
ou discours sur cette question, proposée par l'Academie des 1784.
Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon: "La découverte de
l'Amérique a-t-elle été utile ou nuisible au genre humain?" &c.
Par M. Jh. M.

8vo. pp. 91.

31 APPEL à la justice de l'état, ou recueil de lettres où sont fidelement exposés les actes horribles de la violence arbitraire qui à regné dans la colonie durant les dernières troubles, et les sentimens du Canada sur le bill de Quebec, et sur la forme du gouvernement la plus propre à faire renaître la paix et le bonheur public. Par Pierre du Calvet. Londres.


Printed at the same time in English.

32 LETTRES d'un cultivateur Americain, écrites à W. S. Ecuyer, depuis l'année 1770, jusqu'à 1781. Traduites de l'Anglois,

par 8vo. 2 vols.


This translation of Hector St. John's Farmer's Letters (No. 3, 1782,) was
made by the author himself. The work is highly recommended in two
letters, by way of introduction, from M. de Lacretelle. Reprinted, with
additions, in 1787. Boucher de la Richarderie says that the author had
been so long unaccustomed to his native language that his translation
abounds with Anglicisms, "which," he
says, however, give greater
energy to his expressions."

33 Loix et CONSTITUTIONS des colonies Françoises de l'Amérique
sous le Vent, suivies (1) d'un tableau raisonnée des différentes
parties de l'administration actuelle de ces colonies;-(2)
d'observations générales sur le climat, la population, la cul-
ture, le caractère et les mœurs des habitans de la partie
Françoise de Saint-Domingue; -(3) d'une description
physique, politique et topographique des différens quartiers
de cette même partie, le tout terminé par l'histoire de cette
Isle et de ses dependances depuis leur découverte jusqu'à nos
jours. Par M. Moreau de Saint-Mery, Avocat au Parle-
ment, &c.
4to. 8 vols.


34 CONSIDERATIONS sur l'ordre de Cincinnatus, ou imitation d'un pamphlet Américain, par le Comte de Mirabeau. Suivies de plusieurs pièces relatives à cette institution; d'une lettre


signée du Général Washington, accompagnée de remarques par l'auteur François; d'une lettre de feu Monsieur Turgot, Ministre d'Etat en France, au Docteur Price, sur les Législations Américaines; et de la traduction d'un pamphlet au Docteur Price, intitulée Observations on the importance of the American Revolution, and the means of making it a benefit to the world; accompagnée de reflexions et de notes du Traducteur. Londres.

8vo. pp. 388.

See No. 13, of 1785.

35 RECUEIL D'ESTAMPES, representants les différents évènements de la guerre qui a procuré l'independance aux Etats Unis de l'Amérique



Sixteen plates, beautifully engraved by Ponce and Godefroy. They consist
of imaginary representations of some of the principal events of the
American war.

des Finances en Angleterre, depuis 1770 jusqu'en 1782, et de
la guerre de l'Amérique Septentrionale, jusqu'à la paix :
suivie du tableau historique des finances d'Angleterre, depuis
Guillaume III. jusqu'en 1784.
A Londres (Paris).

8vo. 2 vols.

The author of this work (M. Hilliard D'Auberteuil) says, that after having translated the View of the history of Great Britain during the Administration of Lord North (No. 11, of 1782), he thought that he might substitute in its place a less prolix and more complete history, preserving all that was useful, agreeable, and interesting in the English work; and adding an account of events which would comprise a complete account of the American war.

37 OBSERVATIONS sur le gouvernement et les loix des Etats Unis d'Amérique. Par M. l'Abbé de Mably. Amsterdam.


See No. 5.

38 HISTORIA de abiponibus equestri, bellicosaque Paraquarïæ natione locupletata copiosis barbararum gentium, urbium, fluminum, ferarum, amphibiorum, insectorum, serpentium præcipuorum, piscium, avium, arborum, plantarum, aliarumque ejusdem provinciæ, proprietatum observationibus, authore

Martino Dobrizhoffer, Presbytero, et per annos duo de viginti 1784.
Paraquariæ missionario.

8vo. 3 vols.


An English

Published about the same time in German by Professor Kreil.
translation, said to be by Southey, was published in 1822. The original
Latin edition is rare in England.

39 NORDAMERICA, nach den Friedent schlüssen vom Jahre, 1783.
Nebst 1. einem Vorbericht von America überhaupt; 2. einegen
Charten, und 3. einem hinlänglichen Register; von Joh.
Jacobi Moser.

8vo. 3 vols.

Meusel 3. 1. 321.


1 MEMOIRS of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, to the end of the year 1783. Vol. I.


Monthly Review, Nov. 1788.

Boston, N.A.

2 HISTORY of the war with America, France, Spain, and Holland; commencing in 1775, and ending in 1783. By John Andrews,


8vo. 4 vols. Portraits, maps, and charts.


Compiled chiefly from the newspapers, and the proceedings of the House of

3 THE HISTORY of the revolution of South Carolina from a British
province to an independent state. By David Ramsay, M.D.,
Member of the American Congress.
Trenton, N. J.

8vo. 2 vols.

A French translation was printed in 1787.

4 ARBUSTRUM AMERICANUM: the American Grove, or an alphabetical catalogue of forest trees and shrubs, natives of the American United States, arranged according to the Linnæan system, containing the particular distinguishing characters of each genus, with plain, simple, and familiar descriptions of the manner of growth, appearance, &c. of their several species and varieties also, some hints of their uses in medicine, dyes, and domestic economy. Compiled from actual know


ledge and observation, and the assistance of botanical authors, by Humphry Marshall. Philadelphia.

8vo. pp. 20, 174.

Published in French in 1788.

5 THE CRISIS of the colonies considered; with some observations
on the necessity of properly connecting their commercial
interest with Great Britain and America. Addressed to the
Duke of Richmond. With a letter to Lord Penrhyn, late
Chairman of the Committee of Planters and West India


The situation of the British sugar islands, in consequence of the late war, and the peace by which that war was terminated, is reviewed in this pamphlet. The author, Mr. John Williams, urges the necessity of preserving their commercial intercourse with America, and recommends that free ports should be established at Jamaica and Grenada.

6 LETTERS to a young planter; or observations on the management of a sugar plantation. To which is added, the planter's kalendar. Written on the island of Grenada, by an old Strachan,



Highly recommended in the Monthly Review.

7 AN ADDRESS to the loyal part of the British empire, and the friends of the monarchy throughout the globe.

By John Cruden, Esq.; president of the Assembly of the United Loyalists, and late commissioner of sequestered estates in Carolina, &c.

8vo. pp. 29.

The unfortunate Loyalists of the Southern States, who took refuge in Florida, under the promise of protection from the British government, found themselves at the peace in the hands of the Spaniards, by whom they were ordered to quit the country. In this dilemma they empowered Mr. Cruden to negociate a lottery for their benefit, which gave rise to this address.

8 CURSORY REMARKS upon the Reverend Mr. Ramsay's Essay on the treatment and conversion of African slaves in the sugar colonies. By a Friend to the West India colonies and their inhabitants.


A very able defence of the planters and slaveholders in the British West

Indies against the representations of Mr. Ramsay. Written by a Mr. 1785.

9 A COLLECTION of acts or laws passed in the State of Massachu-
setts Bay, relative to the American Loyalists and their
8vo. pp. 33.
10 A SHORT ADDRESS to the disinterested and unprejudiced citizens,
merchants, and manufacturers of Great Britain, on the im-
portance of the trade of this country with the United States
of America: also reasons why, as customers, they should not
be restricted, like other foreign nations, from sending raw
materials to this country in payment of British goods. By a

8vo. pp. 24.

11 A POEM addressed to the United States of America. By
David Humphries, Esq., colonel in the service of the United
States, and aid-de-camp to H. E. the Commander-in-chief.

First printed at Newhaven, Connecticut, and reprinted in Paris.
"To inspire our countrymen now in arms, or who may hereafter be called
into the field, with perseverance and fortitude, through every species of
difficulty and danger to continue their exertions for the defence of their
country and the preservation of its liberties, is the object of this address."

12 OBSERVATIONS on the importance of the American Revolution, and the means of making it a benefit to the world.

To which
is added, a letter from M. Turgot, late comptroller-general
of the finances of France; with an appendix, containing a
translation of the will of M. Fortuné Ricard, lately published
in France. By Richard Price, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S., &c.

This tract, which was originally intended only for America, was translated
into French by the celebrated Mirabeau. The doctor speaks of the
American revolution as "a revolution which opens a new prospect in
human affairs, and begins a new æra in the history of mankind,— a revo-
lution by which Britons themselves will be the greatest gainers, if wise
enough to improve properly the check that has been given to the despot-
ism of their ministers, and to catch the flame of virtuous liberty which has
saved their American brethren." He uses very strong language with
respect to religious establishments, the spirit of which he condemns as
contrary to the spirit of Christianity; and he hopes that no such monster
will ever be known in America, as human authority in matters of religion.

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