
2212b. DEUTSCHER AUSSENHANDEL; Zeitschrift des Handelsvertragsvereins. Redaktion: Max Nitzsche. Berlin, Liebheit & Thiesen, 1913- . 32 cm.

Note: Issued semi-monthly; the publication began apparently in 1900, as Mitteilungen des Handelsvertragsvereins. It was reported in January, 1920, that a daily supplement of the Deutscher allgemeiner Zeitung is being issued in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and the Foreign Office under the title Industrie und Handels Zeitung. (London Times, January 5, 1920.)

States of the Empire


2213. SOETBEER, GEORG ADOLPH (1814-92). Ueber Hamburgs Handel. Erste Fortsetzung. Hamburg, Hoffmann und Campe, 1862. viii, 420 pp. 21 cm.

Note: Handel und Schifffahrt betreffende Verträge (Januar 1841-Juni 1842), pp. 4064.

Has added title: Statistik des Hamburgischen Handels. 1839. 1840. 1841.


†2214. SAMMLUNG der Verträge in Beziehung auf die Zoll- und Steuervereinigung zwischen Hannover und Braunschweig. Braunschweig, 1835.

Hanse Towns

†2215. SCHMIDT, J. H. W. Handels- und Schifffahrtsverträge des freien Hansestädte. Bremen, 1842.

†2216. HANDELS- und Schifffahrts-Verträge der freien Hansestädte, und Bremens insbesondere. Bremen, gedruckt bei C. Schünemann, 1842. (2), XX, 101 pp. 28 cm.

Contents: 1. Abth. Gemeinschaftliche Verträge der Hansestädte, 1825-1841. — 2. Abth. Bremische Verträge und Declarationen, 1817-1841.

†2217. SOETBEER, GEORG ADOLF (1814-92). Schifffahrtsgesetze so wie Handels- und Schifffahrtsverträge verschiedener Staaten im Jahre 1847. Nebst einem Anhang enthaltend den deutschen Text der Handels- und Schifffahrts-Verträge der drei Hansestädte, Hannovers, Oldenburgs, Mecklenburg-Schwerins. Hamburg, Perthes, 1848. vi, 221 pp. 4to.


†2218. STECK, JOHANN CHRISTOPH WILHELM CHRISTOPH WILHELM VON (1730-97). Traités de commerce et de navigation de la Prusse. Tome v in Eclaircissemens de divers sujets intéressans pour l'homme d'état et de lettres. Ingolstadt, 1785. 8vo.

German Zollverein

†2219. KAMPTZ, KARL CHRISTOPH ALBERT HEINRICH VON (17691849). Die Handels- und Schifffahrtsverträge des Zollvereines.

Gesammelt und mit Rücksicht auf der Fremdländer Gesetzgebung und gewerbliche Verhältnisse beleuchtet. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1845. X, 406 pp. 8vo.

†2220. SAMMLUNG der Verträge und Verhandlungen über die Bildung und Ausführung des deutschen Zoll- und Handelsvereins. Berlin, 1845-71. 5 vols.

Anhang: Sammlung der Handels- und Schifffahrtsverträge Deutschlands mit dem Auslande von 1851-1872. Berlin, 1872.

Note: A collection exclusively for the use of Germanic governments and officials. Continued by Germany, Handels- und Schiffahrtsverträge Deutschlands, No. 2207.

†2221. HOUTH-WEBER, F. Der Zollverein seit seiner Erweiterung durch den Steuerverein. Eine Sammlung der betreffenden Zoll- und Steuer-Verträge. Hannover, 1861. 8vo.

†2222. ROBOLSKY, HERMANN (1822-1901). Die Handels-, Zoll-, und Schifffahrtsverträge des Zollvereins mit anderen Staaten. (Zollvereins-Gesetze.) Berlin, Kortkampf, 1868. 12mo.

Great Britain

2231. HERTSLET, SIR EDWARD (1824-1902). Treaties and tariffs regulating the trade between Great Britain and foreign nations, and extracts of treaties between foreign powers, containing most-favourednation clauses applicable to Great Britain. ... London, Butterworth's [etc.], 1875-79. 6 vols. Fold. maps. 26 cm.

Contents: i, Austria; ii, Turkey; iii, Italy; iv, China; v, Spain; vi, Japan.

Note: "In January, 1875, the publication of a separate collection of Treaties was commenced, the object of which was to show how the Trade between Great Britain and Foreign Powers was regulated, and what Privileges British Subjects could enjoy in certain Foreign Dominions and Possessions, not only under the English Treaties concluded with those Powers, but also in virtue of the Treaties which those Powers had concluded with other Countries, the benefits of which could be claimed by this country under the most-favoured-nation clauses of the English Treaties.

"The First Part of this collection was devoted to an examination of the Treaties which Austria-Hungary had concluded with Great Britain and with other Foreign Powers. This was followed by a similar examination, in separate collections, of the Treaties concluded by Turkey, Italy, China, Japan, and Spain.

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Sir Edward

"The General Title given to these Volumes was- "Treaties and Tariffs regulating the Trade between Great Britain and Foreign Nations.' Hertslet, "Treaties, &c. concluded between Great Britain and Persia,” p. iii. †22328. BERNHARDT, GASTON DE (1860- ). Handbook of treaties, &c., relating to commerce and navigation between Great Britain and foreign powers, wholly or partially in force on July 1, 1907. (With supplement.) ... London, printed for H. M. Stationery office, 1908. xxii, 1192 pp. 24 cm.

2232b. BERNHARDT, GASTON DE (1860- ). Handbook of commercial treaties, etc., between Great Britain and foreign powers. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1912. xxiii, 1153 pp. 24 cm.


2233a. RETURN of treaties now in force between Great Britain and foreign states relating to commerce, navigation, reciprocity, &c. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1866. London, Harrison and sons, [1866]. (1), 3 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1866, lxxvi, p. 335. 3693.)

Dated, Foreign Office, June 12, 1866.

2233b. COMMERCIAL No. 4 (1908). Return showing the countries between which commercial treaties were in force on January 1, 1908. Presented to the House of Commons, by command of His Majesty, in pursuance of their address dated March 19, 1906. London, H. M. Stationery Office, [1908]. (2), 51 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1908, cviii, p. 613. Cd. 4080.)


2234a. TRADE AND TREATIES COMMITTEE. First report of the trade and treaties committee. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, H. M. Stationery Office, [1891]. 3 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1890-91, lxxviii, p. 239. c. 6286.) Dated January 24, 1891.

2234b. TRADE AND TREATIES COMMITTEE. Third report of the trade and treaties committee, with appendix, containing translation of the general report by the customs commission of the French Chamber of Deputies, referred to therein. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, H. M. Stationery Office, [1891]. 24 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1890–91, lxxviii, p. 245. C. 6349.) Dated April 24, 1891.

2234C. TRADE AND TREATIES COMMITTEE. Seventh report of the trade and treaties committee, with appendix, containing translation of the French customs tariff law of the 11th of January 1892, showing the duties now leviable under the new general and minimum tariffs of 1892, and those levied under the conventional tariff of 1882. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, H. M. Stationery Office, [1892]. 56 pp. 331⁄2 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1892, lxxii, p. 729. c. 6641.)

January 29, 1892. A. J. Mundella, chairman.

2234d. TRADE AND TREATIES COMMITTEE. Ninth report of the trade and treaties committee, with appendices, containing translation of the tariffs annexed to the treaties between various Central European powers, comparing the new rates of duty with those hitherto leviable, in each of the countries concerned, on importations from the United Kingdom. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, H. M. Stationery Office, [1892]. 76 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1892, lxxii, p. 778. c. 6648.)

March 11, 1892.

Germany and Austria-Hungary; Italy, Belgium, and Switzerland; and AustriaHungary, Switzerland, Belgium, and Italy.

2234e. COMMERCIAL. No. 3 (1892). Correspondence respecting commercial treaties, and tariffs. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. March, 1892. London, H. M. Stationery Office, [1892]. xii, 540 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1892, lxxviii, p. I. c. 6590.)

Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany and Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Rumania, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Norway, Switzerland, and United States.

2234f. COMMERCIAL. No. 6 (1892). Further correspondence respecting commercial treaties, and tariffs. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. June 1892. London, H. M. Stationery Office, [1892]. xx, 427 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1892, lxxviii, p. 543. c. 6698.)

In continuation of "Commercial No. 3 (1892):" c. 6590.

Austria-Hungary, Bavaria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Rumania, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Norway, Switzerland, United States.

Netherlands, Kingdom of

2235. CITTERS, S. VAN. Verzameling van handels- en Scheepvaartovereenkomsten gesloten tusschen Nederland en vreemde mogendheden. Uitgegeven met autorisatie van Humne Excellentien de Ministers van Waterstaat, Handel en Nyverheid en van Buitenlandsche Zaken. Bijgewerkt tot 1 maart 1891. 's-Gravenhage, Gebr. Belinfante, 1891. vi, 523 pp. 26 cm.


Overzicht van

de regeling der handelsbetrekkingen tusschen Nederland en andere landen, 1 Jan. 1911. 's-Gravenhage, 1911. 8vo.

†2236b. POSTHUMUS, N. W. Documenten betreffende de buitenlandsche handelspolitiek van Nederland in de negentiende eeuw. 's-Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, 1919-. vols. 25 cm.

"Uitgegeven met ondersteuning van het Departement van buitenlandsche zaken."

Ottoman Empire

†2237. RACCOLTA dei trattati e delle principali convenzioni concernenti il commercio e la navigazione dei sudditi Austriaci negli stati della Porta Ottomana. Vienna, Imp. reg. Stamperia di corte e di stato, 1844. viii, 224 pp. 23 cm.

Contents: 1699-1844.

†2238. GATTESCHI, DOMENICO. Manuele di diritto publico e privato



Contains the principal capitulations and treaties of commerce.

Russia, Empire of

†2239. Чулковъ, М. (Chulkov, М.). Историческое описаніе Россійской коммерціи при вхѣхъ портахъ и границахъ отъ

древнихъ времянъ до нынѣ настоящаго. Въ Санкт-Петербургѣ и Москвѣ, 1781-88. 7 vols.

†2240. Граціанскій,

Собраніе нынѣ дѣйствующихъ торговыхъ трактатовъ Россіи съ Иностранными Государствами. Санктпетербургъ, 1877.

Russian and French.


2241. TOLEDANO Y HERMANSAIZ, EUSTAQUIO. Historia de los tratados, convenios, y declaraciones de comercio entre España y las demas potencias. Seguida de un apéndice con datos estadísticos. Madrid, J. Casas y Diaz, 1858. 285, (2) pp. 22 cm.


†2242. BENZELIUS, OLAUS. De Suecorum cum gentibus Europaeis secundum leges et pacta commerciis. Upsala, 1699.


2243a. EICHMANN, A. Sammlung der Handels-, Niederlassungs- u. Konsular-Verträge der Schweiz mit dem Auslande, inbegriffen die Verträge über der Schutz des geistigen Eigenthums. Zürich, Orell Füssli & Co., 1885. vii, 351 pp. 18 cm.

Edition: The French edition is:

Traités de commerce et d'établissement, conventions concernant les attributions consulaires, ainsi que la propriété industrielle, littéraire, et artistique en vigueur le 1er juillet 1886 entre la Suisse et les pays étrangers. Berne, Stämpfli, Lack, Scheim, et cie., 1886.

†2243b. EICHMANN, A. Sammlung der Conventional-Zolltarife aller Länder und der Handelsvertäge der Schweiz. Recueil des tarifs conventionnels des douanes de tous pays et des traités de commerce suisses. Bern, 1889.


2244. TREATIES of commerce, navigation, and reciprocity [with various countries, stating whether containing most favoured nation clause and provisions on equalization of shipping dues]. Presented to the House of Commons by command of Her Majesty. 1860. London, Harrison and sons, 1860. 3 pp. 31 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1860, lxviii, p. 637. 2644.)

2245. COMMERCIAL. No. 30 (1883). List of treaties of commerce and navigation between Great Britain and foreign powers, containing most-favoured-nation clauses; stating the period when terminable; and showing whether they apply to the British colonies: in force on the 31st July, 1883. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1883. London, Harrison and sons, [1883]. iii, 56 double pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1883, lxxv, p. 899. c. 3735.)

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