Printed for the Editor, by Slater, Bacon and Co. SOLD BY W. BAYNES, LONDON; C. SUTTON, 1806. 265. h. 101 PREFACE. As S the following sheets, possess little of the charm of novelty on the one hand, or of originality on the other, it may be thought by some a species of presumption, to attempt saying any thing in their favour by way of preface; however to obviate this or any other charge, which the severity of criticism may bring against them. I have only to observe, that the materials of which they are composed, are derived for the most part, from works of a similar nature, many of which have long bore the stamp of public approbation. My principal intention has been to compress into a small volume, such a variety of Maxims, &c. on important subjects, as are not to be met with, in any indivi dual work of this nature; how far I have succeeded, I shall not presume to determine. If the younger branches of society find it, a profitable, tho' silent companion, and if those whom pecuniary circumstances in life, exclude from the advantages of edu cation, and the privilege of reading various authors, should find in the following pages, that which informs the judgment, and corrects the life, the end is answered to the public's Devoted Servant, Sheffield, April, 1806.' THE EDITOR |