
agitations of the cabinet have intro- it necessary that the physicians should duced confusion in our government: be examined on the nature of the the wheels may have been a little king' sdisorders; and Dr. Willis reclogged, but the machine has conti- ferred it to that species of insanity, nued its course. Every one must feel which consists in a confusion of ideas for the calamity that has befallen his crowding on each other, burdening King, and see the necessity of provid- the mind of the patient, and rendering for the defects in the kingly of- ing him incapable of attending to any fice: but there is nothing in the case thing which requires thought and reto call for the exaggerations of alarm, flection. A more common form of nor any difficulty, that may not be insanity is, when the patient dwells overcome by wisdom, integrity, and too long on a single idea, and reasonpatriotism. ing often justly from an error of his imagination, acts, what we call, the part of a madman. From the nature of his Majesty's complaint any particular hurry has a tendency to bring it on, and hence we may account for his having suffered under it in various periods of his reign; and the conclusion to be drawn from such a situation is the propriety of easing his mind from those cares, which are so liable to bring on so dreadfui a calamity.

The bulletins continued their unmeaning routine, from which nothing satisfactory or conclusive could be derived. The nature of the complaint admits of but little explanation, and is confined to but very few words. The day of the patient is marked by lucid intervals, or the absence of them, by coercion or the absence of it; and it may be justly doubted, whether any possible good could be derived to the people, by informing them of such particulars. All that could be wished for was, that our sovereign should be under such hands as were well acquainted with the nature of this disorder: and the experience and skill of Dr. Willis were a sufficient guarantee on such an occasion. As to the other physicians, they could be of no use, except when any particular bodily complaint might require their interference; and their presence was more likely to retard than to promote the cure of the principal disorder. It is of use to private families, that this subject should be clearly understood; that, if a similar calamity should befal them, they may know that prudence dictates to apply at once to those persons who are accustomed to the disorder, and not to waste their time and their money on medical men, who, however great may be their general skill and experience, have been little conversant with a malady that requires attentions pointed out only by long experience and practice.

With this state of his Majesty's mind the ministers must be presumed to have been acquainted long before it was laid before the public; and it might have justified them in proceeding to remedy the defect in the regal authority without any delay. The question naturally recurs, in what manner, and by whom is it to be remedied? A regency was obviously necessary; in whom is this to be confided? The public would naturally look up to the Prince of Wales upon such an occasion; and it seemed to be the general opinion both in and out of the Convention, that an application should be made to him to take upon himself this office. An interview, it was said, had been requested by the minister, but this was declined by the Prince; and the purport of it was conveyed in a letter of which the papers gave with confidence the substance, and added, that the princes of the blood had united in a remon strance against his Royal Highness beThe public could not remain long ing fettered by any conditions on ignorant of the nature of the com- coming into the office. To this the plaint. The confinement of a sove- ministers made a respectful reply, urreign must have a cause; and if deli- ging their duty to the crown, which cacy forbad the use of the word, it was caused them to see things in a dif sufficiently understood from circum- ferent light; and in fact, if the ocstances. However, time produced the currences took place as represented, developement of the whole. After there seems something preposterous a long delay, the two houses thought in the proceeding. The interference of

the Princes was not called for, nor lic justice: the pistrinum or enclosure could they claim any peculiar pri- of the bar does not afford sufficient vilege on this occasion above that of scope for an enlarged mind, and a any other subject. The Prince de- technical education may be improved. clined with great dignity to make any by the common sense of the unreply as to the main question, till learned. the proposition come fairly before him from the two Houses.

A curious cause was tried, which under the old French government would have been distinguished by very elegant pleadings. Abeautiful tale under the name of Beaury and the Beast has been long in circulation throughout all Europe. The power of benevolence and kindness under every disadvantage of personal appearance is shewn in this Tale, by a man of a hideous form, gaining the affections of a most beautiful woman. A French artist of great celebrity seized this as the subject of a painting, which with other works of his art, formed an exhibition very much frequented by people of taste and fashion. A clergyinan one day entered the room, and cut the painting to pieces. The artist brought his action for damages, which the jury granted to the amount of uve guineas, being the supposed value of the canvas and paint upon it. This verdict was given under the direction of the judge, and the propriety of it may exercise the judgment of the reader. In the picture, the two figures of the Beauty and the Beast were exact resemblances of a married couple in this town, the husband a gentleman of great taste, who had patronised the artist; but from some pique the latter is supposed to have taken this mode of revenging himself for the affiont, real or imaginary. The clergyman is brother of the lady. The The attention of the nation was judge conceived it to be a libel on absorbed in the malady of the King, the gentleman; that the chancellor the means of supplying the defect it would have, on application, issued an occasioned, and the discoveries of some injunction against the exhibition, and transactions that had taken place un- that this circumstance vitiated tite vader a similar calamity some years be- lue of the painting, and brought it fore. The state of the army in Por- down to the level we have mentioned. tugal, the multitude of bankruptcies, The case is doubtless complicated. the question of paper money agitated Supposing the fact of the libel; we in various pamphlets, lost auch of have two delinquents contra bonos their importance. But the law courts mores, the prosecutor in exhibiting attracted considerable attention. And an improper picture, the clergyman in it is some advantage to the kingdom, takin, the law into his own hands. But that in absence of other matter, the the action brought by the artist was public is entertained with judicial decisions. The oftener they are delivered to the press, and subjected to open examination, the better it will be for pub

A difference of opinion prevailed in the Houses on the mode of filling up the vacancy, whether by bill or by address, but it was determined to be by bill, and to follow as much as possible the precedent of 1788 The whole of this proceeding depends on a fiction. It supposes, that an act of the two Houses, sanctioned by the King's seal, affixed by a person acting under their authority, shall have the weight of an act of parliament. To argue upon such a point seems su perfluous. It is an expedient not sanctioned by law; and, as the law has not provided for the case, all that can be done is to act in the be manner the state of things will admit. This second warning will, it is hoped, in proper time introduce a law, which shall settle all difficulties in the case of idiotcy, lunacy, insanity, or minority of the Crown. It is certain that the mode of filling up the vacancy by bill prolongs the power of the ministers; but one could hardly imagine, that so slight a gratification could be an object, and they must have the credit of delaying with a view only of giving every chance possible of the King's recovery, that might be allowed without material injury to public affairs.


for a civil injury, for the destruction of property; and, if the property destroyed was of far greater value, it may justly be doubted, whether the

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circumstance of libel, which was not the country. The jury brought in then the question before the Judge a verdict for the merchant, with five could deteriorate its value. To do hundred pounds damages. But what strict justice between all parties, it makes this cause of more importance might seem, that the artist ought to is, the sparring that took place bebe paid for his work, and then cri- tween the Counsel and the Attorneyminal actions should be filed, the one General, an allusion being made with against him for his libellous act, the great propriety, to causes of libel in other against the clergyman for a the hands of the latter, and a quota breach of the peace. tion used from Shakspeare

On the question of libel we have already mentioned, that our opinions

differ so much from those entert. ined

«To have a giant's strength; but it is ty

"O! it is excellent


«To use it like a giant."

The Attorney-General, in reply, is said to have used very strong language, such as the occasion by Lo means justified. It was coarse, vulgar, and unsatisfactory,

We shall not

in the courts of law, that it would scarcely be prudent to enter much into this subject. But we cannot help noticing a sentence attributed to a Judge in the public prints, in a case of libel, against a newspaper, for the insertion of an article reflecting on the conduct of the Life Guards, sta- quote that 'part of the speech: we tioned in Piccadilly on the noted days know it only as stated in the papers, previous to the confinement of Sir in which he is said to have askedFrancis Burdett in the Tower. The "What! was the charge of profes Judge is said to have passed high sional severity to be laid upon him, encomiums on the conduct of the of pushing hard against the persons Life-Guards, and we do not mean to accused of libel? He was known assert, that they were unfounded: but from his boyhood, and there was not when we recollect, that two juries an hour of his life that had a stais have sat upon the bodies of persons upon it; he had never pressed the kilied, and brought in verdicts of law." An appeal is here made to the wilful murder against persons un- public, and of this the public will known of the Life-Guards, we con- judge; and we should be glad to fess, thatwe should hesitate in speaking peremptorily on either side of the question. The truth cannot be ascer tained, but by an impartial examination of all the circumstances: and which are Bearest to it the libellers or the encomiast, will probably never be determined. Whether the public peace could have been preserved without the aid of the military, is worthy of investigation: but there cannot be a doubt, that when called out, they have a very difficult task to perform, and they are not to be condemned by a popular cry.

Another case presented the Attorney-General in the new situation of defendant of a most atrocious libel against a very respectable merchant. The libel held up this gentleman as having been arrested in London on the charge of high treason, which was unfounded, for he was taken only before the Privy Council, examined, and discharged in the course of a morning: and the same circumstance might happen to any individual in

place the Attorney-General in a situation to answer a few questions; we do not mean in a court of justice, but at a table, and before men of honour, when he should be requested to answer this plain question: What is the reason that you have instituted more prosecutions, ex officio, since you have been in office, than any of your predecessors in the same inter val of time since the revolution! The Counsel on the other side re plied, that he was not to be influ enced by the "vultus instantis ty ranni," nor should he let the Attorney. General

-"Bestride the bar Were to walk under his huge legs, ard Like a Colossus, whilst others

peep about

To find themselves dishonourable graves."

Lord Eilenborough interfered, say ing, I know Mr. Topping there is no malignity in your disposition. I can not doubt that: but it is better that things of this kind should go to aj

little length as possible. Mr.Topping have any pretensions to civilization, justified himself completely; and as the state of nations at war has been part of the public, we do return him particularly considered; and it is our warmest thanks for the spirit he singular, that upwards of three thou has displayed upon this occasion. It sand years ago, the divine command came with peculiar propriety from was given, that in the siege of a town, him, from one without a spark of malignity in his composition: and we hope that his opponent will not again give occasion for stilar remarks either in public or in private.

We have at one time heard much of the O. P.'s. The Opera-louse has presented some difficulty nearly of the same kind. The constitution of this place of amusement is of a peculiar nature. There private boxes have been always allowed, and we must confess, that we never approved of the system. The tendency of it is to make a separation of the higher classes, and perhaps this house has been the mean of drawing them from the more rational amusement which the English stage affords. Be this as it may, a difficulty has arisen on the terms on which these private boxes are to be holden, and the proprietor has thought fit to declare the necessity of increasing the prices. A meeting has in consequence taken place of the subscribers, and a committee formed of noblemen and gentle neu, to investigate the question. We shall see whether the inanager can conduct this matter better for himself than his brethren of Covent-Garden. We are not to expect the turbulence that took place in the latter house: the mode of resistance will be different; but it may be equally efficacious.

particular care should be taken of the fruit-trees in its neighbourhood. How little do the nations, calling themselves Christians, think of the spirit of this ordinance: but we should wish to see it incorporated in the statutes of every country.

When a French General was elected to be the heir to the crown of Sweden, it was natural to foresee, that that country would soon enter into the measures of the continent, that the burning system would be adopted, and the alliance between that country and England be set aside. Every thing has taken place as was foreseen, and in addition to it, Sweden has declared war against our country. Thus we are entirely excluded from the whole continent of Europe. Every nation on it is at war with this country except one, and the sovereign of that country has been obliged to take refuge in his transatlantic dominions. Two European powers remain in alliance with us, masters of two small islands, Sicily and Sardinia: but these islands are protected only by our fleets and armies, and their sovereigns would sink without our subsidies. It is singular also, that the two countries, which are now opposing themselves to the French, are in a very extraordinary predicament, the sovereign of each is afflicted with a similar malady, and is incapable of transacting public business. Portugal has conaded the care of its affairs in consequence of the Queen's insanity, to the Prince, as Regent. In England, measures are taking to supply the defect in the Crown, but it is evident, that when an enemy is known to possess great skill and prowess, it must be an advantage to him, that there are any difficulties in the cabinets of his opponents.

Abroad, the burning system has continued with great vigour. The nations of the continent seem to join in it with great spirit, and it is justified by the French on the ground that this measure is not a new one, but is sanctioned by the English laws, which in various cases have for years exercised the right of burning certain French commodities. It is melancholy to think that the works of human industry should be thus consumed by man himself, instead of We have heard of the impregnable being employed to the advantage of position of Lord Wellington in Porall parties: but this is an effect of tugal, of the distressed state of Maswar; and, when the passions are en- sena's army, and this month informed gaged, the result is too often fatal to us of the retreat of the latter.humanity. lu a code of laws, which Lord Wellington, in consequence, deserves to be studied by all who followed, and sanguiuc expectations

Nothing decisive has taken place between the Russians and the Turks. The former retain their ground, and threaten to advance, though the armies of the latter are said to amount to more than four hundred thousand men. In wars of empires, armies of this description have generally been beaten by their opponents far inferior in number, and we see nothing to prevent the Turks from increasing the number of examples. The Russians refuse any other terms of peace than those first proposed, and it is not unlikely, that when the great strength of the Turks is frittered away, they will be glad to accede, when the Russians will increase in their terms. Germany, in the mean time, is quiet, and there is no appea ance of any movements on the part of Austria.

were in consequence formed, that an from the other. But strange to tell, army, dispirited by desertions and their army before Cadiz still remains want of provisions, would fall an almost unmolested, and the besieged easy prey to one supplied with every seem to be more occupied with the thing, and in full health and vigour. debates of the Cortez than in preThe first thing that damped this paring sorties to annoy the enemy. ardour was, the information that, on passing over the ground possessed by the enemy, there were too many strong indications that we had been, entirely misled in our account of his distresses, and it was evident that he had only changed his position for a very different cause. The next thing was more alarming, that he had fixed himself in such a position, that he defied any attack on our part; and the third piece of intelligence was still more discouraging, namely, that he had received considerable re-inforcements. These circumstances prepared the way for another mode of expectation, namely, that Lord Wellington was again retreated to his strong positions; but this was not clearly ascertained. It however appeared to be sufficiently verified, that Massena had retreated but little beyond Santarem, retaining possession of that town, and we look forward with no small degree of anxiety, to the result of his winter movements. The number of Portuguese that are under the protection of Lord Wellington, must be a great charge to his army but no one will venture very strong prognostications, when the accuracy of statements is liable on both sides to be so much called in question.

In America every thing portends a very great change. The Spanish colonies are every where in an unsettled state, and the Cortez may resolve what they please on the integrity of the Spanish empire, but there is every reason to believe, that the mother country will not retain its influence, nor be able to enforce its laws on a part of the world which has too long groaned under its yoke. In the Brazils also have appeared symptoms of an unquiet spirit. That Spain affords little room for parti- large territory requires peculiar macular remark. The Cortez declines nagement, and how far the maxims of in interest, and its proceedings do an European court will suit it, time not seem to have made any great im- must discover. In every point of pression in the interior of the coun- view, America seems to be rising in try. In the parts under the authority the political world, and in the new of the Gallo-Spanish king, they natu- kingdoms that are now forming, rally excite no small degree of ridi- there will be ample room to display cule, and from the continued march the talents of future historians. It is of French troops, it is evident, that with extreme regret, that we notice either from fear, or some other cause, the want of cordiality between this more apparent tranquillity prevails, country and the United States. Anothan can be supposed from the repre- ther crisis is near at hand, and the sentations frequently made in this intercourse is in danger of being incountry. It is evident, that if a strong terrupted. The States have resolved party existed in opposition to the that if our Orders in Council are not French, something decisive must rescinded in February, their former have taken place when Massena's measures are to be renewed, and their amy was shut up in Portugal, and ports are to be shut up against our the French were so separated ships.

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