
The diagnosis of a case of parasitism in the brook trout. Proc. 7. Intern. Zool. Congr., Boston 1907 (1912), 629-632. 1912.1

Notes on the distribution of entozoa of North American marine fishes. Proc. 7. Intern. Zool. Congr., Boston 1907 (1912), 686-696. 1912.2

Trematode parasites in the skin and flesh of fish and the agency of birds in their occurrence. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 245–261.

1912.3 Cestode cysts in the flesh of marine fish and their bearing on food values. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1912 (1913), 119-128.


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Ueber Bastardierungsversuche bei Knochenfischen (Labriden) Biol. Centralbl., 1887, 7, 20-21. 1887.1

Ueber die Variation der Laichzeit bei Labriden. Biol. Centralbl., 1887, 7, 64. 1887.2

Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Knochenfische (Labriden) Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1887, 45, 595-645. 3 pls. & 9 figs. 1887.3 Zur Herkunft des Periblastes bei Knochenfischen (Labriden) Biol. Centralbl., 1887, 7, 81-88. 1887.4

Ueber die Beziehung der Harnblase zu dem Enddarme bei Teleostierembryonen (Labriden) Anat. Anz., 1889, 4, 501-504. figs.

Lister, J. Lupton. Tenby. Tenby, 1879.

1889.1 Sea-fishing at 68 p. 8°.

1879.1 Littaye, (Prof.) Notice sur la pêche à la morue. Paris, 1891. 60 p.



Littleboy, John E. The Bulborne and Gade, with notes on the fish of the two rivers. Trans. Watford Nat. Hist. Soc. 1877-79 (1880), 2, 113–128. 1880.1

Lizars, Alexander Jardine. On the organs of sense in the salmon. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 10. meet., 1840, pt. 2, 134-135. 1840.1

Ljungman, Axel Vilhelm [1841-] Preliminär berättelse för 1873-74 öfver de beträffende sillen och sillfisket vid Sveriges vestkust anstallda undersökningarna. Upsala, 1874. 74 p. 8°.


Undersökningar till hafsfiskets befrämjande uti Skagerrack och Kattegat. Norsk. Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1875, n. s. 2. Jahrg., 1-14. 1875.1

Preliminary report for 1873-74, on the herring and the herring fisheries on the west coast of Sweden. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, 123-167. 1876.1

Ljungman, A. V.

Nagra ord om de stora Bohuslänska sillfiskena. Göteborg, 1877. 31 p. 8°.

1877.1 Bohusläns hafsfisken och de vetenskapliga hafsfiskeundersökningarna. 2 pts. Göteborg, 1878. 8°.

1878.1 Bidrag till kännedomen om sillens lefnadsförhållanden. Norsk. Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1879, n. s. 5. Jahrg., 269-285. 1879.1

Bidrag till lösningen af fragan om de stora sillfiskenas sekulara periodicitet. Norsk. Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1879, n. s. 5. Jahrg., 257-268. 1879.2

Om sillens och skarpsillens fortplantning och tillväxt med serskild hänsyn till Bohusläns skärgård. Norsk. Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1879, n. s. 5. Jahrg., 193-231. 1879.3 herring Comm. 1880.1

The great Bohuslän fisheries. Rept. U. S. Fish 1878 (1880), 6, 221–239.

The propagation and growth of the herring and small herring, with special regard to the coast of Bohuslän. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 639-659. 1880.2

The saltwater fisheries of Bohuslän and the scientific investigation of the saltwater fisheries. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 143-220. 1880.3

Contribution toward solving the question of the secular periodicity of the great herring fisheries. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 497-503. 1882.1

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fisheries on the west coast of Sweden, made during the years 1873-1883 [Translated from the Swedish] Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 729– 745. 1885.2

The future of the herring fisheries on the coast of Bohuslän. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, 399– 409. 1886.1 Lloyd, A. Horace. Freshwater fish in confinement. Zoologist, 1856, 14, 1856.1 Lloyd, John. The Severn, Wye and Usk fishery district. Conservation of Wye and Usk, etc. London, 1868. 8°. 1868.1


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Lloyd, Llewellyn [1793-1876] The game-birds and wild fowl of Sweden and Norway, together with an account of the seals and saltwater fishes of those countries; with a map and illustrations in chromolithography and woodcuts. London, 1867. 8°. 1867.1

Lloyd, R. E. Notes on the skull of the genus Aulostomatomorpha, with descriptions of some new deep-sea fish (In Natural history notes from the R. I. M. S. ship Investigator." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 306–311. fig.) 1906.1

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L'azione della cenere caduta durante l'eruzione del Vesuvio nell' Aprile 1906 sulle specie commestibili marine. Atti Istit. Incorag. Napoli, 1907, 6. ser. 58, 211–216. 1907.1 Mortality of fishes.

L'origine dei barbigli tattili nel genere Mullus. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1907, 5. ser. 16, 577-586. 8 figs. 1907.2

Grande pesca di sauri avvenuta rante i mesi da maggio ad agosto 1908. nel golfo di Napoli e sue adiacenze duRivist. Mens. Pesca, 1908, 10, 213–217. 1908.1

Sviluppo larvale, metamorfosi e biologia della "Triglia di fango" (Mullus barbatus Linn.) Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1908, 19, 18-50. 2 pls. - Rivist. Mens. Pesca, 1908, 10, 145-151; 168-176. pl. 1908.2

tania Bl. Uova e larve di Trachypterus Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1908, 19, 1-17. pl. 1908.3

La pesca della “ Fragaglia" nel golfo di Napoli durante gli anni 19061909. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, 1909, 11, 1909.1





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Locard, Arnould [1841-1904] Description de la faune de la Molasse marine et d'eau douce du Lyonnais et du Dauphiné. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Lyon, 1878, 2, 1-284. 2 pls. 1878.1 Poissons, p. 7-9.

La pêche et les poissons des eaux douces, etc. Paris, 1891. 12° (Bibliothèque des connaissances utiles) 1891.1

Loch, James. Observations upon the salmon in loch Shin, in Sutherland. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1837, 1, 208-211.

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Die Laichzeit der Coregonen im bayerischen Teil des Bodensees im Spätherbst 1906. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 32. Jahrg., 76-77. 1907.1 Locke, W. M. Aquarium and fish notes from the Wabash. Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 52. 1878.1 Habits of the gar and grindle. Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 3-4. 1878.2 An alligator gar in the Wabash; how gars spawn. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 341. 1879.1 Fish notes from southern Illinois. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 244. 1879.2

Habits of the Bubalichthys. Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 85. 1879.3

The grindle as a game fish. Chicago Field, 1879, 10, 364. 1879.4

Lockington, William Neale [1842?1902] Notes on some California marine fishes, with description of a new species Argyreiosus pacificus] Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1876 (1877), 7, 83-88; 108110. 1877.1

Remarks upon the various fishes [of the family Scorpænidæ] known as rock-cod. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1876 (1877), 7, pt. 1, 79-82. 1877.2

The long-jawed goby (Gillichthys
Amer. Naturalist,

mirabilis Cooper]

1877, 11, 474-478.


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Note sur quelques Pleuronectes de Californie. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1879, 3, 242-243. - Le Naturaliste, no. 12, 91–92. 1879.6 Notes on new and rare fishes. Scient. Press Suppl., July, 1879. 1879.7 Notes on some fishes of the coast of California. No. 1. Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 13, 299–308. 1879.8

Notes on some undescribed fishes of the Pacific coast. Scient. Press Suppl., Nov., 1879, p. 76. 1879.9 Notes on Pacific coast fishes and Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 13, 1879.10

fisheries. 684-687.

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Description of a new chiroid fish, Myriolepis zonifer, from Monterey bay, California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880.1 1880, 3, 248-251.

Description of a new fish from Alaska (Uranidea microstoma) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 58-59. 1880.2

Description of a new genus and some new species of California fishes (Icosteus ænigmaticus and Osmerus attenuatus) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 63-68. 1880.3

Description of a new sparoid fish (Sparus brachysomus) from Lower California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 244-286. 1880.4

Description of a new species of Agonida (Brachyopsis verrucosus) from the coast of California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 60–63. 1880.5

Description of a new species of Hemitripterus from Alaska H. cavifrons] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1880, 233–236. 1880.6

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On a new genus and species of Scombrida (Chriomitra concolor] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1879 (1880), 133-136. 1880.14

On the Clupeidae of the Pacific coast. Amer. Naturalist, 1880, 14, 518519. 1880.15 The pompano of California. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 321. 1880.16

Remarks on the species of the genus Chirus found in San Francisco market, including one hitherto undescribed [C. maculoseriatus] Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 53-57. 1880.17

Report upon the edible fishes of the Pacific coast, U. S. A. Rept. Calif. Comm. Fisheries, 1880, 16-66. 1880.18

The "river perch" or rock bass of California. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 253. 1880.19 -The rock-cod or rock fish of the San Francisco market. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 204. 1880.20 Supply of the San Francisco fish market. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 328. 1880.21

Description of a new genus and species of Cottida. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, 141-144. 1881.1

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List of the fishes collected by Mr. W. J. Fisher upon the coasts of Lower California, 1876-77, with descriptions of new species [Cremnobates altivelis, Pholidichthys anguilliformis, Apodichthys univittatus] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1881 (1882), 113-120. 1882.1

Sketch of the progress of North American ichthyology in the years 1880-1881. Amer. Naturalist, 1882, 16, 765-772. 1882.2

Lockwood, Samuel [1819-1894] Parturition of Hippocampi. Zoologist, 1868.1 1868, 2. ser. 3, 1343–1344.

The sea-horse Hippocampus hudsonius) and its young. Amer. Naturalist, 1868, 1, 225-234. 3 figs. Scient. Amer., 1871, 24, 306. 1868.2

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The formation of the medullary groove in the elasmobranchs. Journ. Morphol., 1893, 8, 367-378. pl. 1893.2

Metameric segmentation in the medullary folds and embryonic rim. Preliminary communication. Anat. Anz., 1894, 9, 393-415. 11 figs. 1894.1

The mid-brain and its accessory optic vesicles; a correction. Anat. Anz., 1894, 9, 486-488. 1894.2

The optic vesicles of elasmobranchs and their serial relation to other structures on the cephalic plate. Journ. Morphol., 1894, 9, 115–122. 6 figs.


Contribution to the structure and development of the vertebrate head. Journ. Morphol., 1895, 11, 497-594. 5 pls. 1895.1

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