pp. 32 and map.

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First printed at Williamsburg, Virginia, in the same year. Prefixed is the following. ADVERTISEMENT. As it was thought advisable by his Honour the Governor to have the following account of my proceedings to and from the French on Ohio committed to print, I think I can do no less than apologize, in some measure, for the numberless imperfections of it. There intervened but one day between my arrival in Williamsburg and the time for the Council's meeting, for me to prepare and transcribe, from the rough minutes 1 had taken in my travels, this Journal; the writing of which only was sufficient to employ me closely the whole time, consequently admitted of no leisure to consult of a new and proper form to offer it in, or to correct and amend the diction of the old : neither was I apprized, nor did in the least conceive, when I wrote this for his Honour's perusal, that it ever would be published, or even have more than a cursory reading; till I was informed, at the meeting of the present general Assembly, that it was already in the press. There is nothing can recommend it to the public but this: those things which came under the notice of my own observation, I have been explicit and just in a recital of; those which I have gathered from report, I have been particularly cautious not to augment, but collected the opinions of the several intelligencers, and selected from the whole the most probable and consistent account. G. WASHINGTON. 2 SOME ACCOUNT of the North American Indians; their genius, characters, customs, and dispositions towards the French and English nations. To which are added, Indian miscellanies, viz. 1. The speech of a Creek Indian against the immoderate use of spirituous liquors, &c. 2. A letter from Yariza, an Indian maid, of the royal line of the Mohawks, to the principal ladies of New York. 3. Indian songs of peace. 4. An


American fable. Collected by a learned and ingenious gentleman in the province of Pensylvania.



"The same book appears to have been published with a somewhat different title, viz. The speech of a Creek Indian against the immoderate use of spirituous liquors," &c. M. R. x. p. 285.

3 *A MEMORIAL of the case of the German emigrants settled in the British colonies of Pennsylvania, and in the back parts of Maryland, Virginia, &c. London.


Col. Aspinwall and British Museum.

4 *THE CONDUCT of the French with regard to Nova Scotia, from its first settlement to the present time. In which are exposed, the falsehood and absurdity of their arguments to elude the treaty of Utrecht, and support their unjust proceedings. In a letter to a Member of Parliament. London.


"Our author has given a regular, and as it appears to us an authentic,
account of the several proprietors of these countries, from their first settle-
ment by Europeans, as well as of the treaties that have been concluded
relative thereto. Both the quantity and quality prove its coming from
the hand of no common catchpenny writer." M. R. xi. p. 472.

5 SERIOUS CONSIDERATIONS on the present state of the affairs in
the northern colonies. By Archibald Kennedy, esq.
tinction at the court of Petersburgh. Containing his remarks
on Mr. de l'Isle's chart and memoir, relative to the new
discoveries northward and eastward from Kampschatka.
Together with some observations on that letter. By Arthur
Dobbs, esq. governor of North Carolina. To which is
added, Mr. de l'Isle's explanatory memoir on his chart,
published at Paris, and now translated from the original.

8vo. pp. 83.

"This pamphlet relates chiefly to the attempts that have been so worthily made by Mr. Dobbs and other gentlemen, associated for the patriot purpose of discovering a N. W. passage to the South Seas." Monthly Review, x. p. 320.


7 THE NATURAL HISTORY of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama 1754. Islands, with figures coloured after the life. By Mark Catesby.

The second edition.


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8 DE MODO PROBABILIORI, quo primæ in Americam Septentrionalem immigrationes sunt factæ. Ottonis Christi. de Lohen



Meusel, iii. 2. p. 92.


9 ARTE DE LA LENGUA MEXICANA, dispuesto por D. Joseph Augustin de Aldáma y Guevára, presbytero de el Arzobispado de Mexico.

Small 8vo.


10 ARTE Y VOCABULARIO DE LA LENGUA QUICHA, general de los Indios de el Peru. Que compuso el Padre Diego de Torres Rubio de la Compania de Jesus, y añadio el P. Juan de Figueredo de la misma Compañia. Ahora nuevamente aumentado, &c. por un Religioso, &c.

Small 8vo.


11 HISTORIA DE LA COMPANIA DE JESUS de la provincia del Escrita el Padre Pedro Lozano de la misma por



Folio, 2 vols.


The second volume has the date of 1755. The author was many years a
missionary in Paraguay. He published in 1733 an interesting account of
the Great Chaco, in the interior of South America. The present work,
which appears to be very little known, contains the history of the acts of
the Jesuits in Paraguay, and, notwithstanding a large portion of "
cal chaff," is an important addition to the history of that country. These
two volumes appear to be only a part of what the work was intended to
be. Funes, in his Historia Civil del Paraguay (1816), speaks highly of
Father Lozano, and mentions a civil history of the same country being
extant in manuscript by him. He says that his esprit de corps sometimes
causes him to fall into illusions, and that his style is redundant and
heavy; but that, in other respects, no writer is more diligent, more exact,
and more sincere.

12 CONSTITUCIONES SYNODALES del Arçobispado de los Reyes en
Hechas ordenadas por el Ill.

el Peru.


Rev. S. D.

Bartholomé Lobo Guerrero, y publicadas en la Synodo Dio-
cesana del año de 1613.
En los Reyes (Lima.)



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First printed in Lima in 1614. This volume contains also a reprint of the Synod of 1636; and various edicts of the Archbishop of Lima, issued in the same year in which the volume was printed.

13 AMERICANISCHES ACKERWERK GOTTES: oder zuverlässige nachrichten den zustand der Americanisch, Englischen, und von Salzburgischen Emigranten erbauten Pflantzstadt Ebenezer in Georgien betreffend aus dorther eingeschickten glaubwurdigen Diarien genommen, und mit Briefen der dasigen herren Prediger noch weiter bestattiget. Herausgegeben von Samuel Urlsperger. Augsburg.

Small 4to. Vol. 1.

The second volume of this work, which is a continuation of the Ausführliche Nachrichten, 1735, was published in 1755; the third, in 1756, with a supplement in 1760. A fourth volume, apparently unknown to Meusel, was published by Johann August Urlsperger in 1767. The honest Saltzburgers, who formed the settlement of Ebenezer, on the Savannah river, appear to have been as industrious with their pens as with their ploughs: the printed books relating to their little colony would form a small library.


1 THE PRESENT STATE of North America. Part I.


"This first part contains only three chapters, of eight, which, we are told,
the whole of this performance is intended to consist of: in these we find
very little but what has been retailed before, either in the magazines
or newspapers." M. R. xii. p. 484. Taken principally from Dumont's
Histoire et Commerce des Colonies Angloises dans l'Amerique Septen-
trionale, printed in the same year. Gent.'s Mag. xxv. p. 238.

2 A CONCISE DESCRIPTION of the English and French possessions
in North America, for the better explaining of the map pub-
lished with that title. By J. Palairet, agent of their High
Mightinesses the States-general of the United Provinces.
8vo. pp. 72.

Printed at the same time in French.


3 STATE OF THE BRITISH AND FRENCH COLONIES in North America, with respect to number of people, forces, forts, Indians, trade, and other advantages. In which are considered:

1. The defenceless condition of our plantations, and to what 1755.
causes owing. 2. Pernicious tendency of the French encroach-
ments, and the fittest methods of frustrating them. 3. What
it was that occasioned their present invasion, and the claims
on which they ground their proceedings. With a proper ex-

pedient proposed for preventing future disputes. In two
letters to a friend.


"The defenceless condition of our plantations is by this author ascribed to a disunion among our colonies in North America, an abuse of power in former governors, and the defection of our Indian allies; which last he imputes to our ill treatment, of those allies. The second letter is intended to give a general view of the British colonies, and the number of inhabitants, which, our author thinks, ought to be placed at about 900,000. We must remark that this gentleman does not pretend to any personal knowledge of the countries he treats of, nor have we any assurance of the authenticity of his relations or computations: however, 'tis certain he has made some very pertinent reflections.” M. R. xii. p. 483. 4 OBSERVATIONS on the late and present conduct of the French, with regard to their encroachments upon the British colonies in North America: together with remarks on the importance of those colonies to Great Britain. By William Clarke, M.D. of Boston, in New England. To which is added, wrote by another hand, observations concerning the increase of mankind, peopling of countries, &c. London.


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This pamphlet, which was first printed at Boston, is commended in the
Monthly Review, vol. xiii. p. 400.

right to all that part of the American continent claimed by
France fully asserted: wherein it appears that the honour
and interest of Great Britain are equally concerned, from the
conduct of the French for more than a century past, to vindi-
cate her rights, &c.


"The author's zeal for his country is expressed in furious declamation against its enemies, and in these declamations his merit, as a writer, seems chiefly to consist." M. R. xiii. p. 508.

6 Two LETTERS to a friend on the present critical conjuncture of affairs in North America.


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