
Pernetty, abbé, &c. et bibliothécaire de S. M. le Roy de 1769.


8vo. 2 vols.

Published in English in 1771.

29 DISSERTATION sur l'Amerique et les Americains contre les recherches philosophiques de Mr. de P. Par Dom. Ant. Jos. Pernetty. Small 8vo. Berlin.

This answer to De Pauw's Recherches philosophiques produced in 1770 his Defense, &c. to which Dom Pernetty replied, in 2 vols. in 1771. 30 RELATION HISTORIQUE de l'expedition contre les Indiens de l'Ohio en 1764, &c. Traduit de l'Anglois par C. G. F. Dumas. 8vo. Amsterdam.

A translation of Hutchins's account of Col. Bouquet's expedition, printed
in 1766.

31* VOYAGES ET AVANTURES du Chevalier de *** contenant les
voyages de l'auteur dans les Isles Antilles Françoises du Vent
de l'Amerique Septentionale, et compris les Isles Caraibes
de St. Vincent, Sainte Lucie et la Dominique, et dans
celle de S. Thomas, appartenant aux Danois.
12mo. 4 vols.

Meusel 3, 1, 331.

Londres (Paris?)

32* DESCRIPTION GEOGRAPHIQUE, politique et historique du royaume de Paraguay, fondé par les Jesuites, imprimes à terræ et traduite en François par Mr. Pingeron, Capitaine d'Artillerie au service de Pologne.



Meusel, 3, 2, 37.



PHYSIQUE, de la colonie de Surinam, contenant ce qu'il y a de
plus curieux et de plus remarquable, touchant sa situation,
ses rivieres, ses fortresses; son gouvernement et sa police;
avec les mœurs et les usages des habitans naturels du pays,
et des Europééns qui y sont établis; ainsi que des eclaircisse-
ments sur l'œconomie générale des Esclaves Negres, sur les
plantations et leurs produits, les arbres fruitiers, les plantes
médécinales, et toutes les diverses espéces d'animaux qu'on
y trouve, &c.
Enrichie de figures, et d'une carte topogra-
Par Philippe Fermin, docteur en medicine.

phique du pays.

8vo. 2 vols.


One of the best works hitherto published relating to the colonies. The same author published, in 1778, a Tableau Historique, &c. which serves as a ipplement to the present work, of which it corrects several errors and nistakes.

34 RELACION DEL VIAGE que por orden de S. M. y acuerdo del Real Consejo de Indias, hicieron los Capitanes Bartholomé Garciade Nodal y Gonzalo de Nodal, Hermanos, naturales de Pontevedra, al descubrimiento del estrecho nuevo de San Vicente, que hoy es nombrado de Mayre y reconocimiento de el de Magallanes. Reimpresso de orden del Ser. D. Joachin Manuel de Villena, &c. Lleva añadido las derrotas de la America occidental de unos puertos à otros, que diò á luz el Teniente de Navio D. Manuel de Echavelar. Cadiz.

[blocks in formation]

A reprint of the original edition of 1621. It is without a date on the title, but the map has the present year upon it. Copies of the original edition have been sold for 301.

35 VIAGE DEL COMMANDANTE BYRON al rededor del Mundo, hecho ultimamente de orden del Almirantazgo de Inglaterra. En el qual se da noticia de varios payses, de las costumbres de sus habitantes, de las plantas y animales estraños que se crian en ellos; juntamente con una descripcion muy circumstanciada del Estrecho de Magallanes y de cierta Nacion de Gigantes. Llamados Patagones, con una lamina fina que los representa, &c. Traducido del Ingles e ilustrado con notas sobre muchos puntos de geographia, de physica, de botanica, de historia natural, de comercio, &c. y con un nuevo mapa del Estrecho. Por el Dr. D. Casimiro de Ortega. Madrid.

Quarto, pp. 245, and map.

A translation of the account of Byron's voyage, published by one of the officers of the Dolphin, in 1767. To the second edition, printed in this same year, was added the following:

36 RESUMEN HISTORICO del primer viage hecho al rededor del mundo, emprendido por Hernando de Magallanes y Llevado felizmente à termino por el famoso capitan Español Juan Sebastian del Cano, Natural de Guetaria en Guipuzcoa. Su autor D. Casimiro de Ortega.

Quarto, pp. 55.


37 VANDO Sobre limpieza de las calles de Mexico, &c. fecha en 1769. Mexico à 26 de Octre. de 1769.

Quarto, pp. 18.


38 CONCILIOS PROVINCIALES, primero y segundo celebradas en Mexico, presidiendo el Illmo y Rmo S. D. Fr. Alonso de Montubar. En los años de 1555 y 1565. Dalos à luz El Illmo. S. D. Francisco Antonio Lorenzana, Arzobispo de esta Santa metropolitana Iglesia. Mexico.

Folio, pp. 396.

The first Council was originally printed in 1556 at Mexico, by Juan Pablos
Lombardo. Besides the two councils, the volume contains an account of
the prelates of the Mexican church, occupying about one half of the work.
The third Mexican council was printed the following year.

39 GESCHICHTE VON PARAGUAY. Aus Spanischen handschriften
übersetzt, nebst dem criminal-procesz wider die Jesuiten in
Spanien. Von Juan de Escandon, und Bernhard Nusdorfer,
der Gesellschaft Jesu Mitglieder.


Meusel, 3, 2, 37.

40* PHYSICALISCHE UNTERSUCHUNG ob auch Patagonische Riesen möglich, un die Erzählungenda von wahr sind. Von J. C. E. S.



Meusel, iii., 2, 45. The author's name was Jo. Christ. Eric. Springer.


1 AN HISTORICAL COLLECTION of the several voyages and disco-
veries in the South Pacific Ocean. Vol. 1.

literal translation from the Spanish writers.
Dalrymple, esq.

Quarto, 2 vols.

Being chiefly a

By Alexander

The second volume, containing the Dutch voyages, was published in 1771. A chronological table, and a vocabulary, should be found in the second volume, but are frequently wanting. The maps and plates should be collated by the list, at page viii. of the preface. Besides the fifteen there mentioned, there is one of the teepye lobster, &c. at page 5. Dalrymple published a thin volume of voyages to the Southern hemisphere, in 1775.

2 A GENERAL HISTORY of the British Empire in America.




cluding all the countries in North America and the West Indies, ceded by the peace of Paris. By Mr. Wynne. 8vo. 2 vols. London. Several parts of these volumes are collected from the accounts given by other writers; and there is an appearance of negligence on the part of the author, in some places, where a reference is made to facts, probably in the original work, but which are here omitted. "In those remarks, which are delivered as the author's own, he generally appears as a man of abilities, of knowledge of the world, of humanity, and of candour; we were therefore sorry for the contemptuous manner in which he sometimes ridicules the first settlers in New England, though he admits the injustice with which they had been treated." M. R.

3 TRAVELS INTO NORTH AMERICA: containing its natural history, and a circumstancial account of its plantations and agriculture in general, with the civil, ecclesiastical, and commercial state of the country, the manners of the inhabitants, and several curious and important remarks on various subjects. By Peter Kalm. Translated into English, by John Reinhold Forster, F.A.S. Enriched with a map, several cuts for the illustration of natural history, and some additional notes. Warrington.

8vo. 3 vols.

First published in Swedish, in 1753. A valuable work, so far as regards the natural history, geography, and state of the country at the time it was visited by the author. His name has been immortalized by Linnæus, in the beautiful genus KALMIA, several species of which are so common throughout the United States. A second edition of this translation, in two volumes, was published in the following year.

4 THE PRESENT STATE of the European settlements on the Missisippi; with a geographical description of that river. Illustrated by plans and draughts. By Captain Philip Pittman. Quarto, pp. viii. 100, 8 maps and plans.


"The author resided several years in the countries he describes, and was employed in surveying and exploring their interior parts, and was acquainted with many of the more intelligent of their inhabitants, consequently he has been enabled to exhibit an account of them, which is accurate and worthy of attention." M.R.

5 A SHORT DESCRIPTION of the province of South Carolina, with an account of the air, weather, and diseases at Charlestown. Written in the year 1763.


"In this short and entertaining description of South Carolina, we have an 1770. account of the situation, soil, and some of the natural productions; the air and weather; the inhabitants and their food; the towns and garrisons; the diseases; and the Indian tribes which border on South Carolina: the last chapter contains a description of the cultivation and manufacture of indigo." M.R.

6 THE MOHEAGAN INDIANS, against the governor and company of Connecticut and others. The case of the respondents, the landholders.

Folio, pp. 35 and 15.

Apparently printed only for the use of the parties concerned; copies, consequently, are of great rarity.

7 A CONCISE HISTORICAL VIEW of the difficulties, hardships, and perils, which attended the planting and progressive improvement of New England. With a particular account of its long and destructive wars, expensive expeditions, &c. By Amos Adams, A.M., Pastor of the first church at Roxburg. London. pp. 68.


Printed at Boston in the preceding year.

8 SOME ACCOUNT OF THE BRITISH DOMINIONS beyond the Atlantic: containing chiefly what is most interesting and least known, with respect to those parts; particularly, the important question about the North-West passage is satisfactorily discussed with a large map; in which the said supposed passage, and all the Arctic regions, are more fully delineated than ever before. By William Doyle, LL. B. London.


"This author proposes a new scheme of geography, calling South America Atlantis; North America, Sebastia; and classes the American colonies under the names of Neanglia, Jacobea, and Mesia or Midensia." M. R. 42. 9 A REVIEW OF THE MILITARY OPERATIONS in North America, from the commencement of the French hostilities on the frontiers of Virginia, in 1753, to the surrender of Oswego, on the 14th of August, 1756. Interspersed with various observations, characters, and anecdotes, necessary to give light into the conduct of American transactions in general; and more especially into the political management of affairs in

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