POPULATION. TABLE V. Education of the people-School attendance and educational status-concluded. 1 See note at page 5. 2 Not taken in 1871. 3 Not taken in 1871-81. 32,168 52,709 31,960 50,542 976 518 458 4 274 137 21,468 28,800 POPULATION AND REPRESENTATION. TABLE VI. Population of Canada in 1901, and representation in the House of Commons according to the districts of the Representation Acts 1903 and 1904. NOTE. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec, the original provinces of the Dominion, were given representation in Parliament as provided in the B.N.A. Act, 1867, 8. 37. British Columbia and Prince Edward Island were admitted 20 July, 1871, by an Imperial Order in Council of 16 May in the saine year. Chapter 3 of 33 V. provided that on, from and after a day the Queen should by Order in Council admit Rupert's Land and Northwest Territory into the Dominion, there should be formed out of the same a province to be called the province of Manitoba. The admission of Rupert's Land and Northwest Territory was made under an Imperial Order in Council of 23 June, 1870, to date 15 July of the same year. Manitoba was admitted under authority of chapter 3 of 33 V., 1870; but a doubt having arisen, the Imperial Parliament in 1871 passed an Act to make the Canadian Act valid and effectual. The Northwest Territories Representation Act, chapter 24 of 49 V. (assented to June, 1886), gave two members to Assiniboia, one member to Alberta and one to Saskatchewan. |