
1. 15. perriwig, see note, p. 7, 1. 24.

1. 16. bag, the bag-wig was fashionable in the eighteenth century, its back-hair being enclosed in an ornamental bag. smart part, fashionably dressed portion.

1. 34. seeing only ... part, the hat and upper part of the habit and not its skirt.

P. 119, 1. 1. petticoat, the skirt of the habit.

1. 3. hermaphrodites, animals partaking of both sexes; Hermes representing the male principle and Aphrodite the female.

1. 7. Centaur, a fabulous animal with the head and upper parts of a man and the lower parts of a horse.

11. 7, 8. He would... prodigy, he would have demanded that sacrifices and cleansings by holy water should be offered to the gods to avert so terrible an omen.

1. 9. Portia or Lucretia, Roman matrons famous for their virtue, the former wife of Marcus Brutus, the latter of L. T. Collatinus.

1. 12. for, in favour of.

1. 14. to bring them off, to persuade them to give up.

1. 16. partition, distinction.

1. 22. amphibious dress, dress which partakes the fashion of that in use by men and that by women; literally 'living a double life,' i.e. both on land and water.

1. 24. Hyde Park, so called "from the manor of Hyde, which belonged to the Abbey of Westminster. Henry VIII. took the manor from Abbot Boston by a mock exchange in 1536, and enclosed the first park, in which the French ambassador hunted in 1550. In the time of Charles I. the park was thrown open to the public"... (Hare, Walks in Town, ii. 119).

1. 25. cocked her hat, saucily threw up her head.

1. 26. key, guide, solution.

1. 27. singular, odd, eccentric.

11. 30, 1. to set them right, to prevent their continuing in a mistaken notion.

P. 120, 1. 2. a commode, see note, p. 48, 1. 1; night-rail, a sort of veil or covering for the head, often worn by women at night sometimes used also of a loose robe thrown over the rest of the dress.

1. 9. Caligula, Roman Emperor, A.D. 37-41, infamous for his debauchery and cruelty.

1. 12. assurance, confidence in one's own merits.


1. 25. provided of, we should now say 'provided with.'

1. 27. infirmary, a hospital for the infirm.

P. 121, ll. 8, 9. retrieving... conversation, bringing back into general use, etc.

1. 14. one week... proceedings, a record of what happens among us during a single week.

11. 17, 8. our visitor, the 'Visitor' of a college, or similar institution, is the supreme authority to whom difficulties in its government are referred, and who is empowered to inquire into matters connected with the institution if at any time he thinks it necessary to do so.

1. 23. some recruits, some fresh supplies; now used only of fresh supplies of men; from.F. recruter, to levy troops.

1. 27. the mouth, the mouthpiece, the spokesman.

1. 28. impertinence, inaptness, unfitness; having convinced him that such behaviour was quite out of place. Cp. p. 17, 1. 19. 1. 29. made upon, we should now say 'put upon' or 'offered to.'

1. 34. boobies, stupid fellows; from Span. bobo, a blockhead, dolt.

P. 122, 1. 5. duly managed, properly husbanded, not spent all at once. lumpish, sullen, morose.

1. 6. connived at, winked at, allowed to continue in that frame of mind without any notice being taken of it.

1. 16. brought... dinner, put them into such good temper that they were all allowed to leave the infirmary and dine with the rest of the College.

11. 20, 1. what he did there then? what business he had to be present if he was not well? grew... words, resulted in a quarrelsome discussion, an exchange of angry words.

11. 26, 7. and placed... mentioned, sent to the infirmary as a punishment for foretelling bad weather.

1. 32. had slept upon it, had slept a night and had time for reflection before answering a letter that had so disturbed him. 1. 34. discovering, showing.

P. 123, ll. 5, 6. which some ... cat, this antipathy to a cat is in some persons so strong that they are at once aware of the presence of the animal before they have seen it.

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1. 12. of a modest elocution, modest in declaring his views: the man of heat, the passionate man.

1. 20. water gruel,


decoction of groats and water given to

1. 22. there passed... remarkable, scarcely anything happened worth noticing.

1. 31. an easterly wind, the dry character of which has upon some temperaments a most irritating effect.


P. 124, 1. 11. its independency on matter, its not being dependent on matter; its freedom from all restraint caused by the action of matter upon it.

1. 17. want, require, need.

1. 23. her machine, her bodily vehicle.

1. 24. her charge, that which she has in charge.

P. 125, ll. 1, 2. The slow of speech, those who find a difficulty in giving expression to their thoughts.

1. 4. pleasantries, jests, witticisms. repartees, pointed answers. 11. 4, 5. points of wit, witty and pointed remarks.

11. 13, 4. the Religio Medici, a treatise by Sir Thomas Browne, a celebrated physician, 1605-1682.

11. 17, 8. It is the litigation... reason, though the senses are bound up by sleep, the reason is free.

1. 20. ascendant, the degree of the zodiac which at any moment, especially at the birth of a child, is just rising above the eastern horizon. Scorpius, one of the twelve signs or constellations represented by animals; Scorpius (which is the Greek form, Scorpio being the Latin form) is the 'sign' of October, commonly a rainy


1. 21. the planetary ... Saturn, Saturn, if in the ascendant, being supposed to impart his morose, gloomy nature to the child

then born.

1. 22. leaden, dull.

1. 23. galliardize, gaiety; from galliard, a lively dance.

1. 25. apprehend, seize and enjoy.

11. 25, 6. the conceits, the fanciful ideas.

11. 29, 30. our abstracted understandings, our intelligence as abstracted, or separated, from all that has to do with our senses. 1. 33. departure, death.

1. 34. above themselves, with an elevation and sublimity they

did not possess while their bodily organs were in a more active state, while their senses clogged their souls.

P. 126, 1. 7. inflamed, roused to greater warmth.

1. 17. as consequentially, in as regular an order of circumstances.

1. 24. arise in her, come into her thoughts.

11. 28, 9. after the same manner... awake, in the same degree that it is sensible of being distinct from the body in her waking hours.

P. 127, l. 1. by the way, incidentally, as a passing remark.

11. 2, 3. of producing ..... company, of calling into existence companions to herself.

1. 5. of her own raising, called up by herself.

1. 8. Plutarch, the Greek biographer and philosopher who flourished in the first century of the present era. Heraclitus, of Ephesus, a Greek philosopher who flourished about B.C. 510.

1. 11. is conversant ..... nature, holds converse with, is concerned with, the natural world around him, a world in which all other human beings have their share.

1. 15. admired, wondered at.

1. 17. Tertullian, Q. Septimius Florens, the earliest of the Latin 'fathers,' or writers on Christianity, a native of Carthage, about A.D. 160-240.

1. 18. divining, foreseeing the future.

11. 26, 7. subordinate spirits, ministers of the Supreme Being. 11. 27, 8. the matter of fact, the actual fact.

1. 35. actuates, stirs to action, animates, gives impulse to: machine, the body; literally something contrived.

1. 36. The corporeal union, the union with the body.

P. 128, 1. 1. more play, greater freedom of action.

1. 2. spring, activity, liveliness.

1. 6. independence on the body, not being dependent on the body.

1. 18. pure, mere, without any foundation in truth.


1. 14. took, was welcomed, made a favourable impression upon he readers of The Spectator.

11. 15, 6. dear confounded creatures, loveable but perplexing creatures; confounded in this use is a colloquial euphemism for

'accursed,'' doomed to perdition,' formerly applied in a much stronger sense than at present.

1. 21. called Herodotus, i.e. a translation of the Greek historian, supposed by Will. Honeycomb to be an English work.

P. 129, 1. 3. culled out, chose out, picked out.

1. 4. the fair, the market held for their sale: picked, culled or stripped of the more beautiful specimens.

11. 6, 7. could not go ... beauty, could not afford to bid a sum that would purchase one of the more beautiful of the women. the agreeables, the more pleasant-natured of the women as opposed to those whose charms consisted in their beauty only.

1. 14. put off, got rid of by auction.

11. 18, 9. to take up with a fortune, to unite himself with one who had a large sum of money as her dowry.

1. 22. her portion, the money with which she had been endowed. 1. 27. carmen, drivers of cars or cabs. titles and garters, men of title and Knights of the Garter, the highest order of knighthood in England, and only conferred on the greatest and most distinguished men.

11. 29, 30. confoundedly afraid, terribly afraid; here again 'confounded' is used in much the same way as in the earlier part of the essay.

1. 34. the toasts and belles, a hendiadys for the beauties who are so often the subjects of toasts.' "The story of the origin of the present use of the word toasts is given in the Tatler, No. 24, June 4, 1709. 'Many wits of the last age will assert that the word, in its present sense, was known among them in their youth, and had its rise from an accident at the town of Bath, in the reign of King Charles the Second. It happened that, on a public day, a celebrated beauty of those times was in the Cross Bath, and one of the crowd of her admirers took a glass of the water in which the fair one stood, and drank her health to the company. There was in the place a gay fellow half fuddled who offered to jump in, and swore that though he liked not the liquor he would have the toast. He was opposed in his resolution; yet his whim gave foundation to the present honour which is done to the lady we mention in our liquors, who has ever since been called a toast.' Whether the story be true or not, it may be seen that a toast, i.e. a health, easily took its name from being the usual accompaniment to liquor, especially in loving-cups, etc." (Skeat, Ety. Dict.). P. 130, 1. 1. politics, politicians.

1. 2. the upper ... species, the higher ranks of society.

1. 12. chapmen, traders, bargainers; from O. E. céap, barter, business, and mann, man.

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