VI. Population of Canada in 1901, and representation in the House of Commons according to the districts of the Representation Acts xv. Horses, horned cattle, shee, and swine in the provinces in 1906 and XVI. Field crops of 1900, 1905 and 1906... XVII. Areas of all field crops in 1905 and 1906, together with whole number of occupied farms and of farms growing wheat, barley and oats in 54 xx. Imports of Canada by values entered for consumption in the 42 fiscal XXI. Exports of Canada to Britain, United States and other countries of merchandise the produce of Canada by classes and values in the XXII. Imports of Canada by values entered for consumption from Britain and United States in the 42 fiscal years 1868-1909, exclusive of Imports of Canada by values entered for consumption from all coun- tries in the 42 fiscal years 1868-1909, exclusive of coin and bullion. XXIV. Exports of Canada by values of home produce to British Empire and foreign countries in the five fiscal years 1905-1909; also XXV. Imports of Canada by values of merchandise entered for consump- tion from British Empire and foreign countries in the five fiscal years 1905-1909; also coin and bullion XXVI. Exports of Canada to Britain in quantities and values by classes of home produce in the five fiscal years 1905-1909. XXVII. Exports of Canada to United States in quantities and values by classes of home produce in the five fiscal years 1905-1909........ XXVIII. Exports of Canada to other countries in quantities and values by classes of home produce in the five fiscal years 1905-1909. 106-121 XXIX. Exports of Canada to all countries in quantities and values by classes of home produce in the five fiscal years 1905-1909. xxx. Imports of Canada from Britain in quantities and values by classes XXXI. Imports of Canada from United States in quantities and values by XXXII. Imports of Canada from other countries in quantities and values by XXXIII. Imports of Canada from all countries in quantities and values by entered for consumption in the five fiscal years 1905-1909....... 138-157 classes entered for consumption in the five fiscal years 1905-1909. 158-177 classes entered for consumption in the five fiscal years 1905-1009. 178-197 classes entered for consumption in the five fiscal years 1905-1909. 198-217 XXXIV. Values of exports which may be classed as manufactures in the five xxxv. Summary of exports to Britain, United States and other coun- TRADE AND COMMERCE-con. XXXVIII. Imports of Canada by values entered for consumption from British Empire and foreign countries under the general, preferential and surtax tariffs in the four fiscal years 1906-1909.. XXXIX. Quantity and value of articles imported into Canada under the pro- XL. Value of goods by countries imported into Canada under the provi- PAGE. 222 223 223 XLI. Percentage of imports from Great Britain and United States res- 224 XLII. Average ad valorem rates of duty collected on imports from Great Britain, United States and all countries in the 42 fiscal years 1868-1909. XLIII. Imports of certain articles of raw material, 1875-1909, for home con- 225 226-227 228 fiscal year ended March 31 1909... 228 XLVI. Value of merchandise imported into and exported from Canada through the United States from and to foreign countries, distinguishing the countries whence imported and to which exported, during the fiscal years ended March 31 1908 and 1909... 229 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS XLVII. Debt of Canada July 11867 to March 31 1909... 230 XLVIII. Summary of liabilities of Canada July 1 1867 to March 31 1909..... 231-232 XLIX. Summary of assets of Canada July 1 1867 to March 31 1909 233 L. Aggregate receipts of Canada 1868-1909.. 234 LI. Aggregate expenditure of Canada 1868-1909. 235 LII. Receipts of Canada on consolidated fund account; also surplus and deficit in years 1868-1909.... 236 LIII. Expenditure of Canada on consolidated fund account 1868-1909..... 237 LIV. Summary receipts of Canada on consolidated fund account 1868 1909.. 238-242 LV. Summary expenditure on consolidated fund account 1868-1909..... 243-250 LVI. Accounting for increase of debt in the fiscal years 1868-1909.... ... 251-254 LVII. Payments and grants to provinces by the Dominion Government 1868-1909.. LVIII. Purposes of payments and grants to provinces by the Dominion 255 256 257 LXII. Articles subject to excise duty taken for consumption 1905-1909.... INLAND REVENUE-con. PAG E LXVI. Annual consumption per head of spirits, wine, beer and tobacco and 26: LXVII. Manufactures of malt liquor 1905-1909.. 264 264 LXIX. Manufactures of methylated spirits 1905-1909..... 261 LXX. Inspection of petroleum and naphtha from Canadian crude 1905-1909. 261 1909... 265 LXXII. Manufactures of vinegar and crude fulminate in bond 1905-1909.... 265 265 BANKS AND BANKING LXXIV. General statement of chartered banks 1868-1909. 266 LXXV. Deposits of chartered banks in Canada and elsewhere 1901-1909..... 267 267 268 269 LXXIX. Principal assets of each of the chartered banks of Canada, December 31 1909.. 270 LXXX. Principal liabilities of each of the chartered banks of Canada, December 31 1909 271 LXXXI. Reserve fund held by chartered banks by months 1900-1909.. 272 year periods 1874-1909... 272 LXXXIII. Average monthly circulation of Dominion notes by denominations 1884-1909. 273 LXXXIV. Clearing houses of chartered banks 1905-1909. LXXXVI. Commercial failures in Canada by provinces 1908 and 1909.......... SAVINGS BANKS LXXXVII. Business of the Post Office savings banks 1868-1909.. LXXXIX. POST OFFICE 273 274 274 275 276 277 xc. Revenue and expenditure of the Department 1868-1909. xcv. Number of post offices in Canada and estimated number of letters |