notis et glossario. Havn. 1787-6580 - F. H. von der HAGEN Lie1818. 4°. 2 voll. Also on large paper. The first complete edition of the older or rythmical Edda of Sæmund. 6574 - Birgeri THORLACII fragmenta Höstlangæ et Thorsdrapæ, ethnicorum a sec. 9 et 10 carminum, ex Eddæ Snorr. codd. Regio et Worm. membraneis nunc prim. edita. Havn. 1801.8°. 6575 Danske Sange af det äldste Tidsrum. Af het gamle Sprog oversätte (af Barthold Ch. Sandvig). Kiöbenh. 1780. 8°. 144 pages. A Danish translation of the Vegthamsquida and Runacapitule. 6576- Forsög til en Oversättelse af Sämunds Edda ved Barthold. Ch. Sandvig. Kiöbenh. 1783-85. 8°. 2 Nos. A Danish translation of the more recent Edda of Snorro by Nyerup. Kopenh. 1808. 8°. 6577- Edda ou monumens de la mythologie et de la poesie des anciens peuples du Nord par P. H. Mallet. Ed. III. Genève et Par. 1787.4°. Previously, Copenh. 1756.4°. See under MALLET. 6578 -- die isländ. Edda, im J. 1070-75 aus alten run. Schrr. zuerst edirt von Sämund Freden, u. nun in die hochdeutsche Sprache mit einem Versuch zur rechten Erklär. übs. u. edirt von Jac. Schimmelmann. Stettin, Kaffke, 1777.4°. with 7 plates (3 d.). Without value. It contains only the Völuspä and Havamal. 6579 die Edda nebst einer Ein-. leit. über die nord. Poesie u. Mythologie u. einem Anhang über die histor. Literatur der Isländer, von F. Rühs. Berl. 1812. 8°. (1 d. 8 gr.) With this may be compared W. C. Grimm's review in the Heidelberg. Jahrbüch. 1812. Nos. 61 and 62. On the other side there appeared, F. Rühs üb. den Urspr. der island. Poesie aus der angelsächs. (Berl.) 1813.8°.48 pages. Grimm's reply is in the Heidelb. Jahrb. 1814. Nos. 14 and 15. der der ältern od. Sämundschen Edda, zum erstenmal herausgegeben. Berl. 1812. 8°. In addition as a 2d vol., Altnord. Lieder u. Sagen, welche zum Fabelkreis des Heldenbuchs u. der Nibelungen gehören. Bresl. 1814. 8°. (2 d. 12 gr.) 6581 - Lieder der alten Edda. Aus den Handschrr. herausg. u. erklärt durch die Brüder Grimm (mit dem Original). Bd. 1. Berl. 1815. 8°. (2 d.) 6582 - mythol. Dichtungen u. Lieder der Skandinavier. Aus dem Isländ. der jüngern u. ältern Edda übs. u. mit einig. Anmm. begleit. von F. Majer. Lpz., Cnobloch, 1818. large 8°. 6583 The song of the sun, a poem of the XI. century, from the more ancient Icelandic collection, called Edda, imitated by J. Beresford. Lond. 1805. 8°. (3s. 6d.) See also ARAS, SAGA, and SNORRO. EDDIN, see NASIREDDIN. Elhadscheh Mustapha Aschir Efendi is the author; the preface is Arabic; the work itself is Turkish. 6585 EDELINCK. Recopilacion de los retratos originales aviertos en lamina por Gerardo Edelinck. Without place or date, fol. 91 leaves with Edelinck's portrait. Engraved by Devaux after Tortebat. 6586 EDELMANN, J. Ch. (anon.) Unschuldige Wahrheiten, gesprächsweise abgehandelt. 1-15. Unterredung. Without place, 1735-43.8°. 2 vols. Moses mit aufgedecktem Angesicht. Without place or date, (Berleburg, 1740-41). 8°. Also, Ff. and Lpz. 1747. 8°. Decried in their time as impious, and strictly suppressed. The 15th piece of the first is particularly scarce. 6587 EDEN, F. Morton. The state of the poor, or a history of the labouring classes in England from the conquest to the present period. Lond. 1797. large 4°. 3 vols. (31.3s.) A French abridgment by Rochefoucauld. Liancourt, Par. 1802. 8°. 6588 EDEN, Rch. The history of trauayle in the West and East Indies and other countreys lying eyther way...gathered in parte and done into Englysshe by Rch. Eden. Newly set in order, augmented and finished by Rch. Willes. Lond. 1577-4°. A valuable and scarce collection. At first, ib. without date, 4°. 6589 EDER, Jos. C. Scriptores rer. Transsilvanar. Cibinii, 1797-1800. 4°. 2 voll. 6590 EDGEWORTH, Maria. Moral tales. Lond. 1816.12°. 3 vols. (10s. 6d.)-Popular tales. ib. 1814. 12°. 3 vols. (12s.)-Tales of fashionable life. ib. 1813. 12°. 6 vols. (11. 19s.) -Belinda. ib. 1811. 12°. 3 vols. (16s.)-Essay on Irish bulls. ib. 1815.12°. (6s.)-Leonora. ib. 1815. 12°. 2 vols. (gs.)-Patronage. ib. 1814. 12°. 4 vols. etc. Also translated into German. 6591 EDICTUM. Christianum de fide et sacramentis edictum. Romæ, Ant. Bladus, 1535. 4° Reina at Milan possesses a copy on vellum: see Dibdin Decam. III. 212. 6592 EDICTUM perpetuum Adrianeum Gu. Ranchinii opera restitutum. Parmæ, ex regio typographeo (Bodoni), 1782. 8°. 6593 EDÍPUS. Le roman d'Edipus, fils du roy Layus, lequel Edipus tua son père et depuis épousa sa mère, et en eut quatre enfans; et parle de plusieurs choses excellentes. Par., Pt. Sergent, without date, 4°. Gothic letter, 24 leaves, with the signatures A-F. 6594 EDIT du roi concernant l'augmentation des pouvoirs des trésoriers généraux des finances. Par., Vc. Sertenas, 1535. 12°. On vellum, to fr. M'Carthy. 6595 EDMONSON, Jos. Complete body of heraldry. Lond. 1780. fol. 2 vols. with plates. Scarce even in England, and it sells for 14 guineas. See also SEGAR. 6596 EDRISI (anon.) De universali geographia hortus cultissimus, mire orbis regiones, provincias, etc. earumque dimensiones et horisonta describens (arabice). Romæ, ex typogr. Medicea, 1592. 4°. 163 leaves. Only an abridgment from Edrisi's large geographical work. Copies may still be had at Molini's in Florence for 30 paoli; but these, like many of the older copies, have only an Arabic title, and no indication of the place or date of printing. 6597 - Geographia Nubiensis, i. e. accuratissima totius orbis in VII climata divisi descriptio, ex arab. in lat. versa a Gbr. Sionita et J. Hesronita. Par., Blageart, 1619. 4°. After the index there ought to be an appendage of 54 pages; De nonnullis orientalium urbibus. Afterwards I leaf with the Privilegium of 1620. The translation is very inaccurate. Consult Notices et extraits, T. I. p. XXII. 6598 Africa (arab.) Curavit J. Mich. Hartmann. Ed. II. Gött. 1796.8°. (2 d.) Edrisi's Ægypt is wanting in the first edition. 6599 - descripcion de Spaña de Xerif al Edris, conocido pol el Nubiese, con traduccio y notas de Jos. Ant. Conde. Madr., imp. real. 1799. 4°.-J. Mlch. Hartmanni progrr. II. de Edrisii Hispania. Marburgi, 1802. 4°.-Descrizione della Sicilia, cavata da Edrisi, con copiose annotazioni di Fr. Tardia, is in the Opuscoli di autori Siciliani. T. VIII. Palermo, 1764. 4°. p. 233, etc.-J. Mich. Hartmanni commentatio de geographia Africæ Edrisiana. Gött. 1792.4°. (20 gr.) 6600 EDWARDS, Bryan. History civil and commercial of the British colonies in the West Indies. Lond. 1793-1801. large 4°. 3 vols. with plates. Also, ib. 1807. large 8°. 3 vols. with plates (21. 2s.). 6601 - historical survey of the French colony in the islands of Saint Do 6603 EDWARDS, G. A natural history of uncommon birds, and of some other rare and undescribed animals, etc. exhibited in 210 сорper-plates (in English and French). Lond. 1743-51. large 4°. 4 vols. It contains, besides the title-plate, 210 illuminated plates, and i mezzotinto plate in the commencement of the ist vol. The above title is the principal title. The work at first appeared in English only in the years above-stated: in 1745-51 a French translation was added to it with separate titles, and at the same time that the 4th vol. appeared, a new title of 1751 was added to the Ist vol. Consequently the work is met with sometimes with the date of 1743, sometimes of 1745, and sometimes of 1751. As to the rest, the older copies contain plates more carefully illuminated than those in the new. 6604 - gleanings of natural history, exhibiting figures of quadrupeds, birds, insects, plants, etc. Lond. 1758-64. large 4°. 3 vols. With Edwards's portrait and 152 illuminated plates. It ought to be joined to the preceding work, with which the plates are also numbered, running on from 211 to 362. The price of all the 7 vols. together is 311. 10s., but they have become of less value since the beauty of their plates and colouring has been surpassed by more modern works. 6605 -- A natural history of birds, most of which have not been figured or described by G. Edwards. Lond., Gardiner, 1802. large fol. with 52 indifferent plates. 6606 EDWARDS, J. British herbal, containing 100 plates of the most beautiful and scarce flowers, etc. which blow in the open air of Great Britain. Lond. 1770. fol. with 100 illuminated plates. 6607 EDWARDS, Sydenham. Cynographia britannica, consisting of coloured engravings of the various breeds of dogs existing in Great Britain, with observations on their properties and uses. Lond., White, 1800-4.4°. This work appeared in Nos. 6608 - 61 plates representing about 150 rare and curious ornamental plants. Lond. 1809. 4°. (21. 2s., illuminated 31. 138. 6d.). 6609 EFFECTUS. Amoris divini et humani effectus. Without place, 1626. oblong 8°. with plates by Sneyders. A copy in which the plates were struck off on vellum, illuminated by the engraver himself, and furnished with a description written on vellum in characters of gold, was sold for 300 fr. at Paris's sale in London, 1790. 6610 EFFIGIES fundatoris, curator. et professor. aliorumque illustrium viror, quorum gratia, etc. Academia Lugduno-Batava incepit auctaque et ornata est, etc. LB., Pt. van der Aa, (1723). fol. 6611 Romanor. imperatorum ex antiquis numismatibus, quæ in thesauro Christianæ reginæ adservantur, delineatæ. Traj. ad Rh., Fr. Halma, 1695. largest sized fol. 14 leaves engraved by J. Van Vianen, without text. Also in H. Ch. Henninii hist. augusta imperator. Romanor. Amst. 1707. fol. 6612 illustrium philosophor. et sapientum effigies ab eor. numismatibus extractæ. Ven. 1580 (new title, 1583). 4°. Containing 74 likenesses of the old philosophers. Very badly drawn and engraved, and almost all fictitious: yet very scarce. 6613 pictorum aliquot celebrium Germaniæ inferioris effigies una cum Dm. Lampsonii elogiis. Antw., vidua Hi. Cock, 1572. fol. with 23 portraits. 6614 - pictorum illustrium, quos Belgium habuit, ad vivum delineatæ. Antw., Gallæus, without date, 4°. 6615- the true effigies of the most eminent painters and other famous artists, that have flourished in Europe. (Antw., Meyssens), 1694. fol. First, I title-plate and 10 leaves of preliminary matter of English text. Then, as the first part, the book specified in the preceding number, with the same title (1 title-plate and 22 portraits). Next, as the 2d part, Image de divers hommes d'esprit sublime. Antw., mis en lumière par J. Meyssens (1 title-plate and 100 portraits). This 2d part at first by itself, Antw. 1649. 4°. 6616 - plantarum, arborum, fruticum et herbarum effigies cum sex linguar. nomenclaturis. Ff., hered. Ch. Egenolphi, 1562.4°. 391 pages with woodcuts. The less complete first edition has finer woodcuts: Herbarum, arborum, fruticum, frumentor. ac leguminum etc. imagines (lat. et germ.) Ff., Egenolph, 1546.4°. 8 and 265 leaves. The following work is different from this: Eicones plantar. s. stirpium in tres partes digeste (a Jac. Thdr. Tabernæmontano), curante N. Basseo. Ff. a M. 1590. oblong 4°. with good wood cuts. öbenh. 1738. 4°. In German, Hmb. 1740. 4°. 6624 - det gamle Grönlands nye Perlustration eller Naturel-Historie. Kbhvn. 1741. 8°. In French (by des Roches de Parthenay). Copenh. 1763. 8°. with plates. In German by J. G. Krünitz. Berl. 1763. 8°. with plates (14 gr.). EGESIPPUS, see HEGESIPPUS. 6625 EGINHART (anon.). Vita et gesta Karoli magni (edid. Hm. a Nuenare). Col., J. Soter, 1521. 4°. 14 leaves of preliminary matter, 169 pages, and I leaf, colophon. The first edition very scarce. Annales regum Francor. ab a. 741-788 are appended. An extremely faulty impression of this edition is, Lps., Grosse, 1616. 4°. A new recension from MSS. in Reuberi script. rer. Germ., after other MSS. in Freheri corp. hist. Franc., after 5 MSS. in Duchesne script. hist. Franc., and after 2 new MSS. in Acta SS. Jan. T. II. p. 874, etc. 6626 - Eginhartus animadversionib. illustratus per F. Besselium. Helmst. 1667.4°. Reuber's text, Nuenare's edition, and a Florence MS. being also made use of. Divided into chapters for the first time. 6627 - de vita et gestis Caroli M. cum commentario F. Besselii et notis J. Bollandi. Acc. Mlch. Goldasti animadvv. ineditæ cum variis dissertatt. Curante J. Hm. Schminckio. Trj. ad Rh. 1711. 4°. A new and excellent recension after the earlier editions, and 5 MSS. Compared anew with 9 MSS. in Bouqueti script. rer. Gall. V. 84, etc. The edition by Ger. N. Heerkens, Groning. 1755. 8°. is chiefly after Schminck, and very incorrect. 6628 vita Caroli M. edita cum adnotatt. et varietate lectionis a Gbr. Gf. Bredow. Helmst., Fleckeisen, 1806. 8°. (1 d.) A new recension after the editions hitherto published, and after Albertus Stadensis. Translated into French by Helies Vinet, Poictiers, 1556. 8°.; afterwards in Cousin Hist. de l'empire d'occident, 1684: most recently, Par. 1812.12°. In German by J. G. Kunisch in Bredow's Carl. der grosse. Altona, 1814. 8°. 6629 EGLOGHE rusticali, il Moreto d'incerto, il Batino del Bracciolini, Celeo e l'Orto del Baldi, Pane del Farsetti. Ven. 1760. 4°. with plates. 6630 EGMONT, J. Ægid. van, and J. HEYMAN. Reizen door eer gedeelte van Europa, klein Asien etc. Leiden, 1757.4°. 2 vols. with plates. In English, Lond. 1759. 8°. 2 vols. with plates. 6631 EGNATIUS, J. Bt. Ad Franciscum I. de ejus in Italiam adventu deque victoria ex Helvetiis panegyricum carmen. Mediol., ex æd. Minutianis, 1515.4°. On vellum in the Royal library at Paris. 6632- oratio habita in funere clarissimi imperatoris N. Ursini, Nolæ Petilianique principis. Ven. 1509. 4° On vellum, 10 fr. McCarthy. See also HISTORIÆ Augustæ scriptores. 6633 EGUIARA y Eguren, Jos. de. Bibliotheca Mexicana s. eruditor. historia viror., qui in America boreali nati, vel in ipsam asciti quavis lingua scripto aliquid tradiderunt. Tomus I. (A-C.) Mexico, 1755. fol. EGUILLEVILLE, see GUILE VILLE. 6634 EHINGEN, G. von. Itinerarium d. i. histor. Beschreibung der Reisen nach der Ritterschaft vor 150 Jahren in zehn unterschiedliche Königreiche vollbracht, nebst Contrafacturen etc. aus Reimund Fuggern Museo colligiret u. von Dm. Custode in Kupf.gestochen. Augsp. 1600. fol. with numerous plates. 6635 EHINGER. Elias. Catalogus bibliothecæ amplissimæ reip. Augustanæ. AV. 1633. fol. Scarce, but it is not true that only too copies were printed. 6636 EHRET, G. Dion. History and analysis of the parts of Jessamine, which flowered in the garden of R. Warner at Woodfort. Without place, 1759. large fol. with illuminated plates. plantæ et papiliones de scriptæ et særi incise. Without place, 1748. fol. with 15 illuminated plates. See also TREW. VOL. I. 6638 EICHHORN, J. Gf. Monumenta antiquissimæ historiæ Arabum post Alb. Schultensium arabice edidit, lat. vertit et animadvv. adjecit. Gothæ, 1775. large 8°. (1 d. 12 gr.) 6639 - antiqua historia ex ipsis vett. scriptor. græcor. narrationib. contexta. Lps. 1811-12. large 8°. 4 voll. (10 d. 8 gr.) - Antiqua hist. ex ipsis vett. scriptor. latinor. narratt. contexta. Gött. 1811. large 8°. 2 voll. (4 d.) EICONES, see EFFIGIES, No. 6616. EINAJUT Oollah, see Jonath. Scorr. 6640 EINAR, Halfdanus. Historia literaria Islandiæ, auctorum et scriptor. tum editor. tum ineditor. indicem exhibens. Havn. 1786. 8°. 6641 ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ προς των γραμματων ἑλληνων. Elementale introductorium in idioma Græcanicum (ed. Hm. Trebel). Witt., Gronenberg, 1511. 4°. The first Greek piece printed in Saxony. 6642 EISENBECK, Emmeran. Der 104. Psalm Davids inn teutsche Hexameter oder heroicum carmen versetzt. Regenspurg, 1617. 4°. Reprinted entire in the Neuesten aus der anmuth. Gelehrsamkeit XI. 17, etc. 6643 EISENBERG, le Baron d'. Description du manége moderne dans sa perfection. Without place, 1727. oblong fol. with 60 plates by Bn. Picart. Also on large paper. The original edition with the best impression of the plates. The later editions are inferior, under the title, l'Art de monter à cheval ou description du manège moderne. Haye, 1733, or 37, or 40. oblong fol. 6644 le même ouvrage. Nouv. édit. augm. d'un dictionn. des termes du manége moderne. Amst. et Lpz. 1759. oblong fol. with plates. Sometimes in the same vol., Anti-maquignonage pour éviter la surprise dans l'emplette des chevaux, par le Bar. d'Eisenberg. Amst. 1764. oblong fol. with 9 plates. The Dictionn. termes etc., at first by itself, Amst. et Lpz. 1747. oblong fol. In German (with the Dictionn.) Amst. u. Lps. 1766. oblong fol. with plates. Kk |