

be more truly affecting than the MARRIAGES AND DEATHS IN AND subject.

The anxiety of the public to witness the performance of the sad rites due to departed virtue, caused a considerable number of persons to assemble at the door of the chapel between four and five in the afternoon. The door was thrown open to those who had obtained tickets at about six, and the north aisle was immediately filled. The whole was over by eleven o'clock, when the procession returned as it went.

Died.] At Hartwell, in Buckinghamshire, on the 13th of November, the Countess de Lille, the late Queen of France.

The interment of the Countess took

place at Westminster Abbey, on Monday, November 26, about three in the afternoon; the procession set out from the French Chapel, King street, Portman-square, about two; it consisted of eighteen horsemen with staves, two coaches and six, the hearse.. drawn by six horses, ten mourning coaches and four, her Majesty's carriage and six, the Prince of Wales's carriage and six, the carriages of the six Royal Dukes, with six horses each, and thirteen carriages and pairs. There were no escutcheons.

The plate on the coffin expressed in French, that the most high, most mighty, and most excellent Princess Marie Josephine Louise de Savoie, Queen of France and Navarre, died at Hartwell, in Buckinghamshire, on the 18th of November, 1810, aged fifty-seven years, two months, and eleven days. The coffin was taken out of the hearse and supported by ten ancient noblemen of the Guard du Corps to Louis XVI. The funeral service was performed by the Archb shop D'Angouleme; and an excellent sermon was preached by the Abbe de Bouvan. The corpse was interred in a vault at the east corner of Henry theVII.'s chapel, near the remains of the Duke de Montpenser. It was received by the Dean, the King's Scholars, and a full Choir-the rain prevented a number of attendants.

NEAR LONDON. to Miss Cochrane, daughter of the Married.] Sir T. Treubridge, Bart. Hon. Sir A. Cochrane, K.B. Governor of Guadaloupe.

Died In Soho-square, aged 62, Jonas Dryander, Esq. librarian to Sir Joseph Banks, and to the Royal Society, and a vice-president of the Linnean Society. His eminent attainments in that branch of science which he chiefly cultivated, had long placed him in the first rank among the naturalists of Europe; and his Catalogue of the Banksian Library, which is before the public, will be a lasting monument of erudition, perseverance, and sound judgment, rarely equalled and seldom surpassed.

C. Grignion, a celebrated engraver.
At Kentish Town, aged 93, ` Mr.

Rev Dr. Champneys, Sub-dean of St.
At the same place, aged 75, the
Paul's Cathedral.

Locke, Esq. the most zealous proAt Norbury Park, Surrey, William profession) perhaps, their most entector of the arts, and (out of the lightened and perfect judge. Mr. Locke distinguished himself in early life, by his choice collection of picturcs, models, and fine works in sculpture; and still note by his liberality and taste. He, of all the lovers of art, was considered by its professors as their aber, their advocate, and common friend. The compassionate benefactor of the humblest--the revered associate or patron of the most celebrated artists of his time-of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Mr. Barry, Mr. Hoppner, and Cipriani; of Wilson, Barrett, and Sandby; of many now living; Mr. West, the President of the Academy; Mr. Fuseli, who be nefits it by the instruction of its youth; and other of its members, who will hear of Mr. Locke's death with unfeigned sorrow, and an admiration inseparably connected with his remembrance; for so much acuteness and sensibility, such various knowledge, such solid, yet unpresuming judgment, with taste so pure, elevated, and enlarged; a man, in short, so gifted and accomplished, so just, and admirably good, they can seldom hope to know. He will be more generally



Degretted by the highest circles in society, for that extensive information, and those simple manners which made Waly, on the Meuse, Sept. 25.-On him so fine an example of an English the 19th of this month, between the gentleman, and for attainments of the hours of five and six o'clock in the scholar, which procured him, in early evening, a luminous meteor appeared life, a public testimony from Johnson; to the south, and about the distance but especially, and most deeply will of a quarter of a league from the small he be lamented, for those many chacommune of Brezeau. Persons who rities and virtues, that have given to attentively examined it, assert, that it Norbury (the spot where he resided), was nearly a quarter of an hour in cola peculiar sentiment of blessing and lecting, floating over the place where respect! He died at the age of it was first seen, and that when all its seventy-seven, and is survived by Mrs. Locke, and a family whom he lived to see in that happiness and respectability of connection, which their characters and station claimed. His son, Mr. William Locke, succeeds him in his estate, the known inheritor


of his worth, and himself of distinguished powers.

C. Moore, Esq. one of the Auditors of Public Accounts, and brother of the late Sir John Moore.

At May-Place, Kent, the Right Hon. Lady Fermanagh.

At her lodgings, Weymouth-street, at an advanced age, Jane, widow of the late Mr. Morris Robinson, of Carey-street, Lincoln's iun-fields, attorney at law, and one of the six clerks in Chancery. She was, in an advanced. age, mother of Lord Rokeby, of Princes-street, Hanover-square, author of Mortimer, and many other poetic compositions, and of Matthew Robinson Montague, Esq. his brother, the member for St. Germains, "himself a muse," and the fortunate successor of the learned Mrs. Montague, his aunt, in the Sandwich estates. The deceased was distinguished through life by the name of the British Pamela, or Virtue rewarded. It is remarkable of this family, that all of them have for an age been authors.

J. L. Douglass, Esq. Admiral of the Blue.

Aged 75, Joseph Roffey, upwards of fifty years grave-digger of St. Margaret's parish, Westminster, in which

situation he succeeded his father, and remained in the exercise of it till within a few days of his death. He was buried in the ground of the Broadway Chapel. Having been an adept in ringing, the bells of St. Margaret's rung a muffled peal on the occasion.

parts had united, it appeared all at once as a very considerable globe of fire, taking a northerly direction. It spread terror among the inhabitants of the villages, who believed their houses would be burned, and they themselves perish. This globe was accompanied by a frightful noise, which was heard at the distance of more than a league and a half, and sometimes resembled the rolling of a rapid chariot, at others the noise of rain violently driven by the wind. It was followed by a very thick fog, and carried up from the ground every thing that it met in its passage. In crossing à river it absorbed the water, which soon afterwards fell in rein. It waI

dered for some time near the village. One tlung certain is, that the roof of a house was thrown down, which is the only trace it has left. It was accom. panied and followed by an abundant rain, much lightning, and loud claja of thunder. Continuing in the same direction, it suddenly turned iuio a column of fire, which, with the fog, rose towards the heavens. This made many persons believe the fog was smoke. It remained about a quarter of an hour in this state, a quarter of a league to the north of the village, and at a short distance from the forest of Beaulieu. This column now sunk a little, and at last suddenly disappear ed, leaving a thick fog which had no smell. This phenomenon lasted three quarters of an hour, and travelled over the space of half a league.


From the Sydney Gazettes, lately received in town, the following parti culars of the inundation at Hawkes bury, are extracted. It is supposed that the rise of the river could not have been much less than 86 foot

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above the general level. The country for a considerable distance was de luged; several of the inhabitants lost their lives, and many houses and a great quantity of stock were swept away and destroyed. Amongst the sufferers in property, one individual, Mr. Benn, lost upwards of 300 head of swine, 100 sheep, about 1000 bushels of wheat threshed, or in stack, and a stack of barley, besides a valuable property contained in his dwellinghouse and barn. The names of the persons who perished had not been ascertained. The banks of George's river were unfortunately inundated at the same time; and a quantity of stock and other property lost. In Major Johnson's stock yard, 490 sheep were drowned; Mr. M'Callam lost 300, and several houses were left in ruins.

ST. MICHAEL'S, (AZORES). "St. Michael's, August 24.-One of those dreadful phéuomena, never witnessed in your country, has plunged many here in unspeakable wretchedness and affliction, and continues to de occasion great terror to all the inhabitants of this island.-On the 11th of August, at ten P. M. slight shocks of an earthquake were felt at intervals of a few minutes for four hours. During this time the inhabitants, under the influence of alarm for their personal safety, as well as property, were run ning to and fro in the greatest distress. -Between two and three a dreadful rocking was experienced throughout the whole island; several houses, unable to resist its violence, were thrown down, and many others were greatly deteriorated; and such perBons as sought safety in the open air were dashed to the ground.

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Hitherto the calamity had been confined in its effects, and though great injury had been sustained, we had to congratulate ourselves on the loss of few lives: but we were yet to witness a most dreadful spectacle. On the 12th, at mid-day, a hollow rumbling sound was heard, the clouds gathered, and the wind was hushed into silence, the rocking returned, and in a few minutes after the village of Cozas, situated on a plain, comprising 22 houses, was swallowed up, and in the spot where it stood a lake of boiling water gushed forth. Many of the un

fortunate inhabitants, who had previously retired to the elevated ground, beheld the sight with a degree of horror and amazement which enchained all their faculties; their whole property swept away in a few minutes, and in the place where their once beautiful gardens and flourishing orchards stood, nought now appeared but a vast expanse of water!


Koningsberg, November 2.-The fate of the renowned English Baltic convoy is at length decided. It consisted of more than 600 vessels, laden with British manufactures and colonial produce.

Admiral Saumarez, whose squadron was appointed convoy, having learned that the English vessels were confiscated at Hamburgh, Lubec, Rostock, Wismar, Stettin, and all the ports of Prussia, dispatched advice-boats to all quarters to prevent the English vessels from entering these ports, and to collect them with the fleet for the purpose of returning to England with the first favourable wind. While this was passing, in consequence of some hints from France to allow the vessels to enter and confiscate them, which would have been of great advantage to the Continent, the French Consuls employed every means to beguile Admiral Saumarez; but this old sailor would not take the bait. He sent 14 vessels to Pillau and the other ports, for the purpose of shaping his future conduct by what might happen to them. They entered the ports where the stratagem was suspected, and they were not confiscated. Adm. Saumarez then ordered the convoy to proceed to their different destinations. But, between the 8th and 20th of October, the wind became very strong, and the convoy suffered a good deal. On the morning of the 21st, a storm, such as was never before felt in the Baltic, came on,and the convoy was dispersed: 150 vessels are supposed to have gone down. A great number, which were thrown on the Danish coast, confiscated; several others had their cargoes damaged; the remainder went into Pillau, where they will be confiscated. From the accounts received from the sailors, the value of the convoy may be estimated at six millions sterling.-Moniteur,




country from the top of Boston steeple HE storm of the 9th and 10th was melancholy in the extreme. At

THE storm of the extremely the seventh mile-stone towards Spald

severe along the coasts of Dorset and Devon. At Exeter, the river Exe rose in consequence to an unprecedented height, overflowing the country for an extent of many miles, and carrying off in its rapid and tremendous course ricks of hay, parts of houses, bridges, &c.; the greatest excrtions were used to drive the cattle from the marshes and low grounds, but, so sudden and impetuous was the swell, that a number of sheep and bullocks have perished. An immense quantity of apples have also been washed away; from the parish of Ide alone, it is supposed the quantity lost would have made 100 hogsheads of cyder.


Upon a stone in the burial ground of the Protestant Dissenters at Harlow, appears the following inscription:


Wife of Benjamin Flower, of Harlow,
departed this life April 11, 1810, in
the 40th year of her age.
A sincere Christian,-"Oh let me die
her death: then, live her life!"
On the bosom of his mother rests her
infant son, who, after living a few
hours, returned its spark of immor-
tality to the God who gave it."

For an account of the death of Mrs.
Flower, see Vol. x111. p. 434.


On Saturday, Nov. 10, the tide rose higher at Boston than had ever before been remembered; and, at seven o'clock in the evening, melancholy to relate! the torrent became so impetuous, as to break down the whole of the sea fences, thereby inundating the town of Boston, and carrying every thing before it for the space of thirty miles. All the fine pastures, the pride of that neighbourhood, were laid under water; and some thousands of sheep and other cattle drowned. The ruin came so rapidly and unexpectedly, that the farmers had no time to save their cattle; the inhabitants of farm houses had difficulty even in saving their own lives; and some are said to have lost nearly all the stock upon their lands. The appearance of the

ing, the water ran over the road, and the country looked like a sea. Several persons are known to have perished. A number of vessels were lost off the port, and out of ten fishing-smacks, belonging to Boston, only one wea thered the storm. At Wisbeach, several craft, loaded with grain, broke from their moorings and were sunk; the banks in several places were over flowed, and the lands near the town inundated. Several coasting vessels were wrecked, and others driven upon the marshes.-At Lynn, two vessels were stranded, several lighters sunk, and the houses near the water side filled with water.-Two post-chaises were blown over between Stamford

and Bourn; and in various other parts houses and walls have been blown down, hay-stacks and bridges carried away, and trees torn up by the roots almost beyond computatiou. In the Marquis of Exeter's beautiful domain, near Stamford, more than a hundred large trees have been blown down.— In Walcot Park, the estate of Nevile and about the same number in the Noel, Esq. 400 trees are destroyed; park of Colonel Noel, at Exton; and of the Earl of Winchelsea, at Burley, including in the latter an entire avenue of chesnuts.


A more dreadful storm has not visited this coast for a length of time, than the gale which continued blowing from early on Friday morning, (Nov. 9th), and the following day; nor one that has exhibited more melancholy proofs of its devastation on lives and property. Early on the morning of the former day, a small vessel was discovered to be on shore near Trimmingham; Lieut. Infield, commanding the signal station, instantly dispatched a messenger to Cromer, for Captain Manby's apparatus, which is placed there; by the very prompt zeal of Mr. Sandford (one of the managers of the Cromer life-boat) the mortar and all the necessary stores were sent, by which the crew, four in number, were saved, just before the vessel went into a thousand atoms; one of them

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and Corton several vessels were lost, but the crews saved. A melancholy accident happened at Bawdsey. Mr. Thurston Whimper, of Alderton Hall, who had gone there to render assistance to the crew of a wrecked vessel, unfortunately remained on the beach till the tide became so high as to cause his horse to stumble, by which he was thrown off and unfortunately drowned. At Harwich, a number of vessels sunk in the harbour, which presented such a scene of distress as was never witnessed before by the oldest man living. The damage done inland by this storm fully equals that on the coast.

⚫ had suffered so much from his perish- several fishing boats came ashore, ing situation, and falling with the bottom upwards, consequently many mainmast, that the means recom- persons have perished.-At Lowestoffe mended by the Royal Humane Society were obliged to be recoursed to, to restore suspended animation: but it affords happiness to say, the man lives to bless Lieut. Infield's humanity. At the same time a large brig was discovered on shore at Mundsley, having ten persons on board: Mr. Wheatley of that place, with the same alacrity that has on so many occasions distinguished him, and who knowing well how to feel for the distresses of others, having been three times shipwrecked himself, sent off for the apparatus lodged at Happisburgh, as every other means of saving the crew appeared to be impracticable, or could communi- Two boats have lately been exhi cation be effected, and from the sea bited at Yarmouth before Admiral running so high, it was impossible to Gardner, for the relief of shipget a boat to her without such aid: wrecked mariners, with a prompt mebut, distressing to relate, on its arrival thod of getting them from a beach the vessel had gone to pieces, and in a gale of wind, previous to their every soul perished. In the course of being sent to the island of Anholt, the day a vessel was driven on the with a complete set of apparatus for beach at Horsey, keel uppermost; and saving shipwrecked mariners. The at Yarmouth and Gorlstone pier four first boat was a small one, of 15 ft. other vessels came on shore, from keel, 71 ft. beam, and weighed 14 cwt. which all the hands were saved. It had two extended billage boards, Near the Haven's mouth, on the fol- of equal depth with the keel, to keep lowing morning, the Elliott, bound to it in an upright position, for the adShields, was stranded. Capt. Manby, vantages of launching, beaching, and who was there with the imortar, all to resist upsetting, with a broad fender ready, no sooner was it declared that of cork surrounding the upper work, it was impossible to save the men to prevent the possibility of being without his invention, fired a three- stove; it was filled with water, but inch rope over the vessel, that brought the buoyant properties of the air (sethem all, seven in number, in safety cured in boxes), kept it so much to land in a few minutes. The shot above the water's edge, that the men that was used was of a new construc- rowed it about with the most apparent tion, and carried this heavy rope to a ease, and declared it was in that state distance that excited the astonishment able to perform any service that could of all present, and so firmly did it be required. The next was a man hold on the rigging that it was im- of war's jolly boat, fitted up with possible to be disengaged until per- empty oil casks lashed within it to sons went on board, on the storm sub- give it buoyancy, the billage boards siding, and then with much difficulty. as before described to keep it in an Twelve vessels were notwithstanding upright position, with a stout prowrecked near Yarmouth, and many of jecting rope going round its guntheir crews perished. The Trafalgar wale, served as a fender to prevent its fishing vessel, of Cromer, with her being stove; the whole expense of crew, 15 in number, was also totally thus fitting up did not exceed 31. lost; and from other parts of the coast and it could be put together in a few the accounts are equally distressing. minutes. The advantages of this me On land, some houses were blown thod of giving the properties of predown, others unroofed, and trees torn servation to any boat, may be consiup by the roots. At Yarmouth also dered of great importance to a inarithe sea washed over the Jetty, and time and commercial country, as UNIVERSAL MAG. VOL. XIV.

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