BABYLONIA, &c.-HISTORY & GENERAL LITERATURE-Continued. Gröber (Karl)-Palästina, Arabien, u. Mesopotamien, Baukunst, Landschaft, Volksleben, Abb. in Kupfertiefdruck. Pp. 16. Text u. 304 Abb. Bn. Jerusalem Portfolio containing 12 photo-etchings of the Old City, after the photograph studies of J. Benor-Kalter. Published in three separate editions-English, Hebrew, and Arabic. The portfolio is bound in Jerusalem canvas, 11 in. x 15 in.; in the Edition de Luxe the pictures are mounted on hand-made paper, and are signed by the artist. Price of portfolio 13s. 6d. Edition de Luxe 1 11s. 6d. Karls des Grossen Reise nach Jerusalem u. Constantinople. Ein altfranz Heldengedicht hrsg. von weil Dr. E. Koschwitz, 7. unveränd. Abdr. d. 5. Ausg bes. von weil. Dr. Gustav Thurau. 8vo., pp. XXL. 130. Lg. (hs. verb., 1925). Luke (Harry Charles)-Mosul and its Minorities, with illustrations. 8vo. cloth, pp. IX. 161. L., 1925. 10s. 6d. Meyer (Eduard)—Die ältere Chronologie Babyloniens, Assyriens und Agyptens. Nachtrag zum ersten Bande der Geschichte des Altertums. Bn., 1925. 8s. 6d. Sayce (Professor A. H.)-The races of the Old Testament, revised edition, illustrated. 12mo. cloth, pp. XIII. 256. L., 1925. 3s. 6d. Sayce (Professor A. H.)--A Primer of Assyriology. Revised edition, illustrated. 12mo. cloth, pp. 126. L., 1925. 2s. 6d. Syria. Report on trade, industry and finance. May, 1925. L., 1925. IS. Wardle (W. Lansdell)-Israel and Babylon (the Twenty-fifth Hartley Lecture). 2nd edition. Cr. Svo., pp. 359. L., 1925. 5s. Weisl (Wolfgang)—Der Kampf um das Heilige Land, Palästina von heute. Mit 44 Abb (Taf.) u. 4 (eingedr). Kt. 8vo., pp. 312. Bn., 1925. 8s. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Bloch (Jos.)-Rabbin, Mon premier livre d'hebreu. Eléments de lecture, de grammaire et de traduction hébraïques. Mit Abb. 8vo. pp. 68. Frankfurt, 1925. 3s. 6d. Cuneiform Texts from Cappadocian Tablets in the British Museum– Part III. By Sidney Smith, M.A. (50 plates). 8vo. half-bound boards. L., 1925. 15s. Fleg (Edmond)—The Jewish Anthology, tr. by Maurice Samuel. 8vo., pp. 406. N.Y. 1925. $3 50. Grimme (Prof.)—Althebräische Inschriften vom Sinai. Quartband mit 24 Bildtaf. u. zahlreichen Text abb. Hannover, 1925. 13s. 6d. Jeremias (Alfred, Dr.)-Babylonische Dichtungen, Epen und Legenden (Der alte Orient, Bd. 25 H. I). Svo., pp. 32. Lg., 1925. Is. 6d. Meissner (Bruno)-Studien zur assyrischen Lexikographie. Svo. 56z. T. autogr. Lg., 1925. 6s. BABYLONIA, &C.-LANGUAGE & LITERATURE-continued. Rodriguez (P. S. M.)-Gramatica Hebrea, con Antologia, versificación, gramatica de arameo-biblico y primer vocabulario hebreoespañol y arameo-biblico-español. 8vo., pp. 300. Price £1. Sayce (Professor A. H.) The Hittites, the story of a forgotten Empire. Revised and enlarged edition, with 12 illustrations. 12mo. cloth, pp. VII. 240. L., 1925. 3s. 6d. Speleers (Louis) Recueil des Inscriptions de l'Asie Anterieure des Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire à Bruxelles. Textes sumér iens, babyloniens, et assyriens. 4to. sewn, pp. 135. Bruxelles, 1925. IOS. Ungnad Babylonisch-assyrische Grammatik. 2 Aufl. München, 1925. IIS. 6d. Völter (Prof. Dr. Daniel)-Die althebräischen Inschriften vom Sinai und ihre historische Bedeutung. Cr. 8vo., pp. 56. Lg., 1924. 2s. 6d. Waldstein (Dr. A. S.)--Modern Hebrkew-English Dictionary. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 12mo. cloth, pp. 610. Jerusalem, 1925. I2S. the same. English-Hebrew. 12mo. cloth, pp. 472. Jerusalem, 1925. 7s. 6d. RELIGION. Babylonische Talmud (Der)—Ubers. u. kurz erl. von Dr. Rivard Schlögl. Lfg. 5. Svo., pp. 385-476. IV. Wien, 1925. 3s. Johnston (Allen W.)-The Bible and the Jews. Intro. by David James Burrell, D.D. 12mo., pp. 181. N.Y., 1925. $1 50. Karke (Dr. Paul)-Rephaim. Die vorgeschichtliche Kultur Palästinas u. Phöniziens. Archäologische u. religions geschichtliche Studien (Collectanea hierosolymitana I.). Zweite, unveränderte Aufl. 67 Abbild. u. e. Karte. 8vo., pp. XV. u. 755. Paderborn, 1925. £1 135. Mit Kittel (Dr. Rudolf)-The religion of the people of Israel, tr. by R. Caryl Micklem. 12mo., pp. 229 (bibl. footnotes). N.Y., 1925. $1.75. Mielziner (M., D.D.)-Introduction to the Talmud. 3rd edition. 12m0., pp. 409 (bibl. footnotes). N. Y., 1925. $3. BUDDHISM. Asiens (Die Leuchte)-Gautama Buddhas Kampf um Liebe u. Entsa- gung. 3S. Mit 23 Bn., 1925. 8s. Consten (H.) Der Kampf um Buddhas Thron. Walleser (Max)-Nochmals das Edikt von Bhabra, eine Erwiderung von Max Walleser (Materialien zur Kunde des Buddhismus, Heft 9). 8vo. sewn, pp. 23. Heidelberg, 1925. 2s. 3d. BUDDHISM-continued. Woodward (F. L.)-Some sayings of Buddha, according to the Pâli Canon. Translated by F. L. Woodward, M.A. pp. X. 356. L., 1925. 5s. CHINA, JAPAN, AND THE FAR EAST. ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY. 12mo. cloth, Allen (B. S.) Chinese Theatres handbook, with five illustrations. 8vo. sewn, pp. 56. Tientsin, 1925. 6s. 6d. Black (Davidson)—The human skeletal remains from the Sha-KuoT'un cave deposit, in comparison with those from Yang-Shao Tsun, and with recent North China skeletal material, plates I-XIV. and 86 tables. (Geological Survey of China, Palaeontologia Sinica, Series D, Vol. I., fasc. 3). 4to. sewn. Peking, 1925. £I 5s. Boerschmann (Ernst)--Chinesische Architektur, mit 340 tafeln in lichtdruck, 270 tafeln mit 391 bildern nach photographischen vorlagen und 70 tafeln nach eichnungen, 6 farbentafeln und 160 seiten text, mit 39 abbildungen. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Bn., 1925. £8. Kats (J.) Djaja Semadi and Sri Soewela, two Javanese plays presented under the auspices of the Sultan of Jogjakarta, on September 3rd to 5th, 1923. Text in English, with 30 plates. 8vo. sewn, pp. 37. Weltevreden. 3s. 6d. Kats (J.) Het Ramayana op Javaansche Tempel reliefs, English and Dutch text, with 17 pages of plates. 4to. sewn, pp. 20. Weltevreden. 7s. 6d. Kincaid (Zoë)-Kabuki; the popular stage of Japan, with numerous illustrations. Roy. 8vo. cloth, pp. XVI. 385. L., 1925. £2 2s. Kunst (J.) en C. J. A. Kunst v. Wely-Studien over Javaansche en andere Indonesische Muziek. Deel I. De Toonkunst van Bali. Uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. With tables, plates, and map. Med. 8vo. sewn. Weltevreden, 1925. IOS. 6d. Kurth (Julius)-Die Geschichte des Japanischen Holzschnitts. Bd. I. Von den Anfängen bis Harunobu. Mit 66 Textabbildungen und 29 tafeln, davon 17 farbig. 4to. cloth, pp. VIII. 444. Lg., 1925. £4. Mansuy (H.)-Contribution à l'étude de la préhistoire de l'Indochine. V. Nouvelles découvertes dans les cavernes du massif calcaire de Bac-Son (Tonkin) illustrée de 25 planches. (Memoires du Service Géologique de l'Indochine. Vol. XII., Fasc. 1.) Folio, sewn. Hanoi, 1925. £1. Pelliot (Paul)-Mission Pelliot en Asie Centrale. Série in-quarto. I. Les Grottes de Touen-Houang. Peintures et sculptures bouddhiques des époques des Wei, des T'ang et des Song. 6 fasc. in fol. 1920-21-24. P. Perzynski (Friedrich)-Japanische Masken, No und Kyogen. Zwei Bände. Band I. mit 122 ganzseitigen, zum Teil farbigen Abbildungen. Band II. mit zahlreichen Typenbildern und einer Stammtafel. 4to. cloth, pp. XII. 426, VI. 235. Bn., 1925. £4 4s. CHINA & JAPAN, &c.—Art & ARCHEOLOGY-contnued. Publicaties van den Oudheidkundigen Dienst in Nederlandsch-Indie 1. F. D. K. Bosch, Tjandi Kidal.-J. P. Vogel, The Earl Sanskrit Inscriptions of Java.-P. V. van Stein Callenfels, De Mintaraga-Basreliefs aan de Oud-Javaansche bouwwerken. 60 plates. Imp. 4to. boards, pp. 53. Batavia, 1925. 16s. Riviere (Henri), and others, Eds.-Documents d'art chinois de la collection Osvald Siren. Pref. de R. Koechlin. Col. frontis., 60 4to. swd. L., 1925. £2. plates. 4to. swd. Roerich (George)-Tibetan Paintings, with 17 plates and frontispiece in colour. 4to. cloth, pp. 95. P., 1925. 15S. Siren (0.) The Imperial Palaces of Peking, containing 274 plates in collotype after photographs by the author, 12 architectural drawings and 2 maps. With a short historical account by Osvald ✓ Siren. In 3 vols. Royal quarto. Subscription price £6 6s, net for the whole work in three volumes, in blue cloth binding with gold lettering. The price of the copies remaining after the publication of the first volume will be raised to £8 8s. Strange (Lieut.-Col. E. F.)-Chinese Lacquer. Illustrated with about 60 plates, of which 16 are in colour. Demy 4to. Art canvas gilt. L., 1925. £6 6s. Edition limited to 500 copies. To be had also in Edition de Luxe, limited to 100 numbered copies, printed on hand-made paper, bound in pigskin. Price £10 10s. Van der Kop (G. G.)—The "Wayang Wong," or "Wayang-Orang,' a short essay on the Javanese Theatre, with 6 reproductions of Javanese Actors and Scenes (reprint from Sluyter's Monthly). 4to. sewn, pp. 8. Weltevreden. 2S. Victoria and Albert Catalogue 3s. (Inro), 6s. 6d. Museum-Woodwork, Dept. of. Chinese lacquer. Voretzsch (E. A., Dr.)-Altchinesische Bronzen. 169 abbild u. e. landkarte. Pp. XXIV. u. 335. Bn., 1925. HISTORY AND GENERAL LITERATURE. Bn., Amann (G.)-Im Spiegel Chinas. Vom Zusammenstoss unserer westl. mit asiat. Kultur u. Bolschewismus. 8vo., pp. V. 198. 1925. 78. Averill (Mary)—Japanese flower arrangement applied to Western needs. 4th ed. 4th ed. Roy. 8vo. Roy. 8vo. L., 1925. IOS. 6d. Ayscough (Florence)-A Chinese Mirror, being reflections of the reality behind appearance. With drawings by Lucille Douglass, and map. 8vo. cloth, pp. 464. L., 1925. £1 IS. Baylin (J. R.)-Foreign Loan obligations of China. A compendium of such secured external loan obligations of China as are provided with regular amortization tables. Compiled and edited by J. R. Baylin (Banque de l'Indo-Chine). 4to. boards, pp. VIII. 96. Tientsin, 1925. 12S. CHINA, JAPAN, &C.-HISTORY & GENERAL LITERATURE-continued. Bell (Charles, Sir)-Tibet einst und jetzt. Mit 91 bunten u. einfbn. Abb. u. einer Karte. Pp. 324. Lg., 1925. Bird (W. D., Major-Gen. Sir)-An account of the battle of Liao-Yang. With questions and 10 maps for examination purposes. 8vo., pp 74, swd. L., 1925. 3s. 6d. Caldwell (Harry R.)-Blue Tiger. Strange adventures of a Missionary in China, with introduction by Roy C. Andrews, with 40 illustrations. 8vo. cloth, pp. XIV. 242. L., 1925. 15S. Candee (H. Churchill)-Angkor the magnificent, the wonder city of Ancient Cambodia, with 79 illustrations from photographs, and a map. 8vo. cloth, pp. XX. 393. L., 1925. Carpenter (F. G.)-Japan and Korea. Il. maps (Carpenter's world travels). 8vo., pp. 324. N.Y., 1925. $4. I. Carpenter (Frank G.)-China. Il. maps (Carpenter's world travels). 8vo., pp. 324. N.Y., 1925. $4. China-List of treaties, etc., between Great Britain and China, 18421922, including international treaties, etc. L., 1925. 2S. Chinese History-Periods of Chinese History. A chart showing the main outlines from 2800 B.C. to 1900 A.D. Prepared by Prof. Thomas F. Carter, of Columbia University. Size 30in. x 60in. In two styles, rolled on stick as wall map. Price 12s. 6d., or folded to 72in. x 10ĝin., in a manila container. Price 8s. 6d. N.Y., 1925. With 55 Christie (Ella R.)-Through Kiva to Golden Samarkand, the remarkable story of a woman's adventurous journey alone through the deserts of Central Asia to the heart o Turkestan. illustrations and a map. Roy. 8vo. cloth, pp. 280. L., 1925. £1 5s. Fox (Charles James)—China's fight for Tariff autonomy at the Washington Conference. 12mo. sewn, pp. 81. Tientsin, 1925. 3s. Franck (Harry A.)--Roving through Southern China. Map. il. 8vo., pp. 670. N.Y., 1925. $5. Franke (Otto)--Der Ursprung der chinesischen Geschichtschreibung In Komm. 4to., pp. 276-309. Bn., 1925. 2S. Geological (General) Map of China, scale 1: 1,000,000. Peking-Tsinan sheet in cardboard roll, surveyed by the Geological Survey of China. Price 6s. 6d. With explanatory volume by H. C. T'an, containing charts and text in Chinese and English, small 4to. sewn. Si., 1924. 4s. Graf Pfaff (Oscar u. Cäcilie)-Japanisches Gespensterbuch. Hrsg. 142 teils mehrfarb. Taf. nach japan. Malereien u. Holzschn. Text von Cäcilie Graf-Pfaff. 1 Abb. 142 Tag. mit 1 Bl. Erkl. 4to., pp. XII. 63. Stuttgart, 1925. £12 12s. Graybill (Henry Blair)-Modern China, with selections from My Country," by Grace A. Turkington. Il. maps. 12mo., pp. 360 bds. Bo., 1925. $1. |