To which are prefixed, The Lives of the Authors.) Printed for G. Robertson No 221 Roadilly; I. Cuthell, TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE HENRY BOYLE.* SIR, As the professed design of this work is to entertain its readers in general, without giving offence to any particular person, it would be difficult to find out so proper a patron for it as yourself, there being none whose merit is more universally acknowledged by all parties, and who bas made himself more friends and fewer enemies. Your great abilities, and unquestioned integrity, in those high employments which you have passed through, would not have been able to bave raised you this general approbation, had they not been accompanied with that moderation in an high fortune, and that affability of manners, which are so conspicuous through all parts of your life. Your aversion to any ostentatious arts of setting to show those great A 2 He was the son of CHARLES Lord CLIFFORD. He was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer to King WILLIAM in March 1701; and continued in that office till Feb. 12, 1707-8, when he was made one of the principal Secretaries of State, in which station he remained till Sept. 20, 1710. On the accession of GEORGE I. Mr. BOYLE was created Lord CARLETON, and soon after made President of the Council. He died, unmarried, March 14, 1724-5, great services which you have done the public, has not likewise a little contributed to that universal acknowledgment which is paid you by your country. The consideration of this part of your character, is that which binders me from enlarging on those extraordinary talents, which have given you so great a figure in the British senate, as well as in that elegance and politeness which appear in your more retired conversation. I should be unpardonable, if, after what I have said, I should longer detain you with an address of this nature: I cannot, however, conlude it without acknowledging those great obligations which you have laid upon, SIR, Your most obedient, Humble servant, THE SPECTATOR. "An agreeable companion upon the road is as good as a coach.” THE SPECTATOR ACCOMPANIES SIR ROGER DE COVERLEY A MAN's first care should be to avoid the reproaches" of his own heart; his next, to escape the censures of the world. If the last interferes with the former, it ought to be entirely neglected; but otherwise there cannot be a greater satisfaction to an honest mind, than to see those approbations which it gives itself, seconded by the applauses of the public. A man is more sure of his conduct, when the verdict which he passes upon his own behaviour is thus warranted and confirmed by the opinion of all that know him. My worthy friend Sir ROGER is one of those who is not only at peace within himself, but beloved and esteemed by all about him. He receives a suitable tribute for his universal benevolence to mankind, in the returns |