
Porter, William Townsend, 1862



591.1 Q306


Physiology at Harvard, by William Townsend Porter, Second edition. Cambridge, Mass., The University Press, 1903. ix, 101 p. 18cm.

"Bibliographies for the theses to be discussed in 1903, p. 45-63. "Physiological research," p. 75-79.





Choulant, Johann Ludwig, 1791-1861 L016.611 C45 Geschichte und Bibliographie der anatomischen Abbildung nach ihrer Beziehung auf anatomische Wissenschaft und bildende Kunst. Von Dr. Ludwig Choulant, Nebst einer Auswahl von Illustrationen nach beruehmten Kuenstlern, Hans Holbein, Lionardo da Vinci, Rafael, In 43 Holzschnitten und 3 Chromolithographieen beigegeben von Rudolph Weigel. Leipzig, R. Weigel, 1852.

[16], xviii, [2], 203, [1] p. illus., 2 pl. (1 col.) 29cm.

Choulant, Johann Ludwig, 1791-1861.


016.61 C45

Handbuch der Bücherkunde für die ältere Medicin zur Kenntniss der griechischen, lateinischen und arabischen Schriften im ärztlichen Fache und zur bibliographischen Unterscheidung ihrer verschiedenen Ausgaben, Uebersetzungen und Erläuterungen, von Zweite durchaus umgearbeitete und

Dr. Ludwig Choulant, ....

stark vermehrte Auflage. ...

Leipzig, L. Voss, 1841.

xxi, [1], 434 p. 24cm. (Added 1.-p.: Geschichte und Literatur der älteren

Medicin. Erster Theil.)
Anastatic reproduction.

U. S. War Department. Surgeon General's Office.



L016.61 U58

Texts illustrating the history of medicine in the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, U. S. Army. Arranged in chronological order.


Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1912.

iii, 89-178 p. 295cm.

"Reprint from volume XVII, second series, Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office."

[blocks in formation]

von Professor Dr. Hugo Magnus, Docent Dr. Max Neuburger

und Sanitätsrat Dr. Karl Sudhoff. Heft I-XVIII



J. U. Kern (M. Müller), 1902-1906.

18 nos. in 4 vol. 24 cm.



610.51 A253

The Aesculapian. A quarterly journal of medical history, litera-
ture and art.
Volume 1. [December] 1908 - [September]


1909. Brooklyn - New York, 1909.

280 p. I pl., I port. 240cm.
Editor: A. T. Huntington.

Succeeds the Medical library and historical journal

no. 4.

[blocks in formation]

Ceased publication with vol. 1,

L616.051 B213

Baltimore, The Johns

Continued from vol. 1. illus., plates (partly col.), diagrs. 27cm.
Vol. 1: 1896; vol. 2: 1891.

"The first of the Johns Hopkins Hospital reports, which was published in 1890, was numbered volume II, with the expectation that this would be followed soon by a volume of studies from the Pathological Laboratory to be designated as volume I." - Introd. note, vol, 1.

Charaka Club, New York.

The proceedings of the Charaka Club.

106507 and Co., 1902-1910.


610.6116 15

New York, W. Wood

Library has vol. 1-3. fronts., illus., plates, ports., diagrs. 245cm.


"Organized by a number of medical men of [New York] city, interested in the literary, artistic and historical aspects of medicine." Pref.

Deutsches Archiv.

610.53 D488

1549 Deutsches Archiv für Geschichte der Medicin und medicinische Geographie. ... Erster Band-achter Jahrgang, [1878-1885]. Leipzig, C. L. Hirschfeld, 1878-1885.

8 vol. 23cm.

Vol. 1-3 edited by Heinrich Rohlfs and Gerhard Rohlfs; vol. 4-8, by Heinrich Rohlfs.
Ceased publication.

Interstate medical journal.


L610.51 1615

Interstate medical journal. ... . St. Louis, Mo., 1894-.

Continued from vol. 1, Dec. 1893. illus., plates. 26cm.

Vol. 1-5 title reads: The Tri-state medical journal; vol. 4-5 add: and practitioner.
Published monthly; vol. I in Keokuk, Iowa.

Vol. 8-9 have no t.-p.

Vol. 7, p. 253-260 wanting.



S610.53 J26

Janus. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Literatur der Medicin Erster - dritter Band. Breslau, E. Trewendt, 1846-1848. 3 vol. 214cm.


Editor: A. W. E. Th. Henschel.

Ceased publication. Revived in 1851 as Janus, Centralorgan für Geschichte und Litteraturgeschichte der Medizin.


S610.53 J261 Janus. Central-Magazin für Geschichte und Literärgeschichte der 103729 Medicin, ärztliche Biographik, Epidemiographik, medicinische Geographie und Statistik. Erster-[zweiter] Band. [18511853.] Gotha, J. G. Müller, 1851-1853. 2 vol. 234cm.


Reviving Janus, Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Literatur der Medicin, which ceased in 1848.

Ceased publication in 1853.

Jenaer medizin-historische Beiträge.

610.9 R201

Jenaer medizin-historische Beiträge herausgegeben von Prof. Dr.

87291 Theod. Meyer-Steineg. Vol. 1-. plates. 25cm.

Medical libraries.


[blocks in formation]

Medical libraries. A bi-monthly journal devoted to the interests of medical libraries, bibliography and letters.


Vol. I-V,

Feb. 1898-Dec. 1902. Denver, Colo., U. S. A., 1899-1902. 5 vol. in 1. illus., table. 261cm.

Edited by C. D. Spivak.

Vol. 3-vol. 4, no. 4, official organ of the Association of Medical Librarians and of the
Colorado Medical Library Association.

Title-page and index for each two volumes, hence vol. 5 has neither.
Ceased publication Dec. 1902.

[blocks in formation]

Vol. 1-2 have subtitle: Devoted to the interests of medical libraries, bibliography, his

tory and biography. Official organ of the Association of Medical Librarians.

Edited by Albert Tracy Huntington.

Published quarterly.

Ceased publication Dec. 1907; continued as The Esculapian.

Medical Library Association.


Bulletin of the Medical Library Association.

Continued from new series, vol. I, July 1911. illus. 27cm.

Medicinsk-historiske smaaskrifter.

[blocks in formation]

Medicinsk-historiske smaaskrifter [ved Vilhelm Maar]. [Køben

97627 havn, V. Tryde, 1912-.]

No. 1-. illus. 21cm.


610.55 R521


Rivista di storia critica delle scienze mediche e naturali. 104135 Organo ufficiale della Società italiana di storia critica delle scienze

[blocks in formation]

Société française d'histoire de la médecine.

610.6482 11

Publications de la Société française d'histoire de la médecine. Pa.


ris, Chez le Secrétaire général, 1913-.
Continued from no. 1. facsim. 235cm.

610.6482 10

Société française d'histoire de la médecine.
94995 Bulletin de la Société française d'histore de la médecine.

Paris, [1902-].

Continued from vol. 1, 1902. illus., plates, ports., facsims. 224cm.
List of members.


Treatises and monographs

Andrews, William, 1848-1908, ed.


610.4 A572

The doctor in history, literature, folk-lore, etc. Edited by William
Hull, W. Andrews & Co., [etc., etc.], 1896.


[8], 287 p. front. 22cm.

Augustin, Friedrich Ludwig, 1776-1854.


S610.9 1500

Vollständige Uebersicht der Geschichte der Medicin in tabella-
rischer Form. Von F. L. Augustin,
Zweite, durchaus
verbesserte und vermehrte Ausgabe. Berlin, C. G. Flittner'sche
Buchhandlung, 1825.

iv, 215 p. incl. tables. 22 x 18cm.

"Schriften über die Welt-, Völker- und Menschengeschichte, über die allgemeine Literaturgeschichte und über die Geschichte der Philosophie," p. 2-14.

"Chronologische Uebersicht der medizinischen Literaturgeschichte," p. [15]-205, on alternate pages with the tabulated data.

Baas, Johann Hermann, 1838-1909.

L610.9 P600

Die geschichtliche Entwicklung des ärztlichen Standes und der 107342 medicinischen Wissenschaften. Von J. Hermann Baas,

[blocks in formation]

Die Entwickelung der Medizin einst und jetzt. Seinen Schülern
aus den Jahren 1874-1901 gewidmet von Geheimrat Professor
Dr. Ch. Bäumler,
Tübingen und Leipzig, J. C. B. Mohr
(P. Siebeck), 1902.

iv, 104 p. 25cm.

Contents. - Die Entwickelung des gegenwärtigen Standpunktes in der Medizin und deren nächste Ziele. p. [9]-43. - Neuere Richtungen und nächste Ziele auf dem Gebiete der Behandlung innerer Krankheiten. p. [45]-100. - Litteraturnachweise über einige im Text berührte oder sonst benützte Arbeiten. p. 101-104.

Bouillet, J


Précis d'histoire de la médecine, par J. Bouillet,

introduction par A. Laboulbène,


xvi, 366 p. 23cm.

Bibliographical foot-notes.



610.9 0201

Avec un

Paris, J.-B. Baillière et fils,

British Medical Association.

610.8 19

Medicine in modern times; or, Discourses delivered at a meeting

58168 of the British Medical Association at Oxford. , with a report



on mercury by Dr. Hughes Bennett. London, Macmillan and Co., 1869.

vi, [2], 255 p. 194cm.

Contents. - 1. Stockes, W. Valedictory address. - 2. Acland, H. W. The general relations of medicine in modern times. - 3. Rolleston, G. Physiology in relation to medicine in modern times. -4. Haughton, S. Physics in relation to medicine in modern times.-5. Gull, W. W. Clinical observation in relation to medicine in modern times. -6. Bennett, J. H. Therapeutical research in relation to medicine in modern times, as illustrated by researches into the action of mercury on the biliary secretion.

Caröe, Kristian Frederik, 1851

610.9489 Q400

Den danske lægestand 1479-1900. [Ved Kristian Carge.] I102216 [IV]. ... [København og Kristiania, Gyldendalske boghandel

Nordisk forlag, 1904-1909.]

4 vol. in 1. 240cm.

"Udgivet med understøttelse af 'den Almindelige danske lægeforening."

Contents. I. Doktorer og licentiater 1479-1788. 1909. [16], 138, [2] p.-2. Kirurger eksaminerede ved Theatrum anatomico-chirurgicum 1738-1785. 1906. [12], 87 p. 3. 1786-1838. 1905. [8], 252, [2] p. 4. Supplementbind til 7. udgave indeholdende de læger, der har taget eksamen efter 30. jan. 1838 og er døde inden 1. jan. 1901. 1904. [10], 124 p.

Den danske lægestand 1901-1907. Ottende udgave ved John Johnsson og Karl Dehlholm. København, J. Lunds forlag (B. Borgen), 1907.

[14], 462, [2] p. 25cm.

"Udgivet af den Almindelige danske lægeforening i anledning af dennes 50 aars jubilæum."

Chistovich, Akov Aleksieev.

610.947 N001

81576 Ocherki iz istorii russkikh meditsinskikh uchrezhdenïi XVIII stolie


tía. IA. Chistovicha. [Sketches from the history of Russian medical institutions of the 18th century.) S.-Peterburg, I. Tre, 1870.

[6], 416 p. 25cm.

Choulant, Ludwig i.e. Johann Ludwig, 1791-1861. SA610.9 1201 Tafeln zur Geschichte der Medizin nach der Ordnung ihrer Doctrinen. Von den æltesten Zeiten bis zum Schlusse des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Von D. Ludwig Choulant, L. Voss, 1822.

vi, 54 p. incl. tables. 40cm.

Crawford, Dirom Grey.



L610.954 R400

A history of the Indian Medical Service, 1600-1913. By Lt.104328 Colonel D. G. Crawford, Bengal Medical Service,


I-[II]. London, W. Thacker & Co., [etc., etc.], 1914.
2 vol. 2 front., I port., I facsim., tables. 254cm.
"Bibliography," vol. 2, p. [477]-484.


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