
Fir., 1777. 8°. 2 voll. (This edition
was suppressed)..
12°. 2 voll.


[ocr errors]

Torino, 1803.

bibliopea o sia l'arte di compor libri. Torino, 1776. 8°. In German (by J. A. H. Ulrich). Berl. 1783. 8°.-Gesch. Piemonts u. der übr. Staaten des Königs von Sardinien. Aus der ital. Handschrift des Vfs. übs. von F. Strass. Berl. 1800-3. 8°. 3 voll. (5 d. 6 gr.)— Clef des langues ou obss. sur l' origine et la formation des principales langues, qu'on parle et qu'on écrit en Europe. Berl. 1804. 8°. 3 voll. (3 d. 18 gr.) 5982 DENIS, Mch. Merkwürdigkk. 5982 DENIS, Mch. Merkwürdigkk. der Garell. Bibliothek. Wien, 1780. large 4°. (4 d.) Wien's Buchdruckergeschichte bis 1560. Wien, 1782. large 4°. (4 d.) Nachtrag. ib. 1793. large 4°. (13 gr.) A new supplement in the Catal. bibliogr. bibl. Theres. T. I. — Einleit. in die Bücherkunde. 2e Ausg. Wien. 1795-96. large 4°. 2 vols. (3 d. 16 gr.)-Codices MSS. theol. bibliothecæ Palatinæ Vindob. latini aliarumq. occidentis linguar. Vindob. 1793-1802. fol. 2 parts in 6 vols. (23 d. 16 gr.)-Carmina quædam. Vindob. 1794. large 4°. (2 d.)— Ossian u. Sined's Lieder. Wien, 1791–94. 4°. 6 vols. on vellum paper (20 d.).

One of our most worthy bibliographers, and in his combination of material and real notices he is quite similar to the excellent Freytag. See also MAITTAIRE.

5983 DENON, Vivant. Voyage en Sicile. Par., Didot aîné, 1788. large 8°. (6 fr.)

See also SWINBURNE. Not to be confounded with Saint-Non. Voy. pittor.

[merged small][ocr errors]

voyage dans la basse et la haute Egypte, pendant les campagnes du général Bonaparte. Par., Didot aîné, an X (1802). large fol. 2 vols. with 141 plates.

Very interesting, and splendidly printed. It is completely out of print, and now stands in France at about 500 fr., and on vellum paper 550 fr. In some few copies there is a likeness of the author.

5985 le même voyage. Par., Didot aîné, an X (1802). 4°. and i vol. with 145 plates in large fol.

The text was also printed the same year in 3 vols. in 12°. Reprinted, Lond. 1807. 4. (also on large paper), 2 vols. with an atlas of 109 plates. In Italian, Fir. 1808. fol. 2 vols. with 250 plates. In German by Dt. Tiedemann, Berl. 1803. large 8°. with plates (2 d. 16 gr.). In Dutch by Hm. Bosscha, Amst. 1804-5. large 8°. (5 fl. 5986 DENTICE, L. Due dialoghi 10 st.) della musica, raccolti da diversi au

tori greci e latini. Roma, 1553. 4° 5987 DENTRECASTEAU, Bruny. Voyage à la recherche de Pérouse, rédigé par Mr. de Rossel. Par., impr. impériale, 1808. large 4. 2 vols. and atlas in fol. with 40 plates (120 fr.).

DÉPLORATION, see ENFER. 5988 DEPOSITI e medaglie d' alcuni sommi pontefici delineati ed incisi da diversi intagliatori. Roma, Monaldini, 1780. fol. 37 leaves. 5989 DERAND, Fr. L'architecture des voûtes ou l'art des traits et coupe des voûts. Par. 1642 or 1742. large fol. with plates. 5990 DESAGULIERS, J. Thph. Course of experimental philosophy. Lond. 1734 or 63. 4°. 2 vols. with plates. In French by Pezenas, Par. 1751. 4°. 2 vols. with plates. DESALLIER, see ARGENVILLE. 5991 DESAULT, Pt. Jos. (Euvres chirurgicales publ. par X. Bichat. Ed. augm. par Ph. J. Roux. Par. 1813. 8. 3 voll. (18 fr.) In GerGött. man by G. Wardenburg. 1799-1800. 8°. 4 vols. with plates 4 d.). In Italian by Cosmo Mar. de Horatiis. Pavia, 1803. 8°. 6 voll. 5992 DESBARRES, J. F. W. Plans de la côte et des ports de l'AméNeptune atlantique (en anglais). rique septentrionale, intitulés: Le Lond. (1783). large fol. 2 parts in 1 vol. of 194 leaves.

Also at the same time an edition enlarged with several coloured printed leaves in imperial folio in 2 vols. with 258 leaves. 5993 DESBILLONS, Fr. Jos. Ter

rasse. Fabulæ Æsopicæ; acc. observationes, grammaticæ præsertim, complures. Manhemii, 1768. 8°. 2 vols. with plates. In addition, Miscellanea posthuma. ib. 1792. 8°. (all the 3 vols. 3 d. 14 gr.)

The fables, for the first time (only 5 books), Glasg. 1754. 8°. Very neat, Par., In Latin and Barbou, 1769 or 78. 12°.

French (by Desbillons himself), Mannh. 1779. 8°. 2 vols. and (by some other person) Par. 1809. 12°. 2 vols. In German by Bon. Andres, Würzb. 1789. 8°. 2 vols. (1 d. 8 gr.); and in verse by Tischler Jos. Pracht, Münch, 1800. large 8°. (16 gr.) 5994 DESBOIS, Fr. Alex. la Chenaye. Dictionnaire de la noblesse, contenant les généalogies etc. des familles nobles de France. Par. 1770-86. 4°. 15 voll.

Not greatly prized, but complete copies scarce. The last 3 vols. are no longer to

be had.

5995 DESCAMPS, J. Bt. La vie des peintres flamands, allemands et hollandais, av. des portraits. Par. 1753–63. 8°. 4 voll. In addition, Voyage pittor. de la Flandre et du Brabant. Par. (also Rouen), 1769.


All the vols. should be of this printing; the later reprints have bad impressions of the plates. The plates are chiefly by Fiquet. The last book in German (by J. Jac. Volkmann,) Lpz. 1771. 8°. (16 gr.) 5996 DESCARTES, René. Opera mathematica et philosophica. Amst. 1692-1701 or 1713. 4°. 9 voll.

Only a general title to earlier editions of single pieces. T. I. Principia philos., specimina philosophic s. diss. de methodo, passiones animæ. T. II. Meditatt. de prima philos. T. III. Tract. de homine. T. IV. Geometria. T. V. Compend. musicæ, explic. machinar., dioptr., de mechanica. T. VI-VIII. Epistolæ. T. IX. Opp. posthu

ma.-In like manner a French translation of his works, Par. 1724–29. 12°. 13 vols. may be collected together.

5997 DESCRIPCIONES de las islas Pithiusas y Baleares. Madr., Ibarra, 1787. 4°.


Prima pars

Autore G. M. A. W. L. Amst., Corn. Nicolai, 1598. fol. 51 numbered leaves and I unnumbered leaf, with plates printed in the text.

Diarium nauticum s. vera descriptio trium navigationum admirandarum, tribus annis factar. ab Hollandicis et Zelandicis navibus ad septentrionem. Auctore Ger. de Vera. Amst., Corn. Nicolai, 1598. fol. 43 leaves with plates printed in the text, 2 parts in 1 vol.

Both also, though abbreviated, in de Bry Petits voy. tom. III. to which they are added as a sequel. The Diarium also Arnhem., Jansson, 1598. oblong 4°. with plates; and Appendix diarii naut. ib., cod., oblong 4°. with woodcuts.


descriptionis itineris navalis in Indiam orientalem earumque rerum quæ navibus batavis occurrerunt. VOL. I.

premier livre de l'histoire de la navigation aux Indes orientales par les Hollandais etc. par G. M. A. W. L. Amst., Corn. Nicolas, 1598 or 1609. fol. with plates. (In Dutch, Amst. 1598. fol.)-Second livre, journal ou comptoire, contenant le vrai discours et narration historique du voyage fait par les huict navires d'Amsterdam etc. Amst., Nicolas, 1601 or 1609. fol. with plates. (In Dutch, Journael van de Reyse der Hollandtsche Schepen, met Appendix. Middelb. 1598. oblong 4°. with plates.) — Appendice. Vocabulaire des mots javans ou malayts. Amst. 1601 or 1609. fol. with plates.-Description du pénible voyage fait autour de l'univers par Olivier du Nort d'Utrecht. Amst. 1602 or 10. fol. 61 pages, with 25 plates. (In Latin, but only with 14 plates, in de Bry Grands voy. Th. 9.)-Vraye description de trois voyages de mer faits par les navires d'Hollande et de Zélande au nord par derrière Norwège, Moscovie et Tartarie, par Girard le Ver. Amst., Nicolas, 1598, or 1600, or 1609. fol. with plates. (Also, Par. 1599. 8°. In Italian by Gi. Giunio Parisio, Ven. 1599. 4°. with plates. In English by W. Phillip, Lond. 1609. 4°.)-Description et récit historial du royaume de

G g

Gunea. Amst. 1602 or 1605. fol. with plates.

These pieces also form a sequel to de Bry's Voyages. In Dutch they are collected together in Begin ende Voortgangh van de vereeinegde nederlandsche Oostind. Compagnie. Without place, 1646. oblong 4°. with plates.-See also Levin. HULSIUS and LINSCHOTANUS.

6000 DESCRIPTIO brevis gemmarum in museo Gu. Bar. de Crassier. Leodii, 1740. 4°. with plates printed in the text.


vetus orbis

græci scriptoris sub Constantio et Constante imperatoribus, gr. nunc prim. edita c. veteri versione et nova e regione notisq. Jac. Gothofredi. (Genev.), Chouet, 1628. 4°. Scarce.

This book was only extant in an old Latin translation; this Godefroy translated into Greek, and added a new Latin translation of his Greek translation. That is the truth. 6002 DESCRIPTION des arts et métiers, faite ou approuvée par MM. de l'académie des sciences. Par. 1761-89. large fol. 113 parts, with plates, which form 27 or 30 vols.

Complete copies only are of value. The Pêches are seldom complete, but they may be completed; see DUHAMEL.

Here follows a statement of the trades described in the work. The figures annexed point out how many parts each should


Amidonier, 1.-Ancres (fabrique des), 1. -Ardoisier, 1.-Bourrelier et sellier, 1.Brodeur, 1.-Cartier, 1.— -Cartonnier, I. -Chamoiseur, 1.- Chandelier, 1.-Chapelier, 1.- -Charbonnier, 1.—Charbon (Supplément du), 1.-Charbon de terre, with the Table des matières, 6.—Chaufournier, 1.-Cirier, I.—Colles (art de faire les), 1. -Cordonnier, 1.- -Corroyeur, I.-Coutelier, 3-Coutelier en ouvrages communs, 1. -Couvreur, 1.—Criblier, 1.—Cuirs dorés (art de faire les), 1.-Cuivre (art de convertir le) rouge en jaune, I.- -Distillateur d'eau forte, I.— _Distillateur-liquoriste, 1.— Drapier, 1.- -Enclumes (forges des), 1.— Epinglier, 1.-Etoffes de soie, 7 sections, 8.. Etoffes, en laines (l'art du fabricant d'), I. — · Étoffes en laines (l'art de préparer les), 1.-Étoffes en laines (l'art de friser ou ratiner les), 1.—Fer (fourges et fourneaux), 4.-Fer fondu (l'art d'adoucir

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le), 1.-Fil de fer, 1.-Hongroyeur, 1.— Indigotier, 1.-Instrumens d'astronomie, 1. -Instrumens de mathématiques, 1.—Layetier, I.-. · Lingère, 1.-. - Maçonnerie, 1. Maroquinier, 1.—. -Mégissier, 1.-Ménuisier, 4 tom., 6.—Meunier, vermicellier, boulanger, 1.-Microscope (descript. d'un), 1. -Orgues (facteur d'), 4 tom., 3.—Papetier, 1.-Parcheminier, 1.-Paumier et raquetier, 1.-Peinture sur verre et vitrier, 1.-Perruquier, 1.-Pipes à tabac, 1.Plombier, 1.-Porcelaine, 1.-Potier de terre, 1.-Potier d'étain, 1.-. -Raffinage du sucre, 1.- - Relieur, 1.-Saronnier, 1.— Serrurier, 1.- -Tailleur, 1.- -Tanneur, 1. -Tapis de la savonnerie, 1.-Teinture en soie, 1.- -Tonnelier, 1.- -Tourneur, ir tom., I.- -Tuilier, 1.-Supplém. au tuilier, 1.— Vaisseax (construction, mâture et voilure des), 3.--Velours de coton, I.— -Traité général des pêches, 10 sections, 14.

To which may be added the following parts, which however do not necessarily belong to them: 1. Art de faire les ressorts de montres. 2. Construction des théâtres et machines théâtrales. 3. Supplém. à l'art du serrurier. 6003 DESCRIPTION des arts et métiers. Nouv. éd. publ. av. des obss. et augm. par J. E. Bertrand. Neufchâtel, 1771-83. 4°. 19 vols. with plates.-Tome XX, cont. l'art de l'imprimeur, par Bertrand-Quinquet. Par., an VII (1799). 4°.

In this edition there are wanting about 30 parts of the preceding edition (among them ménusier and facteur d'orgue), but it has on the contrary the following, which are wanting in the folio edition: Affinage de l'argent, addition au charbon de terre, mouleur en plâtre, peignes d'acier pour fabriquer les étoffes de soie, supplém. au serrurier, tourbier, vinaigrier; and considerable additions to the boulanger.

In German under the title, Schauplatz der Künste u. Handwerker, aus dem Franz. mit Anmm. von J. H. Glo. Justi u. a. Königsb., Nrb., Berl. u. Erl. 1762-1805. large 4°. 21 vols. with plates (96 d. 12 gr.). DESCRIPTION des bains de Titus, see PONCE.-de la bibl. de Merly, see WILLETT. - of Britain, see CAXTON.

6004 DESCRIPTION de l'Egypte, ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Egypte pendant l'expédition de l'armée franç. Par., impr. imp., 1809 etc. fol. 9 vols. with 843

plates (fine paper 3600 fr., on vellum paper 5400 fr.).

This interesting and splendid work, is divided into 3 parties: Antiquités, Etat moderne, and Hist. natur. The Antiq. contain 423 plates in 5 vols.; État. mod. 170 plates in 2 vols.; and Hist. nat. 250 plates in 2 vols. The entire number of plates is 843 (of which 100 are of large size) exclusive of a geographical atlas of 50 leaves, which forms a distinct division. The text also divides itself into the above 3 parties.

The work appeared in 3 Nos. The 1st (1810) of 170 plates (19 of which are of the largest size, and 16 coloured), the 2nd (1813) of 273 plates (59 of which are of the largest size, and 31 coloured), the 3rd (in 2 halves) of 400 plates.

6005 DESCRIPTION générale et particulière de la France (publ. par de la Borde, Guettard, etc.). Par. Lamy, 1781-96. large fol. 12 vols.

It contains 6 Nos. text, 78 Nos. plates, and Nos. 52 and 60 twice over. It is unfinished, and the earlier volumes are better than the later.

Atlante, agro Tunetano et Algeriensi crescunt. Par., an VI (1798). large 4°. 2 vols. with 263 plates.

Only 500 copies, 100 of which are on vellum paper. Subscription price 263 fr. and 526 fr.

6011 DESGODETZ, Ant. Les édifices antiques de Rome, dessinés et mesurés très-exactement. Par., Coignard, 1682. large fol. with plates.

The first edition, and the most sought after, of an esteemed work. 7 leaves of The preliminary matter and 323 pages. plates are printed in the text. The editions, Par. 1779. large fol. (with the same plates, 96 fr.), and with an English and French text, Lond. 1771 or 95. fol. 2 vols. with 137 plates, are less sought after. 6012 DESHOULIÈRES, Antoinette du Ligier de Lagarde. Ses œuvres et celles d'Antoinette Thérèse, sa fille. Par., Desrey, an VII (1799). 8°. 2 voll. (10 fr., on vellum paper

DESCRIPTION. Hist. de la France, 24 fr., on large vellum paper 36 fr.)


6006 DESCRIPTION générale de l'hôtel royal des invalides (par Le Jeune de Boulencourt). Par. 1683. fol. with 19 plates. Belonging to the CABINET du roi.

6007 DESCRIPTION. Histoire de l'hôtel royal des invalides par J. Jos. GRANET. Enrichie d'estampes dessin. et grav. par Cochin. Par. 1736. fol. with 103 plates.

6008 descript. hist. de l'église roy. des invalides par Gbr. L. Calabre PÉRAU, av. les plans, coupes etc. dess. et grav. par Cochin. Par. 1756. fol. with 108 plates.

DESCRIPTION des pierres grav. d'Orléans, see CHAU. et récit historial, see DESCRIPTIO, No. 5999. —des travaux, see MARIETTE. 6009 DESESSARTS, N. L. M. Les siècles littéraires de la France ou nouv. dictionn. hist. crit. et bibliograph. de tous les écrivains franç. morts et vivans jusqu'à la fin du 18me siècle. Par., an 8 (1800). 8°. 7 voll. (30 fr., on vellum paper 60 fr.) 6010 DESFONTAINES, Ren. Flora atlantica s. historia plantar. quæ in

Fine and correct, but only à reprint of Par. 1753. 12°. 2 vols. Also, Par., stéréot. d'Herhan, 1803. 12°. 2 voll.


vers allégoriques à ses enfans. Par, impr. roy., without date. 4°.

Printed for the children of count d'Artois. There are 2 editions, the 2nd of which (enlarged with the Vers de Racine etc.) is the scarcest. A copy on vellum is in the Royal library at Paris. 6014 DESLANDES, H. Fr. Boureau. Histoire crit. de la philosophie. Amst. (Par.) 1756. 12°. 4 voll. 6015 DESMAREST, Anselme Gaetan. Histoire naturelle des Tangaras, des Manakins et des Todiers. Par., Garnery, 1805. large fol. 12 Nos. with coloured printed plates (360 fr.).

DES MOULINS, Guyard, see CoINS,


6016 DESODOARDS Fautin. Ant. St. N. Histoire de France, commencée par Velly etc. Par. 180810. 12°. 26 voll. (65 fr.) The sale of the 26th vol. was long forbidden. A new edition, Par. 1816. 4°. 6 vols. (72 fr.)-Hist. de la républ. franç. Par., an 6. 8°. 2 voll.—Hist. philosophique de la révolut. franç.


6025 DESTRUCTION de Troye la grant, mise par personnaiges (et divisée en 4 journées par Jac. Millet). Par., J. Bonhomme, 7 Mai 1484. fol. Gothic letter, with woodcuts.

The first edition, extremely scarce: 217 leaves, with the signatures a-y, in 2 columns of 40 lines. Each layer has 10 leaves, but a has II and a 8 leaves. Millet commenced his work on the 13th of Sept. 1450.

Ed. VI. Par. 1817. 8°. 6 voll. (36 DESTRUCTION de Jérusalem, see fr.) In German, Züllichau, 1797. 8°. 2 vols. (2 d. 8 gr.)-Hist. d'Italie. Par. 1803. 8°. 9 voll.-Révolutions de l'Inde pendant le 18me siècle ou mémoires de Typo-Zaeb, trad. de la langue indostane. Par. 1796. 8°. 2 voll. In German, Lpz. 1799. 8°. 2 vols. (2 d.) 6017 DESORMEAUX, Jos. Ripault. Hist. de la maison de Bourbon (jusqu'en 1589). Par., impr. roy., 1772 -88. 4. 5 vols. with plates. 6018 DESPAUTERIUS, J. Commentarii grammatici. Par., Rb. Stephan., 1537 (at the end, 1538). fol. The best edition (Longueruana, II. 13) of an important book for the history of the rules of language.

6019 DESPERIERS, Bon. Recueil de ses œuvres (par Ant. du Moulin). Lyon, de Tournes, 1544. 8°. 6020 les nouvelles récréations et joyeux devis. Lyon, Rb. Granjon, 1558. small 4°.

Printed in writing-hand (caractères de civilité). At the same price is Lyon, Rouillé, 1561. small 4°. Also, Par. 1564, or 71, or 88. 12°. Lyon, 1572. 12°. Rouen, 1606. 12°.

6021 les contes ou les nouvelles récréations. Nouv. éd. av. des notes hist. et crit. par de la Monnoye. Amst. (Par.) 1735. 12o. 3 voll.

See also CYMBALUM mundi. DESREY, see DANSE de macabre and GODEFROY de Bouillon. DESSELIUS, see Valer. ANDREAS. DESSINS, see W. CHAMbers. 6022 DESTOUCHES, P. Néricault. Œuvres dramatiques. Par., impr. roy., 1757. 4°. 4 voll. Fine. 6023 les mêmes. Amst. 1755-59. 12°. 5 vols. with plates.

[ocr errors]

Neat, and sought after on account of the plates. Also on strong paper. Par. 1758 or 74. 12°. 10 vols. are not prized. 6024 les mêmes, précédées d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par M. (Salgues). Par. 1811. 8°. 6 vols. with plates (36 fr., on vellum paper 75 fr.).—Nouv. éd. Par. 1820. 8°. 4 vols. with portrait and 11 plates (48 fr.).

6026--Lyon, Mthi. Husz, 1485.
fol. Gothic letter.
6027--Par. (without the printer's
name), 28 Apr. 1490. fol. Gothic
letter. Also, Lyon, 1491 or 1500.
fol. Gothic letter, with woodcuts.
6028 Par., J. Dryart, 1498. fol.
Gothic letter, with woodcuts; 211
leaves with signatures.

A copy on vellum, with 32 miniatures, 950 fr. Gaignat, 690 fr. Vallière, 1605 fr. M'Carthy.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

6031 DETOURNELLE. Recueil d'architecture nouvelle. Par., an 13=1805. large 4°. with plates.

Vol. 1. contains 10 Nos.; only 7 Nos. of the 2nd have appeared. Each number, in 4°. 3 fr., on vellum paper 5 fr., on Dutch In fol. paper 6 fr., planches lavées 30 fr. 4 fr., on vellum paper 7 fr., on Dutch paper 9 fr., planches lavées 35 fr.

6032 DETOURNELLE, ALLAIS et VAUDOYER. Grands prix d'architecture et autres productions de cet art. Par. 1805. large fol.

20 Nos., each of 6 leaves at 100 fr., on Dutch paper 120 fr., planches lavées 500 fr. 6033 DEVARIUS, Mth. Liber de græcæ ling. particulis. Emend. et

« VorigeDoorgaan »