
I have, &c.

Donegal, Nov. 17.

but the enemy, on observing our in- hope that the variety of occurrences tentions, weighed and went close into necessary to be stated will plead my the shoal of St. Vaast, and imme- excuse. diately between the batteries of La Hogue and Tatiliou. I determined, however, to go as close to her as I could, without getting on shore, in hopes something might be done; but after twice standing in close alongside of her, sustaining the fire of the two batteries, together with the frigate, which by this time had received considerable reinforcements of men from the shore, I found the fire so very heavy, that I saw no hopes of doing any thing effectual against her. At this time Capt. Malcolm, of the Donegal, arrived with the Revenge and Niobe, and the attack was renewed by the four ships, who continued going in alternately, and made every exertion so long as the tide would permit them to do so; and I have no doubt the frigate must have received very great injury from it. I am sure I need not tell you how very mortified all on board the Diana and Niobe are, that, after our anxious blockade, we have not been able to do more; but I trust you will believe that every thing has been done that was in our power to get possession of the frigates; and it is some consolation to be able to say, that one of them is on the rocks of Saint Vaast, on her beam ends, and last night fell over on her larboard side, having been before on her starboard, and the other laying apparently on the shoal near the Fort, and, I trust, not in a state to go to sea for a considerable length of time. It now remains for me to say, that nothing could exceed the steady behaviour of my officers and men of the Diana; and to Mr. Rowe, the First Lieutenant, I feel particularly indebted for his assistance and exertion. Captain 'Loring speaks in the highest terms of his officers and men, particularly Lieut. Simpson. I am happy to say, that though we were a long time under so heavy a fire, we have only one marine slightly wounded, but the ship has suffered very considerably in her masts, sails, hull, and rigging. Unless they dismantle the enemy's frigate, I shall continue ou my present station until I have the honour to receive your orders. I have to beg your forgiveness for the length of this, but

SIR, On the 14th inst. being near to Barfleur, Captain Loring, of the Niobe, informed me that two large French frigates had sail d from Havre on the night of the 12th, and had been chased into La Hogue by the Diana and Niobe. Next morning in company with the Revenge, I joined the Diana off La Hogue, and observed one of the enemy's frigates a ground, near St. Vaast (the day before she had been driven from her anchors in the gale from the southward), the other was anchored very near to the T shore, between the forts of La Hogue and Tatiliou; it was impossible to approach her but under the fire of her guns and those of the two batteries, which are very considerable. We tacked three times near to her, firing our broadsides whilst going about the Revenge, Diana, and Niobe did the same; and it is with pleasure! inform you that the ships were manouvred with the greatest precision, although the shot and shells fell in abundance around them, and the gurs could only be brought to bear when head to wind. At one o'clock the tide of ebb drifting us to leeward, obliged us to desist from the attack, and we anchored out of gun-shot. Some of our rigging is cut, and a shot in the head of the main-top-mast; but otherwise our damages are not very ma terial. The Donegal had three men wounded, and Revenge seven, two of whom are since dead. Having on board some of Colonel Congreve's rockets, in the night I sent the boa under the command of Mr. Taylor, First Lieutenant of the Donegal, who fired several in the direction of the frigate. Whether from their effect or from the effects of our cannonade, I know not, but at day-light we observed her nearer to the shore, and a-ground; the other was on her beamends, and nearly dry at low water. As they were now perfectly protected by the batteries, it did not appear to me that any further attempt could be made to destroy them; I therefore re

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sumed my station with the Revenge, night. It fell calm early in the evenleaving the Diana and Niobe to watch ing, and conceiving, from our distance the port of La Hogue. Capt. Grant from Grao, that the boats of the Acwill have detailed to you the tive (who was considerably in the particulars respecting his own ship offing) would not arrive in time, I and the Niobe; I have only to say wrote to Captain Gordon to request that the conduct of both, whilst acting they might be sent immediately; I with me, was such as was to be ex- mention this as it will account why pected from well appointed English that ship's boats and marines were not frigates. One of the frigates I con- in the station assigned them in the sider to be lost; she was first on her attack, and that no possible blame can starboard beam-ends, and when raised be imputed to the officers and men by the tide, fell over, on its leaving employed in them for their not being her, ou her larboard side; the other present, as distance alone prevented must have suffered very considerably them. Captain Whitby, of the Cerfrom our shot, and where she is berus, very handsomely volunteered aground, is exposed to the cast winds.

I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) P. MALCOLM. To Sir Roger Curtis, Bart. &c.

his services on this occasion; but I considered it as a fair opportunity for my Second Lieutenant (Slaughter), (the First Lieutenant being absent, having been detached on other service in the barge the day before), to ADMIRALTY OFFICE, NOV. 24. distinguish himself, and he has fully in every way justified the confidence Transmitted by Sir Charles Cotton. I had in him. The convoy were Amphion, Gulph of Trieste, June 2. moored in a river above the town of SIR, A convoy of several vessels Grao, and it was absolutely necessary from Trieste were chaced into the to be first in possession of it; the deharbour of Grao by the boats of the fences of the town were two old castles, Amphion yesterday, and the officer, almost in ruins, with loop-boles for (Lieutenant Slaughter) on his return, musquetry, and a deep ditch in their reported they were laden with naval front, extending from one castle to stores for the arsenal at Venice. As the other. The boats from the Amthe Italian government are making phion and Cerberus put off from the great exertions at the present moment ship about 40 minutes past eleven, to fit out their marine at that port, and the marines of both ships, under the capture of this convoy became an Lieutenants Moore and Brattle (of object of importance, and I was the marines), and Lieutenant Dickenson more induced to attempt it, as its pro- of the Cerberus, the whole under the tection (it was said) consisted only in command of Lieutenant Slaughter, 25 soldiers stationed at Grao, an open landed without musket-shot to the town in the Friule; the sequel will right of the town before day-light, and shew that we were both deceived as to instantly advanced to the attack, the the number of the garrison and the launches with carronades, under strength of the place; and if I should Lieutenant O'Brien (Third of the enter too much into detail in relating Amphion), accompanying them along to you the circumstances attending its capture, I trust you will consider it on my part as only an anxious desire to do justice to the gallant exertions of those who were employed on the occasion. The shoals of Grao prevent the near approach of shipping of burthen; the capture of the convoy, therefore, was necessarily confined to boat service, and I telegraphed to his Majesty's ships Cerberus and Active on the evening of the 28th, that their boats and marines should assemble longside the Amphion by twelve that


shore. It had been intended that the Amphion's and Active's should have landed to the right of the town, and the Cerberus to the left, but the former boats not arriving, Lieutenant Slaughter very properly took the Cerberus's with him, and left the gig to direct the Active's to the left; of course they had much further to row, and, much to the regget of all, did not get on shore till after the place was taken. A very heavy firing commenced about dawn of day, the enemy considerably stronger than was ima

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gined, and, assisted by a numerous The same intrepidity which had 'peasantry, kept up a very destructive insured success before was equally fire on our men whilst advancing, who conspicuous on this second occasion. purposely retired a little to the left, About seven in the evening, I had taking shelter under some hillocks, the satisfaction of seeing the whole and what the unevenness of the ground detachments coming off to the squa afforded; they were followed by the dron, which I anchored about four French troops, who, conceiving this miles from the town directly the to be a retreat of the boats, quitted wind allowed, and every thing was their advantageous position, and secured by eight o'clock. A service charged with the bayonet. It no of this nature has not been performed longer became a contest to be decided without loss; but every thing consiby musquetry; they were received dered, it falls short of what night with the steadiness and bravery in- have been expected from the obsti herent in Englishmen; both officers nate resistance met with. Lieutenant and men were personally engaged Brattle, of the Royal Marines, of the hand to hand, and out of the number Cerberus, is severely wounded in killed of the enemy in this encounter, the thigh, but will, I trust, recover. eight were bayonet wounds, which He has (with every officer and man in will convince you, Sir, of the nature the party) distinguished himself of the attack. A struggle of this kind greatly.-No credit can attach itself could not last long, and the French to me, Sir, for the success of this entroops endeavoured, in great confu- terprize; but I hope I may be allowed sion, to regain their former position; to point out those to whose gallant they were closely pursued, and charged exertions it is owing; nor can I suffi in their turn, which decided the busi- ciently express my thanks to the com ness, and the whole detachment of the manding Lieutenant Slaughter, who enemy, consisting of a Lieutenant, has on this, and on frequent instances Serjeant, and thirty-eight privates of before, given proofs of courage and the 81st regiment (all Frenchmen) conduct, which merit every encou were made prisoners, leaving our ragement, and I beg leave to recombrave men in possession of the town, mend him in the strongest terms to and twenty-five vessels laden with your consideration. He expresses stores and merchandize. The Ac- himself in the handsomest manner tive's boats landed at this moment, of Lieutenants Dickenson of the and her marines, under Lieutenant Cerberus, and Moore and Brattle of Foley, were of great use in completely the Marines, and of every petty officer securing the advantages gained. Every and man employed. It is hard to exertion was now made to get the particularize where all distinguish convoy out of the river; but it being themselves; but the conduct of almost low water, it was late in the Lieutenant Moore, who commanded evening before they could be got the marines, (till the Active's landed) afloat, and much labour and fatigue is spoken of in such high terms by all, was occasioned, being obliged to shift the cargoes into smaller vessels to get them over the bar. About eleven o'clock in the forenoon an attack was made on the town by a party of French troops coming from Maran, a village in the interior; the force nearest them, under Lieutenants Slaughter, Moore, and Mears, of the Active, instantly attacked, assisted by the launches in the river; and the enemy, finding all resistance ineffectual, after losing two killed, threw down their arms and surrendered. In this latter business a Lieutenant and 22 men of the 5th regiment of Light Infantry (all French troops) were made prisoners.

that I feel it a duty to mention him, and I do it in that confidence of his worth which his exemplary behaviour during five years service together, ha long insured him. Opportunities do not often occur where officers are per sonally engaged; but in the one I have endeavoured to describe, the commanding Lieutenant, and his gallant associates (Moore and Dickenson) owe their lives to their own individual bravery and strength. In. deed, the conduct of every one em ployed merits the warmest encomiums; and I regret I cannot have it in my power to particularize them. The vessels captured are chiefly laden with

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A more lively interest was never felt on a similar occasion. The appli cations for tickets of admission to the chapel were so numerous as to exceed all calculation. Originally it was intended to issue 400 admissions; but subsequently, in consequence of the

steel, iron, and merchandize. The one individual was to be seen in prisoners in all are two lieutenants, the streets who was not attired in two serjeants, and fifty-six privates of mourning. the 5th and Sist regiments, which composed part of General Marmont's army, and distinguished themselves in the late war with Austria, at the battle of Wagram. I enclose returns of the killed and wounded, and have to regret four valuable marines amongst the former. I also forward arrangements made for the funeral, it the returns of the officers employed on this service, with the vessels captured, and I have, &c.

(Signed) W. HOSTE. Admiral Sir Charles Cotton, Bart. Commander in Chief, &c. Amphion's list of seamen and marines killed and wounded:Killed-D. Coles, T. Kenyon, J. M‘Donough, T. Felix, marines. Wounded-J. Clarke, marine, severely; W. Jones, able seaman, ditto; G. Brown, able seaman, slightly. Enemy's luss, 10 killed, & wounded, (Signed) W. HOSTE, Captain. A list of marines wounded on board his Majesty's ship Cerberus-J. Brattle, lieutenant, severely; W. Sharp, private,dangerously; S.Cunningham, private, lost an arm; S. Haynes, private, severely; H. Bentley, private, slightly.

(Signed) HENRY WHITBY, Capt. List of enemy's vessels captured and destroyed in the above action-Burnt in the river, not being able to get them over the Bar, 11; brought out and sent to Lissa with cargoes, five; small trading vessels, loaded from the large vessels burnt, 14 or 15.

(Signed) W. HOSTE, Captain.


Her Royal Highness, after a long and painful illness, departed this life at Windsor, on Friday, November 2, in the 28th year of her age. Her Royal Highness was the youngest daughter of their Majesties.

was found necessary to limit the number to 300. Disappointed in their hope of obtaining tickets, hundreds now endeavoured to gain a view of the interior of the chapel, but here again were disappointed. AugustaLodge now became an object of public curiosity, in front of which many persons appeared in the course of the day, who appeared to feel a melancholy pleasure in contemplating the mansion in which her Royal Highness breathed her last. The windows of the Lodge were closed, and the gloomy silence which reigued around, tended not a little to heighten the mournful solemnity of the scene. At an early hour the persons who were to walk in procession assembled at Augusta Lodge.

Between two and three o'clock the

Castle-gates were closed against the public, and guards stationed at each avenue. This precaution was adopted in consequence of an order issued in the morning by Lord Aylesford, to prevent the admission of improper 'persons, as also to guard against that. excessive crowding from which so many inconveniences have arisen on similar occasions. At about five o'clock the King's own Staffordshire militia were marched from their barracks to flank the procession. These drawing up in front of the private entrance to St. George's chapel, lined burning flambeau the way thence to Augusta- Lodge. A

was carried by

way along the line. every seventh or eighth man, all the The effect of these was very grand, as the light was not sufficiently strong to detract from the gloom fitting such an occasion, On Tuesday, November 18, the while it served to show the various body was interred in St. George's groups of persons in black who mournChapel. A solemn silence pervaded fully paraded the Castle-yard. Shortly Windsor during the whole of the day. after the soldiers thus drew up, the All the shops were shut up, and scarce moon arose in great splendour, and

her silver rays, glittering on the bat- cession then moved on in the order
tlements of the castle, had a beauti- which had previously been concerted.
fully serene appearance, which ren-
dered the spectacle more picturesque
and interesting, as furnishing a fine
contrast to the sable appearance of
all around, though it in some mea-
sure softened the awful aspect of the

Between the hours of six and eight a great many carriages drew up at the private entrance to St. George's chapel. The principal mourners came in these, and among them several of the Royal Dukes. The ladies generally wore long white veils, but many appeared in black ones. Most of the gentlemen wore white ribbons on the right shoulder.

The clock had no sooner struck eight than the procession moved from Augusta-Lodge. The servants of the Royal Family came first on foot. After these, four trumpeters on white horses appeared slowly advancing, playing at the same time" The Dead March in Saul." They were followed by a detachment of the Royal Blues, to which succeeded the body, in a plain hearse, drawn by eight horses. The hearse was followed by a carriage, in which were the Prince of Wales and Duke of Cambridge. The second carriage contained the Countess of Chesterfield (chief mourner) and her attendants. The carriages of the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge, each drawn by six horses, followed, and closed the sad cavalcade.

The procession moved slowly to the south entrance of St. George's chapel. A temporary porch had been there erected, which was lined with black cloth. Arriving there, eight yeomen, who walked by the side of the hearse, took out the coffin and bore it on their shoulders into the chapel, and placed it on tressels near the altar, and retired. The chapel wore a very gloomy appearance, the floor being covered with black cloth, and the pul pit and desks hung with the same.The altar was covered with black, and two flambeaux were placed on it. The grooms, trumpeters, and servants filed off at the outer door, and the body was received by the pages of the Royal Family, the Dean and Prebendary, and the Choir, and the pro

The Choir, with burning tapers,
walked before the coffin, singing as
they advanced. A page also preceded
the body, bearing the coronet of the
Princess Amelia on a cushion of black
velvet trimmed with gold.

The procession passed up the mid-
dle aisle, and the body being placed
on the tressels, the chief mourner
seated herself at the head, and the
dressers and attendants ranged them-
selves on the sides.
each side of the chapel were occupied
by his Majesty's Ministers, the Nobi-
lity, and Gentry.

The stalls on

Just below the seats occupied by his Majesty's Ministers, the Grooms of the Bed-chamber and her Royal Highness's Physicians took their scats, The seats on a line with those last mentioned, at the lower part of the chapel, were filled with the Master Canons and Lay Clerks. In front of these were the Dressers and the Choir, and on a line with them the Equerries of the Royal Family.

At the lower end of the chapel those of the Royal Family present took their stations in their respective stalls. The Prince of Wales sat to the left of the entrance. The Duke of Clarence was seated on his left, the Duke of Cumberland on the left of the Duke of Clarence, and the Duke of Cambridge to the left of the Duke of Cumber land. To the right of the entrance the Dukes of York, Kent, and Sussex, were seated.

The anthem concluded, the funeral service was read by the Dean of Windsor from the sufferance stall. An appropriate dinge was then sung, and the body was deposited in a temporary vault, where it is to remait till Cardinal Wolsey's Chapel is finished. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Sir Isaac Heard, King at Arms, pronounced the following words :

"Princess Amelia, aged 27, sixth daughter of his Majesty George the Third, King of Great Britain, to whom GOD grant long life, health, and prosperity."

Nothing could be more awfully impressive than the whole of this inelancholy spectacle, as nothing could

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