
Mr. Tappan expressed the opinion that the body of the river might be improved so as to supercede the necessity of a canal, by cutting away a particular limestone formation.

Mr. Smith, of Va., moved that the committee rise.
Before the question was taken-

Mr. Fillmore asked to be permitted to make a word
of explanation; and the floor having been yielded to
him for that purpose-

a few years more would show, if it was not actually
the case now, that the incapacity of a single pass
would amount to a positive obstruction to the trade
of the river at the falls. He did not expect to see
this matter satisfactorily settled at this session, which
is nearly expired; but he trusted and hoped that west- He said that he thought that very unnecessary re-
ern senators who may be hereafter called to the dis-marks had been made as well by his colleague (Mr.
charge of duties here would press the matter to a re- Roosevelt) as by the gentleman from Indiana, (Mr.
sult satisfactory to the west.
Proffit,) on the financial condition of the country:
but, in consequence of the supposed intimacy of the
latter gentleman with the leading persons in the ad-
ministration, Mr. F. considered it his duty to take
some notice of what he had said. He held in his
pro-hand the official reply of the secretary of the trea-
sury to the letter Mr. F. had yesterday had the honor
of reading to the house; and in order that nobody
who held United States stock might be alarmed at
what had been said here, he wished now to state that
the secretary in this letter said, that, on a review of
the whole condition of the revenue, both as to esti-
mated receipts and expenditures, there would be on
the 1st day of January next a balance in the treasury
of $390,627, and this without the imposition of any addi-
tional duty, and proceeding on the assumption that the
expenditures would equal the estimates. But since
the house had, on the navy bill alone, cut down the
sum estimated by about four and a half millions there
could be no just cause of alarm as to our financial

[Mr. McDuffie's resolutions.] The senate then ceeded to the discussion of the special order, being the resolutions of Mr. McDuffie; whenMr. Dayton rose and addressed the senate for near n hour in support of the amendment he had offered o the third resolution of the amendment of Mr. ivans. He had offered it because that resolution eemed to concede the loss of national credit, which te was by no means prepared to admit.

Mr. D. then went on to defend the honor of the general government, maintaining that it would conrast-ay, proudly contrast-with any of the kingloms of the old world. He spoke of the scrupulous egard manifested by the general government to meet all its engagements, as was apparent in all its past istory; and said, when he considered the resources of this great country, its youth, energy, and compaative freedom from debt, and heard its credit decried abroad by those who had not the tithe of its resources, he felt indignant that the slander had not every where been rebuked. When Mr. Dayton clos-gress. ed his remarks, which were listened to with respectful attention on all sides

Mr. Merrick, in pursuance of the notice he gave yesterday, after some prefatory remarks, moved to lay the whole subject on the table.

Mr. Walker asked for the yeas and nays. The question was then taken on Mr. Merrick's motion to lay the whole subject on the table, and decided in the affirmative, as follows:

YEAS-Mes-rs. Barrow, Bates, Bayard, Berrien, Choate, Conrad, Cratts, Crittenden, Dayton. Evans, Graham, Henderson, Huntington, Merrick, Miller, More head, Phelps, Porter, Simmons, Smith, of Indiana, Sprague, Tallmadge, White, Woodbridge-24. NAYS-Messrs. Allen. Archer, Bagby, Benton, Buch anan, Calhoun, Fulton, King, Linn. McDuffie, McRoberts, Mangum, Rives, Sevier, Smith, of Connecticut, Sturgeon. Tappan, Walker. Wilcox, Williams, Woodbury, Wright, Young-23.

Mr. Pickens inquired whether the secretary asked
for authority to re-issue any treasury notes? Mr. Fill
more said, only such as should come in.
The committee thereupon rose and reported pro-

California. The Speaker, on the suggestion of Mr.
Fillmore, laid before the house the following message
from the president of the U. States:

Washington, Feb. 8, 1843.
To the house of representatives of the United States:
I herewith transmit to the house of representa-
tives, in answer to their resolution of the 28th ul-
timo, a report from the secretary of state.


Comet and Emporium. The bill giving indemnity, received from the English government, for losses of slaves in these two vessels, was next taken up. The senate had amended the phraseology of the bill, and the question was upon its passage. The previous question was moved, and the bill passed.

Mr. Giddings, of Ohio, on a motion to reconsider, spoke at length against the bill, contending that having sailed beyond state jurisdiction, these were not slaves, and that our diplomatic agents had no right to spend their time and the money of the whole nation in pursuing claims for what the majority of the people of this country did not therefore recognize as property. Mr. G. alluded to the vote of censure upon himself at the last session, and accused one of the members from the old Bay state, which state he passed high praise upon, of servility to the south in voting for the resolution of censure.

Mr. Cushing was the gentleman referred to, and he rose to reply, and defended himself from Mr. G.'s personal attack, and then examined Mr. G.'s argument. Mr. C. asked if the states of the south were to be deprived of the benefit and protection of the general government because they had rights and interests which were not common to all other states?Just as well said Mr. C. might there be a refusal on the part of Kentucky to co-operate in defending the property in a whale ship of Massachusetts because there were no whale ships in Kentucky. Mr. C. protested against the theory and proposed action of the gentleman from Ohio, as tending to the destruction of the union.

Mr. Arnold moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table. The yeas and nays were asked and ordered, and the motion was carried by yeas 140 to nays 38.

[Mr. Giddings here reported to the speaker an infringement upon the proprieties of congressional decorum on the part of Mr. Dawson of Louisiana. After a few explanations the matter was dropped.]

Arbitrary removals from office. The unfinished business being the following resolution, (originally offered by Mr. Toland, but not received, and subsequently presented on the call of the states for resolutions by Mr. Fessenden:)

Department of state, Washington, Feb. 2, 1843. The secretary of state, to whom has been referred the resolution of the house of representatives of the Resolved, That the secretary of the treasury be di28th ultimo, requesting the president to make known rected to inform this house whether any charges have to that body, "if not incompatible with the public at any time been preferred to the department against interest whether any information is in possession of Jonathan Roberts, late collector of the port of Philthe government of the United States as to the nego-adelphia, relative to his discharge of the duties of tiation of a treaty, or of overtures to treat, for the said office; and if any have been, that he be directed cession of California by Mexico to England," has to furnish copies of the same. Also, that he transMr. Rives then immediately submitted the resolu- the honor to report that no information is in posses-mit to this house copies of any order, instruction, or tions, inserted above, and they were laid on the table.sion of the government of the United States of any The senate proceeded to the consideration of ex- negotiation of a treaty, or of any overtures to treat, ecutive business; and, after some considerable time for the cession of California by Mexico to England. spent therein, adjourned. DANIEL WEBSTER. To the President of the U. States. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. And the house adjourned.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THURSDAY, FEB. 9. Mr. Barnard, from the committee on the judiciary, to which was referred the bill from the senate entitled "an act for the relief of Richard Henry Wilde," reported the same without amendment.

Coast survey. Mr. Fillmore begged to ask when the select committee on the coast survey would report?

Mr. Mallory said next week.

Mr. Fillmore thought it would be too late for action of the committee on ways and means.

Mr. Aycrigg asked leave to report his views on the investigation.

The Speaker was about to entertain the report, when

Mr. Wise objected and raised the point of order, that the gentleinan from N. Jersey, being only one of a committee of five, had no right to make a report before the majority had reported.

A rambling discussion took place upon this point of order, in which another subject, not relevant to this at all, was brought up by Mr. W. C. Johnson, viz: the report of the committee on ways and means against his 200,000,000 scheme. Mr. J. contended that this, too, was a minority report, but Mr. J. R. Ingersoll disputed the assertion, and called upon the committee present to sustain him, which they did.

The previous question was moved upon the question to print the report, and the printing was or dered.

Oregon. A bill was reported by Mr. Reynolds chairman of the select committee on this subject and referred to the committee of the whole house.

Report of commissioners of patents. On motion of Mr. Briggs 5,000 copies amended on motion of Mr. McClellan, to 10,000, were ordered to be printed. The Oregon bill from the senate, was received and referred to the committee on foreign affairs.

District of Columbia. The house resolved itself into committee of the whole on business connected with the district and after proceedings thereon.

FRIDAY, FEB. 10. Oregon. On motion of Mr. Everett the vote referring the report from the select committee to the committee of the whole, was reconsidered, and the report was referred, as had been the senate bill, to the committee of foreign affairs.

Treasury notes. Mr. Fillmore, from the committee of ways and means, reported a bill to authorise the reissue of five millions of treasury notes, should the wants of the government require it; which was read Itwice and referred.

A debate now commenced in relation to state debts generally, and the repudiation attributed to Mississippi particularly, which for want of room in this number, we defer to our next, with a view of inserting it then more at large.

District of Columbia. The house went into committee of the whole, and resumed the consideration of a bill providing a lunatic asylum for insane of the District, and after progress again rose.

On motion of Mr. Fillmore, the army appropriation bill, which had been returned from the senate with certain amendments, (requiring commitment), was taken up and referred to the committee of the whole on the state of the union, and the amendments were ordered to be printed. And then the house adjourned.

MONDAY, FEB. 12. Domestic hemp. The joint resolution upon the appointment of agents in Kentucky and Missouri, for the purchase of water rotted hemp, was taken up as amended by the senate. (The amendment provides that the hemp shall not cost the government any more than the same quality may be bought for in the seaport towns.)

A motion was made to lay this resolution on the table; the ayes and nays were asked and ordered, and were ayes 52, nays 107; the motion was negatived, and the question being upon concurring with the amendment of the senate, Mr. L. W. Andrews moved the previous question, which was sustained, and the amendmeut was agreed to.

request addressed to the said Jonathan Roberts to remove or appoint any subordinate officers of the cus toms at the port of Philadelphia. Also, a copy of the order or letter dismissing him from the office of the collector of said port. And copies of all letters and papers in possession of the department relating to the subjects embraced in this resolution.

The pending question was on the demand for the previous question. Mr. Weller moved that the resolution be laid on the table. By yeas 77, noes 102, Mr. Weller's motion was negatived, and the resolution was then adopted.

ate was then taken up. The appropriation of $2,The army appropriation bill, as amended by the sen000 for the meteorological observations being considered, Mr. Cave Johnson opposed it. Mr. Fillmore remarked that it was strongly recommended by the secretary of war. Messrs. Read, Tillinghast, Mc Kennan, and Ch. Brown advocated the appropriation. Mr. Smith, of Va. was opposed to having a "bureau of storms" as well as to having a home department sidered the enlarging of the powers of this governmetamorphosed from the patent office. Mr. S. conment as dangerous and for one he would lift his warning voice here against it. Mr. Pickens thought a lecturer on the winds was quite unnecessary, since we had already, within this cave of Eolus, two hundred and forty two gentlemen, all fully capable of lecturing on that subject. (A laugh.) He hoped that the item would be rejected; that they would all act as able professors of this noble science.

Mr. Holmes was for retaining the item for the very reason his colleague had argued for striking out; there were so many storms on that floor that he hoped for God's sake that gentlemen would appoint a competent officer to regulate them. (Laughter.)

The question being about to be taken, tellers were demanded; when the vote was reported to stand, ayes 76, nays 77. So the amendment of the senate was rejected.

The next amendment was "for the continuation of the improvements on the Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, and Arkansas rivers, for the half calendar year $50,000, and for the fiscal year $100,000."

Mr. Fillmore said that there was no gentleman on that floor that more desired the appropriation proposed by this amendment than he did; and as an evi

[blocks in formation]

State of the treasury. On the suggestion of Mr. Wise, the speaker laid before the house the following message from the president of the United States: Washington, February 13, 1843.

To the house of representatives:

I herewith transmit to the house of representatives a report made to me on the 9th instant by the secretary of the treasury, on the subject of the present and prospective condition of the finances.

You will perceive from it that even if the receipts from the various sources of revenue for the current year shall prove not to have been overrated, and the expenditures be restrained within the estimates, the treasury will be exhausted before the close of the year; and that this will be the case, although authority should be given to the proper department to reissue treasury notes. But the state of facts existing at the present moment cannot fail to awaken a doubt whether the amount of revenue for the respective quarters of the year will come up to the estimates, nor is it entirely certain that the expenditures which will be authorized by congress may not exceed the aggregate sum which has hitherto been assumed as the basis of the treasury calculations. Of all the duties of the government, none is more sacred and imperative than that of making adequate and ample provision for fulfilling with punctuality its pecuniary engagements and maintaining the public credit inviolate. Any failure in this respect, not produced by unforeseen causes, could only be regarded by our common constituents as a serious neglect of the public interests. I feel it, therefore, to be an indispensable obligation, while so much of the session yet remains unexpired as to enable congress to give to the subject the consideration which its great importance demands, most earnestly to call its attention to the propriety of making further provision for the public service of the year.

Treasury department, February 9, 1843. SIR: Pursuant to your direction, I have the honor to submit my view of the prospective condition of this department for the current year: The balance in the treasury on the 1st of January last, appears as well as can be ascertained at this time to have been

The estimated receipts during the
year 1843, are as follows:
$13,000,000 00
2,500,000 00
Miscellaneous sources 100,000 00
Loan & treasury notes 4,883,358 36

[blocks in formation]

Estimated balance on 1st Jan. 1844,

printed. Mr. Wise moved a reconsideration of the vote. Mr. W. said that he owned he felt some excitement from the way in which he had been treated by the chairman of the committee of ways and means. Mr. W said he asked what his (Mr. Fillmore's) opinion was as to the prospect of a surplus of a deficit in the treasury; he had desired to know whether the $2,840,041 72 committee had performed its duties and satisfied themselves as to the correctness of the executive report, and he asked now again for an expression of the gentleman's own opinion.

$20,483,358 36 $23,323,400 08

$22,932,773 00

$390,627 08 It will be seen that this estimate makes no provision for the amounts which may be required to meet the appropriations for private bills, or other objects beyond the official estimates, nor for the redemption of treasury notes, of which there are $11,068,977 69 outstanding and redeemable during the year 1843. Of these, the whole except $2,402,390 56 carry interest after maturity, and will not probably be presented for redemption. But the sum of $2,402.390 56, on which the interest ceases after the year from the date of issue, will require to be provided for, and will not only absorb the balance of $390,627 08, but will need a further supply of upwards of two millions to maintain the public credit. I have propos. ed to the finance committees of congress to place these notes on the same footing in regard to interest as the other issues, and to authorise the department to re-issue such treasury notes as may be redeemed previous to July, 1844. Should this proposition be adopted by congress, the estimated balance of $390 627 08 will remain unaffected, except by such The proper objects of taxation are peculiarly appropriations as may be made beyond the estimates. within the discretion of the legislature, while it is Believing it necessary that some further provision the duty of the executive to keep congress duly ad- should be made by congress for the purpose of envised of the state of the treasury. and to admonshsuring an amount of receipts that will enable the it of any danger which there may he ground to apprehend of a failure in the means of meeting the expenditures authorised by law.

It ought not therefore to dissemble my fears that there will be a serious falling off in the estimated proceeds both of the customs and the public lands. I regard the evil of disappointment in these respects as altogether too great to be risked, if by any possibility it may be entirely obviated.

While I am far from objecting, under present circumstances, to the recommendation of the secretary, that authority be granted him to re-issue treasury notes as they shall be redeemed, and to other suggestions which he has made on this subject, yet it appears to me to be worthy of grave consideration whether more permanent and certain supplies ought not to be provided. The issue of one note in redemption of another is not the payment of a debt which must be made in the end by some form of public taxation.

treasury to meet punctually all demands that are
likely to be made upon it, I have this day addressed a
communication to the chairman of the committee of
ways and means, recommending duties upon tea and
coffee, together with several other articles which ap-
peared to be proper subjects of taxation. However
desirable it may be to avoid this resort, it was thought
to be imperatively called for by the condition of the
finances and the state of the public credit. I have
the honor to be, with great respect, your obedient
Secretary of the treasury.

To the president of the U. States.
The message having been read-

Mr. Fillmore asked if the gentleman appealed to him for a reply.

Mr. Wise said he did.

Mr. Fillmore observed that there was one remark in the message of the president which was very true, viz: that it was the duty of the executive department to inform congress whether there was likely to be a deficit in the treasury; and the usage of the government had invariably been that the house and its committee of ways and means looked to the secretary of the treasury for information on those subjects. In the present case the committee had been waiting for information from the department, without which they were unable to act, and for want of which they had not acted, and Mr. F. had not made up a settled opinion in regard to it. The gentleman had complained of Mr. F's course toward him, and had accused him of evasion: but Mr. F. believed that. after hearing his replies, the gentleman had declared that he was satisfied-he had got all he wanted; so at least Mr. F. was informed by gentlemen round him.

Mr. Wise. That I was satisfied that the gentleman had evaded the question.

Mr. Fillmore said he would submit it to the house

and to the country to say whether he had evaded the gentleman's inquiries. He had told the gentleman that, on the subject touching which the gentleman questioned him, he had made up no definite opinion, neither had the committee.

Mr. Wise here maintained, that Mr. Fillmore had a few days ago at his (Mr. W's) seat, admitted that he did not entirely agree with the secretary's report.

Mr. Fillmore denied the import put upon his remarks by Mr. Wise and would be glad to know whe ther any gentleman near heard the reply differently from what I state.

Mr. Wise.. I care not whether any one heard it or not. The gentleman declared that he declined giving any specific opinion-that is, entering into any calculation about the matter; but I here affirm, again, that he declared to me here, at this desk, that he did not agree in opinion with the secretary that the surplus he expected would exist. If the gentleman did not declare this to me then, standing at that corner of my desk, I am not standing on this floor now. Mr. W. had told him that he knew distinctly enough what it was that Mr. W. wanted, viz: to know whether he (Mr. F.) and the committee agreed with the secretary of the treasury: but that they were willing the secretary's statement should go to the country, so that if the president should be compelled to call an extra session of congress, the whole reproach connected with that measure might rest upon him.

What! a chairman of the committee of ways and A struggle followed for the floor, which the Speak-means, on this 13th day of February, within two er awarded to

Mr. Fillmore, who was about to submit a motion, when he yielded to a vociferous call for the reading of the communication from the secretary of the treasury which accompanied the message.

weeks of the day of adjournment, here at this last hour of his third session as head of that committee, to say that he had formed no opinion on the ways and means!

Mr. Fillmore. I said that I had formed no opinion independent of what had been reported to us from the executive department.

Mr. Wise. I asked the gentleman if he believes the statement from the treasury department to be correct?

I cannot forbear to add, that, in a country so full. And the communication having been readof resources, of such abundant means, if they be Mr. Fillmore said it certainly was too late to go but judiciously called out, the revenues of the go- into the discussion of this subject now. He perceiv vernment, its credit, and its ability to fulfil all its ob-ed that the report of the secretary of the treasury ligations, ought not to be made dependent on tempo- was in substance the same as that which had been rary expedients, or on calculations of an uncertain submitted to the house through the committee of Mr. Fillmore. I have no means of showing that the character. The public faith in this, as in all things ways and means, and which had been ordered to be secretary is incorrect in his statement, and I believe else, ought to be placed beyond question and be- printed. It was proper that the message of the pre-him to be an honest man. yond contingency. Isident should be taken into consideration; and for the Mr. Bolts here interrupted and said he must object purpose of referring it at once, and as very little to this process of polling the committee of ways and little time was left for action, he moved that the means. message and accompanying documents be referred to the committee on ways and means, and that they be printed.

The necessity of further and full provision for supplying the wants of the treasury will be the more urgent, if congress, at this present session, should adopt no plan for facilitating the financial operations of the government and improving the currency of the country. By the aid of a wise and efficient measure of that kind, not only would the internal business and prosperity of the country be revived and invigorated, but important additions to the amount of revenue arising from importations might also be confidently expected. Not only does the present condition of things in relation to the currency and commercial exchanges produce severe and distressing embarrassments in the business and pursuits of individuals, but its obvious tendency is to create also a necessity for the imposition of new burdens of taxation, in order to secure the government and the country against discredit, from the failure of means to fulfil the public engagements. JOHN TYLER.

And he demanded the previous question.

Mr. Wise asked Mr. F. to withdraw the motion, to enable him to move instructions to the committee to report on the condition of the finances, and on the ways and means of supplying the wants of the treasury in case a deficiency within the present year be deemed probable by the said committee.

Mr. Fillmore. I cannot withdraw.

Mr. Wise continued in angry remark at having been unable to elicit an opinion from Mr. Fillmore that would be more consonant with his own opinion and expressed the belief that the object was to escape the responsibility of having to report a plan to meet a deficit on the 1st January next.

Mr. Fillmore. I desire to know of the gentleman from Virginia whether he believes the report of the secretary to be well founded? or whether he has the means of knowing that it is false? [Sensation and sonie laughter.]

Mr. Wise then proclaimed to the country, he said, Mr. Wise. I will tell the gentleman that I differ that this was dodging the question of the finances.- wholly from the secretary. Has the gentleman got The previous question was then seconded. The main an answer? And now I say to the gentleman, will question was ordered; and, being taken the message you answer my question? Do you believe in it? It and accompanying documents were referred to the is a fair question. I have answered: now come, toe committee of ways and means and ordered to be the mark. I believe that instead of a surplus of

Mr. Cushing entered into an argument against the policy and propriety of the bill. He thought its effect would unsettle the subject forever, and would tend also to exclude from the floor of congress any but the wealthy. Exact equality of payment is unattainable.

The hour of 3 having arrived, the committee proceeded to vote.

The amendment of Mr. Holmes by ayes 98, noes 69, was agreed to.

$390,000 on the 1st January next, there will be a de- equality the actual sums paid to western members, to the residence of each senator, representative, and ficit to that amount or more. I wish to avoid a call-with those paid to those residing near the seat of ed session. I dread the very name. government. After a few more excited remarks between the two gentlemen, Mr. Fillmore concluded the subject by announcing that he now understands his (Mr. Wise's) real object to be to pare the way for an extra session, and throw its responsibility if possible on the present congress. Mr. F. said he was much gratified to learn that the gentleman was opposed to a called session, because he was understood to speak according to the mind of the administration. M. F. did not himself believe in any such necessity. This had been the short session; and the committee of ways and means had had to examine a double set of appropriation bills, and also to consider by what way they might bring in the money formerly squandered, and also to devise ways and means to carry through the government to the 1st of January. Whether the committee had been diligent, or had discharged their duty with becoming ability, it was not for him to say; that question he must leave to the house. But if the house believed with the committee, that it was the duty of the treasury department to inform the house on subjects of finance, he would call on the gentleman from Virginia to point to a fact from which the committee had any reason to doubt that there would be an abundance of means to carry on the government. Where was it?

Mr. Mallory moved an amendment limiting the amount of mileage to a senator during any session of congress to $300. Assented to.

delegate, by the most usual route from his residence to and from the seat of government, in all cases where the session of congress shall continue no longer than five months. If the session shall be extended any time longer, and not exceeding two months, each senator, representative, and delegate shall receive six dollars per day for the additional time; and if the sesIsion shall be protracted longer than seven months, each senator and member of the house shall receive five dollars per day for the remainder of the session. If any senator or member of the house shall be detained by sickness on his journey to or from the meeting of congress, or after his arrival at the seat of government shall be prevented by sickness from attendance in the senate or house, he shall be entitled to Mr. Wise moved to amend the amendment by in- the same daily allowance. The president of the seserting as an additional proviso, the following: nate pro tem., when the vice president shall be abProvided, further, That, besides pay, no senator shall sent, or when the office of vice president shall be vabe allowed any ration in kind other than beef, and cant, shall receive double the daily pay to which he that roasted, and not exceeding two dollars in cost. is entitled as a senator for every day he shall attend Mr. Arnold moved to amend the amendment by the senate. And the speaker of the house of repreadding, "except the guard, who are to receive fore-sentatives shall receive double the daily pay to which ign missions after the 4th day of March." he is entitled as a representative for every day he shall Mr. Wise was willing, he said, to accept the modi- attend the house: Provided, That it shall be the duty fication; but there was an impediment in the way. of each senator and of each representative and deleNo senator was a member of the guard. gate, before his account is settled and certified, to The chairman decided that neither of those amend-state the number of days he has been actually in atIments was in order. Numerous amendments were tendance in the senate or the house, and also the numThe report rendered on the 15th of December offered, and for the most part rejected, and after ber of days he has been absent, and whether said abshowed that we should have revenue enough for the much confusion the committee rose and reported pro- sence has been owing to sickness or otherwise; and year, and for the next half year also, and that a gress. unless such absence shall have been caused by sickmillion and a half would be still left in the treasury. Mr. Mallory presented a resolution from the select ness of himself or family, or by leave of the senate But when some doubts began to arise from the re-committee on the coast survey providing for the or- or house, his daily pay for the time when he was turns, as the committee had no connexion with the ganization of a board under the direction of the thus absent without cause shall be deducted from his executive, they called on the secretary of the treasury president of the United States, in relation to the account. to know whether he had seen reason to revise his mode of conducting the coast survey, with a view to Which was concurred in. former calculations? To estimate the sufficiency of the reduction of expenditures. Ordered to be our means, we must know, first, what was to be re-printed.

ceived; and, second, what was to be expended. For And then the house adjourned.

Mr. Briggs then moved that the rules be suspended, that the bill might have its third reading now.

And the question being taken on the motion of Mr. Briggs, the vote stood: ayes 128, noes 54. So, twothirds voting in the affirmative, the rules were suspended, and the bill was put on its third reading. Mr. Wise demanded the reading throughout; and the bill having been read-Mr. Briggs demanded the previous question.

this information the committee relied on the secreta- WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15. Bill number 548. The comry. But then let it be remembered that it was inmittee resumed the consideration of the bill number the power of an executive so to exhaust the treasury 548, being "a bill to reduce the compensation to the as to render it necessary to call an extra session, be members of the senate, members of the house of recause the money in the treasury was to be expended presentatives of the United States, and to the deleunder executive responsibility. The large unex-gates of the territories, and repealing all other laws pended balances of former appropriations were un- on the subject. der its control, and they might, if so disposed, spend A vast number of amendments, and some substiof a called session. But if no more should be spent ing and disposition thereof, without debate, nearly all in this one year, and at once create the necessity tutes, were offered (occupying the committee in readthan had been appropriated, he said to the gentleman three hours) by members, and were for the most part from Virginia and to the country that the ways and rejected-a few only were agreed to: The amendmeans would be sufficient to meet the wants of go-ments proposed by the select committee were gene-miah Brown, Burke, William O. Butler. Green W. Caldvernment. The government could at will render rally concurred in. them otherwise. If the resources of the treasury Mr. Arnold moved that the committee rise and reshould be administered as heretofore, he believed port the bill and amendments to the house. they would be adequate.

As to the instructions moved by the gentleman, Mr. F's only objection to them was that they were wholly unnecessary. They seemed, too, to imply some censure on the committee; but he did not see that what they had done deserved to call down any rebukes from the gentleman; and he doubted not the committee would do precisely the same, whether

thus instructed or not.

Mr. Wise withdrew his motion to reconsider. And then the house adjourned. TUESDAY, FEB. 14. Exchequer. Mr. Barnard gave notice that he should on Thursday next, ask the house to go into committee of the whole on the state of the union, to take up the exchequer bill of the gentleman from Massachusetts, (Mr. Cushing,) for the purpose of considering the substitute which he (Mr. B.) had laid before the house.

District banks. On motion of Mr. Underwood the committee on the district, was discharged from further consideration of the bill to extend the charters of the banks in the district of Columbia. Memorial of Jesse Hoyt. Mr. Barnard of judiciary committee moved that it be printed. The house refused.

The debate upon the state debts and Mississippi repudiation was then resumed-which is defered to our next number.

Bill No. 548 to reduce the congressional per diem, being the special order of the day, was taken up. Many amendments were offered, and much confusion ensued.

Mr. Botts moved to strike out the enacting clause. The chairman having decided that motion to be out of order-Mr. Bolts moved to amend the motion of Mr. Arnold by adding “the recommendation of the committee to the house that the bill do not pass." Tellers were appointed, and the vote stood: Yeas 38, noes not counted. So the amendment was rejected.

The committee then rose and reported the bill and amendments to the house.

Mr. Fillmore, after moving to amend the amendments of the committee so as to change the compensation for mileage from $4 to $6, moved the previous question.

After some conversation

Mr. Cushing moved that the bill and amendments be laid on the table, and asked the yeas and nays, which were ordered; and, being taken, resulted in yeas 42, nays 167.

The question recurring on the demand for the previous question, there was a second.

And the main question (on concurring in the amend-
ments of the committee of the whole on the state of
the union, as proposed to be amended, and ordering
the bill to a third reading) was ordered to be now

The first question was on the amendment of Mr.
Fillmore, changing the mileage from $4 to $6. The
yeas and nays, being taken, were: yeas 59, nays 145.
So the amendment was rejected.

The next question was on the following substitute
for the bill, offered by Mr. McKennan, and amended

Mr. Mallory moved a call of the house. Mr. Ar-in nold hoped the gentleman would not undertake to dodge the bill by such means. Mr. Mallory disavowed dodging the question. The committee refused a

call of the house.

Strike out the 2d section, after the enacting clause, and insert: That in lieu of the daily pay and mile age now allowed by law, to the senators and members of the house of representatives, each senator, repreMr. Holmes said he would go as far in favor of re-sentative, and delegate shall hereafter be entitled to form as the gentleman from Tennessee. He there- receive eight dollars per day for every day he shall fore instead of allowing $8 for every twenty miles be in attendance, and four dollars for every twenty of travelling, would prefer that the actual travelling miles of travel; and that the mileage in all cases shall expenses only should be paid for. The gentleman be estimated or computed by the shortest mail route, was a great reformer. This proposition will save the or according to the last post office book of distances treasury $1,900,000, and serve to put more on an from the seat of government to the post office nearest

And the main question, "shall this bill pass?" was Arrington, Atherton, Babcock, Baker, Beeson, Bidlack, taken, and decided in the affirmative, as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Allen, Sherlock J. Andrews, Arnold, Blair, Boardman, Brewster, Briggs, Brockway, Bronson, Aaron V. Brown, Milton Brown, Charles Brown, Jerewell, Patrick C. Caldwell, Calhoun, William B. Campbell, Thomas J. Campbell, Caruthers, Cary, Casey, Chapman, Childs, Chittenden, John C. Clark, Clifford, Coles, Mark A. Cooper, Cowen, Cravens, Crawford, Daniel, Garret Davis, Richard D. Davis, Dean, Deberry, John G. Floyd, Charles A. Floyd, Fornance, A Law Doiz, Eastman, John C. Edwards. Egbert, Fillmore, rence Foster, Gamble, Gates Gentry, Gerry, Giddings, Glmer, Patrick G. Goode, Wm. O. Goode, Gordon, Graham, Granger, Green, Gwin, Hall, Harris, Hastings, Hays, Henry, Hopkins, Houck, Houston, Hubard, Hudson, Hunter. James Irvin, Jack, Cave Johnson, John W. Jones, Isaac D. Jones, Keim, Andrew Kennedy, King, Lewis, Linn, Littlefield, Abraham McClellan, Ro bert McClellan, McKay, McKennan. McKeon, Mallory, Tompson Mason, Mathiot, Mathews, Mattocks MayMarchand, Alfred Marshall, Samson Mason, John nard, Medill, Meriwether, Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrow, Newhard, Oliver, Osborne, Owsley Parmenter, Patridge, Payne, Pendleton, Plumer, Pope, Powell, Ramsey, Benjamin Randall, Rayner, Read, Reding, Rencher, Reynolds, Ridgway, Rodney, Rogers, Roosevelt, William Russell, James M. Russell, Sanford, Saunders, Sewell, Shepperd, Shields, Slade, Snyder, Stuart. Summers, Sumter, Sweney, Jacob Thompson, Sprigg, Stanly, Steenrod, Stokely, Stratton, John T. Buren, Van Rensselaer, Wallace, Warren, Washington, Triplet. Trotti, Trumbull, Turney, Underwood, Van Weller, Westbrook, Tho as W. Williams, Joseph L. Williams, Yorke, Aug. Young-166.

NAYS-Messrs. Adams, Landaff W. Andrews, Ayerigg, Barnard, Barton, Birdseye, Black, Botts, Bowne, William Butler, John Campbell, Clinton, Colquit, Cranston, Cross, Everett, Ferris, Fessenden, Halstead. Howard, Hunt, Charles J. Ingersoll, Joseph R. Ingersoll, William W. Irwin, John P. Kennedy, Lane, Lowell, Thomas F. Marshall, Maxwell, Miller, Pearce, Pickens, Alexander Randall, Randolph, Salionstall, Alex. H. H. Stuart, Taliaferro, Richard W. Thomp son, Tillinglast, Toland, Ward, Watterson, Edward D. White, Joseph L. White, Winthrop, Wise, Wood, Jolin Young-48.

So the bill was passed.

Mr. Moore, of Louisiana, moved a reconsideration of the vote, and demanded the previous question.There was a second. The main question was ordered; and, being taken, the vote was not reconsidered.

The bill having been slightly amended as to the title, was sent to the senate for concurrence. The nouse adjourned.


BANK ITEMS. An act has passed the legislature of Maryland, reducing the nominal capital stock, of several of the banks of the state to their actual capital. The motive on the part of the banks, was to save themselves from payinent of the bonus to the state for the difference on renewal of their charters. The Farmers' and Planters' bank is thus relieved of the payment of $15,000; the Citizens' bank of $7,000, and the Chesapeake bank of The Farmers' and Millers' bank of Washington county has exploded. It had very little credit at any time.


U. S. bank notes are quoted at 50 in New York. The banks of New Orleans and St. Louis are getting saucy. They will not have specie, unless it is of the stamp and size to please them. The St. Louis papers tell us that the said banks have now nearly $30,000 on hand in ten cent pieces! The directors have passed resolutions to refuse to receive on general deposite or in payment, Spanish quarters, bits, or picayunes; (quarters, levies, or fips.)

The Huntsville, Alabama branch bank, is to go into liquidation. The bill so directing passed the senate of Alabama by a vote of 48 to 45.

[blocks in formation]

ELECTIONS took place in Massachusetts on the 13th instant, in the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, and 6th congressional districts in which no choice was effected at the previous general election. The returns so far as received, none yet complete, induce us to believe that Mr. Parmenter, (Van Buren), is elected in the 4th, and Baker, (whig), in the 6th, and that no choice has been made in the other three districts.

SPECIE. On the 29th ult. $60,000 was landed at New Orleans from Havre, and $70,000 from Liverpool. During the week ending the 10th inst. $115,000 were received at Savannah.

The present rate of exchange affords quite handsome profits-say nearly three per cent. on shipments of specie from England to this country—a thing that can be repeat.

ed every 45 days

The New York papers are actually complaining of the abundance of money there-for which no employment they say can be found.

SOCIETY ISLANDS. Letters from Mr. Blackner, American consul, dated Tahiti, 11th September, says that the French admiral, Dupetit Thouars, arrived there on the Sth, and made a demand on the Tahitians of the sum of $10,000, in reparation for abuses, and as a guaranty for their future adherence to treaties. They immediately EXCHANGES. New York on London 5a52; on France entered into negotiations for the surrender of the sover 5 45; Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charleston, Augusta, Sa-eignty of the island. Four of the chiefs on the 9th signvanual and New Orleans, is down atto of one per ed a paper to that effect, but the queen has refused to cent. On Virginia 1 a 14; North Carolina 1; Cincin sign it. At the last date, the question of acknowledg A resolution has been introduced into the Alabama le.nati 14; Apalachicola 1 a 2; Louisville ; St. Louis ment of the sovereignty of France was supposed to be gislature, proposing to amend the constitution of the state a 2; Nashville 3. It is with Alabama that exchange settled, as all demonstrations of hostility had ceased, but 8 as to prohibit the legislature torever hereafter from is most feverish. Tuscaloosa 20; Mobile and Montgo- the French flag was not yet hoisted. The La Reine chartering a bank. If the mover desire to accomplish mery 25 a 35; Union, (Florida) 65, Treasury notes a 1 Blanche was at Tahiti. his object, he should not only include fiscal agents--ex- premium. chequer and every other term in or out of the language, that may be appropriated to the like purpose, but also be su.e to inhibit the making of any new term that would answer the same purpose. Statesmen have been mighty cunning ever since the world began.

BANKRUPTS. About 2,200 persons in the state of Kentucky have taken the benefit of the bankrupt law.

case was remitted on the ground of informality.

HENRY CLAY, after spending some time with highly esteemed personal friends in Louisiana, and attending to a case in supreme court of that state, on which occa

FLOUR. At Boston fair brands 4 62 a 4 75; at New York 4; at Philadelphia 3 75 a 3 87; at Baltimore 3 56; at Alexandria 3 30; wagon prices at Cincinnati 2 59. The inspections of the week in Baltimore consisted of 755 barrels and 31 half barrels.

STEAMBOAT ITEMS. The Crescent City, with a full car go of 1.500 bales of cotton, struck a snag near the lower Peach Tree, Alabama river, on the 1st inst, and sunk. The cotton will be saved without much damage, as also about $27,000 in specie that was on board, but some deck passengers and hands were severely scalded by steam pipes breaking by the shock.

LISFENARD ESTATE. The trial of a case was com menced before the supreme court of the city of New TARIFF DOCTRINE. Mr. McDuffie in a speech in the BANKRUPT LAW. The question of the constitution- York, in which Helen Sophia Lispenard and others are U. S. senate on the 13th inst., asserted, that "The manu ality of the bankrupt law, it was supposed would be con- plainuffs, and Robert Stewart is defendant, which in-factures of England when brought in exchange for cotclusively decided by the supreme court of the United volves the right of Mr. Stewart to the immense Lispen- ton, were as much the property of the exporter of the States at its present session. In this expectation the pub-ard estate, situated in Canal and adjacent streets, and cotton, as was the cotton exported. lic will be disappointed. The case brought up from worth about $6,000,000, there being over 800 lots, with If Sir Robert Peel will now assert in the British parlia Kentucky the supreme court refuse to take cognizance buildings-many of them very valuable. ment, that American tobacco is just as much the proof, as it was a mere profound difference between the district and the circuit court, or some such technical diffi-tains an account of four cargoes, amounting in all to MORMONS. A late number of the Nauvoo Wasp, con-perty of the British manufacturer who ships his wares here to pay for it, as is the commodity he ships, we shall culty, on which the opinions leave the question of con- 801 emigrants-"Latter Day Saints" having sailed from exactly square the yards with them on that tack. And as stitutionality pretty much where it was. The Missouri Liverpool for that region. Elder Orson Hyde had re- predicated upon that assumption-in relation to Amen. soon as his lordship will carry a bill through parliament turned from his pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and was now occupied in translating Mormon books, &c into the Ger- can productions, or offer a fair treaty with us upon that man language. basis, the way Mr. McDuffie will find the Americans toeing the mark with those who go the farthest towards "Free Trade" in good earnest and good faith, will do his sion it is stated that he made a very able speech, ook leave heart good,-but, till then,-give us no more humbugs. of them on the 2d inst. and reached Mobile, where he was received with every demonstration of affection For ten years they have had all the "Free Trade," and by persons of all political parties. Gov. GAYLE headed MILLERISM. William Miller the founder if not the pro-Americans have quietly submitted to all their restrictions, the committee of reception and an immense mass of the phet of this new sect, in a letter to his brother Himes till broad ruin was brought by this turn of affairs over community, and cordially welcomed Mr. Clay with an dated Philadelphia, February 4th, 1843, explains his be- the whole land. appropriate address. A public parade, discharges of ar-lief to be that the Messiah will again come in person to THE VETO IN CERTAIN CASES. The legislature of Artillery, flags hoisted in all directions, &c. &c. this earth some time between the 21st March 1843, and kansas recently passed a bill to direct payment of their the 21st March, 1844. He insists that he has never in own per diem in specie. Gov. Yell sent the bill back ve twenty-three years preached any other time, or fixed toed-his objections being, that other officers of govern any specific month, day, or hour, nor even had a mis-inent were compelled to receive current notes and he take in his reckoning up. He states that he owes no man knew not why there should be a distinction in favor of any thing-that he has expended $2,000 of his own in members of the legislature. They were by no means COTTON ITEMS. The general estimates of the crop are last twelve years, promulgating what he considered to be convinced however, and passed the bill by a constitutionnow 2.350,000 bales, viz-New Orleans 1,000,000, Mo-the truth-that he has a wife and eight children, all be- al majority, and his veto notwithstanding. bile 500,000, Florida 150,000, and Atlantic borders 700,-lievers in his faith-they live on a small farm in New 000 bales.

In reply to an invitation from persons of all parties to extend his visit as far as Charleston, S. C., Mr. Clay expressed his regret that pressing personal engagements obliged him to forego the pleasure it would afford him to du so.

The last accounts from India go far to remove the apprehension of the present cotton crop there interfering materialy with ours in Europe. The season was unpro. pitious. The American plan of planting had disappointed their hopes, and was not adapted to their climate and

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It is stated that Smith has sent out a number of hand. some females to preach his doctrine--and convert men into Latter Day Saints.

Hampshire, N. Y.

last week in one of the largest rooms in Philadelphin,
Mr. M. had very crowded assemblages to listen to him
but much confusion occurred, and he left the city. We
have strange accounts of the effects of his doctrine upon
folks to the east.

MEXICO. Orders have been issued, says a letter from The largest cargo that ever cleared at the Charleston Vera Cruiz, dated 25th January, for enlisting 24,000 men custom house, was on board the Br. ship United King in the several departments, to be in readiness by 1st of dom, capt. Estreloy, viz-3,533 bales cotton, 25 bbls. tal-March for the invasion of Texas, for which extensive low, and 11 bales dry goods. [Charleston Patriot. preparations are making.

N. P. WILLIS has become part proprietor of the Broeditor. ther John, and will hereafter be its sole and permanent

RED RIVER. A flood, ten feet higher than that of 1840, and higher than any known to the present inbabitants, has swept over the banks of this stream and done immense damage. More than a mile of new raft has already been formed by it, obstructing the navigation. Many lives have been lost, and much stock. Between 5 and 600 bales of cotton floated off.

At New York there is a fair de.nand, and prices firmer. STOCKS. New York 7's have gone up to 101; New At Charleston the sales of the week ending 11th inst. POTOMAC AQUEDUCT. J. J. Abert, colonel of the corps York city 5's 87; Kentucky bonds 87; Ohio 6's 68; Illiamounted to 9,000 bugs, at slight reduction; prices rang- of Topographical Engineers, in his late report to the se-nois bonds 201; Indiana 21 (22). ing from 4 to 8 for Upland, and 13 to 34 for Sea Is-cretary of war, states that the aqueduct across the Putoland. Liverpool dates of 19th December, say, during the last two days 13 000 bales were sold-prices unchanged, but holders anxious to sell.

LATEST-by the North America. Liverpool, January 8th. Sales of the week ending the 6th-23,970 bales; imports 9,881 bales. Prices 8 to 12d; 7,060 Uplands 3 to 84; 10 400 New Orleans 4 to 7. 3,800 bales American taken on speculation. Markets healthy-demand steady.

CAMPEACHY, was still beseiged by the Mexicans at the last dates from there. A force of 1,500 men and women had started from Vera Cruiz, to join the besiegers. The English commander of the war steamer Montezuma, resigned and had left the Mexican service. The Mexican forces, were said to be sickly, dispirited, and dispersing. An intercepted letter gave the Yucatanians information that it was a treasonable action of general Lemas, their commander-in-chief, by which the Mexi cans obtained the Yucatan fleet at Laguna, and also one of the eminences near the city of Campeachy, now occupied by their forces. Lemas fled.

DEATHS during the last week in the city of New York, 136, of which 21 were by consumption. In Philadelphia, 122, of which 44 were under two years of age, and 15 were of consumption.

mac, which continues the Chesapeake and Ohio canal
to Alexandria, is in such a state of forwardness that no
doubt is entertained that the water may be let into it du-
ring this year. The whole of the piers and abutments
have been completed; also the franie work to sustain the
canal trunk.

RETRENCHMENT. A committee of the Massachusetts
house of representatives, have reported in favor of re-
ducing the salary of the governor from $3,666 to $2,500;
of the chief justice of the supreme court from $3,500 to
$3,000; associate justices from $3,000 to $2,500; &c.,
&c. The aggregate reduction proposed, is about 30,000

A bill has passed the legislature of Arkansas, reducing the salary of the governor to $1,800. secretary of state to $600; treasurer and auditor to $500 each; supreme judges to $1,500, and circuit judges to $1,000 per year; and the daily pay of the members of the legislature to $3.

Bills have been reported in the Maryland house of delegates which propose to reduce the salaries of all the officers of the state. The report from the retrenching committee is accompanied by a statement, according to which, if their project be adopted, present expenses of government to the amount of $88,615 will be reduced to $13,600. Nay, they propose to be able to save the state |

A N. York paper says, "we copied a paragraph some days since from Thompson's Bank Note Reporter, stat ing that the heavy holders of discredited state stocks were corresponding with each other, collecting the opin ions of the ablest lawyers in the country, with a view to instituting suits against the states, and against individual citizens, on dishonored state bonds, and that they had sent an agent to England. It is now said in a morning paper that John A. Parker, formerly president of the Wool Growers' bank, is that agent."

At Philadelphia-Pennsylvania 6's 48; Philadelphia 5's 92; at Baltimore-Maryland 6's 43; 5's 35; Baltimore city 6's 79.

THE JEWS. The restoration of the family of Israel seems to be going on, In Hamburg there are said to be 7000 of the tribe. The senate of that city have adopted a law, allowing an Israelite henceforth to hold real estate and to reside in any part of the republic. Heretofore they were restricted to a certain section.

THE TRIADELPHIA COTTON FACTORY, in Montgomery county, Maryland, was burnt down last week. Over ment in the dead of winter. one hundred persons are thereby thrown out of employ

The American Mediterranean squadron has been removed from its old station, Port Mahon, to Genoa, mure remote; without, it is said, any apparent equivalent.





[blocks in formation]


The packet ship Burgundy arrived at New York on the 19th with Havre dates to the 16th of January; and the steamer Acadia at Boston on the same evening with Liverpool dates to the 4th of February.

The Great Western was to sail from Bristol for N. York, Feb. 11, to touch at Madeira. The Cunard mail packets are officially advertised, for the ensuing three months, to leave Liverpool on the 4th, and Boston on the 1st of each month, in conformity with the former arrangement.

The picture of the finances, as shown by the last |jects who were held in captivity, and for whom her maquarter's revenue, had at first excited a feeling of gen-jesty has felt the deepest interest. has been effected. We eral gloom in commercial circles. But the conside- are commanded by her majesty to inform you that it has ration that the operation of the income tax law had not been deemed advisable to continue the occupation but hardly if at all commenced served to alleviate by a military force of the countries to the westward of apprehensions, and no serious impression was made upon the stocks; their rise was checked but there was no falling off.

Bank of England. Quarterly Average of the week-
ly liabilities and assets of the bank of England, from

the 8th of Oct. 1842, to the 31st of Dec. 1842;-
Circulat'n £19,230,000 Securt's, £20,560,000
Deposits, 9,063,000 Bullion,



the Indus."

"Gentlemen of the house of commons-Her majesty has directed the estimates for the ensuing year to be

laid before you.

"Such reductions have been made in the amount of

patible, under present circumstances, with the efficient the naval and military force as have been deemed comperformance of the public service throughout the extended empire of her majesty.

"My lords and gentlemen-Her majesty regrets the diminished receipts from some of the ordinary sources of the


"Her majesty fears that it must be in part attributed to the reduced consumption of many articles, caused by that depression of the manufacturing industry of the country which has so long prevailed, and which her majesty has so deeply lamented.

Money was very abundant in London. The Bank of England had upwards of £11,000,000 in its vaults, or more than one half the amount of the circulation. "In considering, however, the present state of the reThe cotton market was in a very depressed state, venue, her majesty is assured that you will bear in mind owing to the enormous amounts forwarded. Parliament. Previous to the meeting of parliament that it has been materially affected by the extensive restrong indications had been given out from sources ductions in the import duties, which received your sancwhose opinions were entitled to confidence, that the tion during the last session of parliament, and that of those taxes which were imposed for the purpose of The East India mail due at London on Feb. 4th ministry were about to bend before the storm of the little progress has been hitherto made in the collection had not been yet received, and the latest dates from corn law agitation, and had in view some radical mo-supplying the deficiency from that and other causes. the east are, Singapore Oct. 20; Canton 4th Oct; Bom-dification which would avert the ultraism of the agibay 1st Dec; Cape 5th Nov; Mauritius 13th Oct.; Cal- tators, and preserve as far as consistent with a wise and moderate change, all the principles of conservaThe following circular was in the mean while sent tism. These expectations have been futile as yet. "Whitehall, Jan. 4. to all the supporters of sir Robert Peel's government:

cutta 18th Nov.

Another fine steamship has been added to the Liverpool, Halifax, and Boston line, called the HiberDia, and to be commanded by captain Judkins, recently of the Columbia. She is 1350 tons burthen, and has engines of 300 horse power each. Her saloon on deck is 40 feet by 19.

SIR-I take the liberty of informing you, that the meeting of parliament having been fixed for ThursThe packet ships Ashburton and Stephen Whit-day, the 2d of February, public business of importance will be brought forward without delay. I beg ney arrived at Liverpool from New York, January to express an earnest hope that it may be consistent 29, the former in 18 and the latter in 15 days, con- with your convenience to be in attendance at the openveying New York papers to the 14th. The steamer Britannia, which left Boston Jan-ing of the session. I have the honor, etc. uary 1, arrived at Liverpool on the evening of the She carried out the 15th, in 14 days and 6 hours. news of the mutiny of the Somers, and the packet that of the affair of Monterey, both of which affairs make a conspicuous figure in the London papers. GREAT BRITAIN.



"My lords and gentlemen.-We are commanded by her majesty to acquaint you that her majesty receives from all princes and states, assurances of a friendly disposition towards this country, and of an earnest desire to co-operate with her majesty in the maintenaace of gen

Finances. The following exhibit affords the offi-eral peace. cial decrease of the annual revenue.

On the year there is a decrease

In the customs, of

Excise, of

Stamps, of

Taxes, of

Crown lands, of

[blocks in formation]

£834,375 1,172,614 218,346 209,319 29,000 £2,454,554


[blocks in formation]

This is the real deficiency in the revenue of the year; but it is reduced by a God-send, as imprest and other moneys, 157,283, and repayment of advances £171,912.

But the quarter exhibits a still more gloomy state of things.

In the customs their is a decrease

Excise, of

Stamps, of

Taxes, of

Crown lands

And there is the quarter's property tax

Making the real deficiency in the revenue of the quarter

£581,185 717,262 56,763 23,847 9,000 £1,388,057

[ocr errors]

There is an increase

In the Post office, of
Miscellaneous, of

[ocr errors]


[blocks in formation]


But there is deducted besides

of imprest

And repayments of advances


Vol. XIII-SIG. 26.

[ocr errors]

"By the treaty which her majesty has concluded with the United States of America, and by the adjustment of those differences which from long continuance, had endangered the preservation of peace, her majesty trusts that the amicable relations of the two countries have been confirmed,

"Her majesty feels confident that the future produce of the revenue will be sufficient to meet every exigency of the public service.

"Her majesty commands us to acquaint you that her majesty derived the utmost gratification from the loyalty and fested on the occasion of her majesty's visit to Scotland. affectionate attachment to her majesty which were mani

Her majesty regrets that in the course of last year the public peace in some of the manufacturing districts was seriously disturbed, and the lives and property of her majesty's subjects were endangered by tumultuous assem blages and acts of open violence. The ordinary law, promptly enforced, was sufficient for the effectual represupon its efficacy, and upon the zealous support of her loyal sion of these disorders. Her majesty confidently relies and peaceable subjects for the maintenance of tranquility.

"We are commanded by her majesty to acquaint you that measures connected with the improvement of the law, and with various questions of domestic policy, will be submitted for your consideration.

"Her majesty confidently relies on your zealous enthat the favor of Divine Providen: e may direct and prosdeavor to promote the public welfare, and fervently prays per your counsels, and make them conducive to the happiness and contentment of the people."

British Corn Laws. Wilmer's News Letter of the 5th February says

The proceedings of parliament, which has just assembled for the despatch of business, are watched with "The increased exertions which, by the liberality of par- the utmost interest, and canvassed with the greatest A good deal of hope rests upon the belief liament, her majesty was enabled to make for the termination of hostilities with China have been eminently success-that the Corn Laws will be repealed; but the general opinion now is that they will not be altered in the slightest degree.

"The skill, valor, and discipline of the naval and mili-
tary forces employed upon this service, have been most
conspicuous, and have led to the conclusion of peace
upon the terms proposed by her majesty.

"Her majesty rejoices in the prospect that by the free
access which will be opened to the principal marts of that
populous and extensive empire, encouragement will be
given to the commercial enterprise of her people.
"As soon as the ratifications of the treaty shall have
been exchanged, it will be laid before you.

"In concert with her allies, her majesty has succeeded
in obtaining for the christian population of Syria, an es-
tablishment of a system of administration which they
were entitled to expect from the engagements of the sul-
tan, and from the good faith of this country.

"The difference for some time existing between the Turkish and Persian governments, had recently led to acts of hostility; but as each of these states has accepted the joint mediation of Great Britain and Russia, her majesty entertains a confident hope that their mutual relations will be speedily and amicably adjusted.

"Her majesty has concluded with the emperor of Russia a treaty of commerce and navigation, which will be laid before you. Her majesty regards this treaty with great satisfaction, as the foundation for increased intercourse between her majesty's subjects and those of the

[blocks in formation]


The European Times says that the general opinion which prevailed some time back, that the government were about to adopt a more liberal commercial fortnight. In the house of commons, on the 2nd inst. policy, had received a check within the preceding sir Robert Peel, in the debate on the address, said he did not intend to make any change this session in the provision and corn laws. He still retained, he said, his belief of the superiority of the sliding scale over a fixed duty, but he was not so wedded to any law as to support it when it failed to answer its purpose.All laws were subject to change and must be accommodated to the circumstances of the times. But as far as this session is concerned, he did not intend, and would resist any attempt at altering the corn-law of the last session.

Mr. Villiers gave notice that he would on an early day, move for an inquiry into the present corn laws, with a view to their total and immediate repeal.

The anti-corn law league have been holding meetings, collecting subscriptions, and enforcing their views during the last month in almost every large town throughout the kingdom. On the north side of the Tweed (Scotland) they were enthusiastically received. The "demonstrations" at Edinburgh and Glasgow were excelled by those during the present week at Manchester and Liverpool. In London and the neighborhood, the meetings of the same body have been numerous and successful.

"Her majesty has the greatest satisfaction in recording
the high sense of the ability with which those operations
have been directed, and of the constancy and valor which
have been manifested by the European native forces.
The league have already received contributions ex-
"The superiority of her majesty's arms has been es
tablished by decisive victories on the scenes of former
disasters; the complete liberation of her majesty's sub-ceeding £42,000 from the principal towns in the

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