1855 279 HUNT (Leigh) Stories in Verse, now first collected, with illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 280 HUNT (Leigh) Autobiography of, with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries, 3 portraits. 3 vols, post 8vo, half calf neat. 12s 6d 1850 281 HUNT (Leigh) Correspondence, portrait. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 10s 1862 282 INGOLDSBY Legends, or Mirth and Marvels, WITH 60 ILLUSTRATIONS BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, JOHN LEECH, and JOHN TENNIEL, first quarto edition, whole bound maroon morocco, extra gilt sides and back, gilt edges. 258 1864 1854 283 JAMESON (Mrs.) A Common Place Book of Thoughts, Memories and Fancies, Original and Selected, first edition, illustrations and etchings. Post 8vo, cloth. 12s 284 JENNINGS (Louis J.) Field Paths and Green Lanes, being Country Walks chiefly in Surrey and Sussex, cuts by Whymper, first edition. Post 8vo, cloth. 285 JOHNSON (Saml.) History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, with a Translation in Bengalee. 8vo, half calf gilt. 38 6d 48 6s 1877 1833 1813 286 JOKEBY, a Burlesque on Rokeby, by an Amateur of Fashion, with Occasional Notes by our most Popular Character. 12mo, boards, uncut. 287 KEATS (John) Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, green morocco, gilt edges. 81. C. and J. Ollier, 1817 288 KEATS (John) ENDYMION, a Poetic Romance, first edition. 8vo, calf. 21. 2s Taylor and Hessey, 1813 289 KNIGHT (Charles) Shadows of the Old Booksellers, Post 8vo, cloth.` 5s 1865 290 LAMB (Charles) The Adventures of Ulysses, engraved title, first edition. 12mo, original sheep binding. ll. 15s 1808 291 LAMB (Charles) Elia, BOTH SERIES. 2 vols, post 8vo, yellow grained calf, marbled leaves. 21. 7s 6d 1833-35 The first edition of the exceedingly scarce second series, which alone realized £2 15s. at Sotheby's rooms. 292 LAMB (Charles) Elia, BOTH SERIES. 2 vols, post 8vo, boards, uncut. 258 E. Moxon, 1835 295 LAMB (Charles) The Life, Letters, and Writings of, edited, with Notes and Illustrations, by Percy Fitzgerald. 6 vols, post 8vo, very neatly bound in blue cloth. 11. 2s. 6d. (pub 42s) 1876 294 LAMB (Charles) Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who lived about the Time of Shakespeare, with Notes, first edition. Post 8vo, half bound. 15s 1808 295 LAMB (Charles) Works, FIRST EDITION. 2 vols, 12mo, original cloth boards, uncut. 11. 10s C. and J. Ollier, 1818 296 LAMB (Charles) Letters, with a Sketch of his Life, by Thomas Noon Talfourd, portrait, first edition. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 158. E. Moxon, 1837 297 LAMB (Charles) Final Memorials of, consisting chiefly of his Letters not before published, with Sketches of some of his Companions, by Thomas Noon Talfourd, first edition. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 128 E. Moxon, 1848 298 LAMB.-Mary and Charles Lamb; Poems, Letters, and Remains, now first collected, with Reminiscences and Notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt, portrait, and numerous illustrations, LARGE PAPER. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. 12s 6d 1874 1829 299 LANDOR's Imaginary Conversations, the scarce second series. 2 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut. 10s 6d 300 LEMNII (Levini) de Occultis Naturæ Miraculis, Lib. IV. 8vo, vellum. 58 Antwerpiæ, typis J. Withagii, 1564 301 LE SAGE's Adventures of Gil Blas, translated by Smollett, 15 highly humorous coloured plates. 3 vols, 8vo, calf. 16s 1819 302 LEECH.-The Follies of the Year, a series of 21 coloured etchings from Punch's Pocket Books, 1844-64, with Notes by Shirley Brooks. Oblong 4to, half red morocco, gilt edges. 18s 303 LITTLE (Thomas) Poetical Works. uncut. 58 1864 12mo, boards, 1806 The amatory poems of Thomas Moore. 304 LOCKER (Frederick) London Lyrics, NOT PUBLISHED, a very limited number printed. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 10s 1868 1869 305 LOCKHART's Ancient Spanish Ballads, with SEVENTY beautiful illustrations by Roberts, Harvey, and others, and elegant borders and ornaments in gold and colours. 4to, newly bound, half green morocco extra, gilt top. 17. 10s 306 LONDON.-Chamberlain's (Henry) Compleat History of London and Westminster, Southwark, and the parts adjacent, large quantity of interesting plates and maps. Folio, old calf. 12s 1809 J. Cooke, 1769 307 LONDON.-Hughson's (David) History and Description of London, and its Neighbourhood to 30 miles extent, full of interesting old plates. 6 vols, 8vo, poor binding. 15s 308 LONDON.-Hunter (Dr. H.) History of London and its Environs, including all the Towns and Villages within 25 miles, maps, plans, and views. 4 vols, 4to, half russia. 258 1811 309 LONDON.-Maitland's History and Survey of London. from its Foundation, 121 fine old plates of Churches, &c. 2 vols, folio, rough binding. 20s 1772 310 LONDON.-Stow (W.) Remarks on London, being an Exact Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark, and the Suburbs and Liberties. 12mo, old calf gilt, red edges. 7s 6d London, T. Norris & H. Tracey, 1722 311 LONDON INTERIORS, comprising nearly 100 highlyfinished engravings of the interior architecture and decorations of the most noted edifices of the metropolis, with descriptive letterpress. 2 vols in one, 4to, half morocco. 128 312 LONGFELLOW (H. W.) The Courtship of Miles Standish, and other Poems, first edition. Post 8vo, cloth. 78 6d 1841 Boston, 1859 313 LOWNDES' Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books. 4 vols, post 8vo, cloth, newly bound, half morocco, gilt tops. 35s 1871 314 LYTTON (Lord) Chronicles and Characters, by Owen Meredith, portrait, FIRST EDITION. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 10s 1868 315 LYTTON (Bulwer) King Arthur, FIRST EDITION. 2 vols, perfectly clean copy, in the original cloth. 10s 316 MANON LESCAUT, par l'Abbé Prévost, précedée d'une Preface par Alex. Dumas, Fils, beautiful proofs of the exquisite etchings of Leopold Flameng. Thick 8vo, vellum wrapper, uncut edges. Paris, 1875 17. 18s 1849 Glady's superb edition. La Collection de Galaup de Chasteuil. One of the choicest specimens of Parisian Typography, and one of the most charming productions of the age. 317 MANON LESCAUT, translated into English from the French of the Abbé Prevost, woodcut illustrations, and plates on India paper by Tony Johannot. Roy. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top. 11. 5s 1841 318 MANUSCRIPT MISSAL on Vellum, WITH CALENDAR and illuminated initials (112 leaves). Sm. 8vo, whole bound in russia, gilt leaves. 17. 15s 319 MAURICE's Indian Antiquities, or Dissertations relative to the Topography, Theology, Laws, and Literature of Hindostan, compared throughout with those of Persia, numerous plates. 7 vols, 8vo. 16s 1809 320 MESMERISM.-A Rare Collection of Works on Animal Magnetism, in English, French, and German. Bound in 4 vols, 8vo. 20s 68 V.D. 321 MILNES (R. Monckton) Palm Leaves, FIRST EDITION. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. E. Moxon, 1844 322 MOLIERE's Works, translated into English, portrait. 6 vols, 12mo, old calf binding. 12s Berwick, 1771 323 MONTAIGNE's Essays, translated into English, with considerable Amendments and Improvements from the French Edition of Peter Coste. 3 vols, 8vo, old calf. 15s 1759 324 MOORE's (Thomas) IRISH MELODIES, beautifully printed by BECKER'S PROCESS within artistic borders, with exquisite engravings by D. Maclise, R.A., in facsimile of the original drawings. Roy. 8vo, FIRST EDITION, handsomely bound green morocco extra, gilt edges. 21. 12s 6d 1846 1860 1873 325 MOORE (Thomas) Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion. 2 vols, sm. 8vo, boards, uncut. 4s 6d 1833 326 MOORSOM's Historical Record of the Fifty-second Regiment (Oxfordshire) Light Infantry, from 1755 to 1858, portraits, plans of battles, &c. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 12s 6d (pub 21. 28) 327 MORRIS (William, author of " Earthly Paradise") The Life and Death of Jason, a Poem, FIRST EDITION. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 158 Bell and Daldy, 1867 328 MORRIS (William) Love is Enough, or the Freeing of Pharamond, first edition. 8vo, cloth. 58 329 NATURAL History of Tuft-Hunters, of Humbugs, and of the "Hawk" Tribe, and Heads and Tales of Travellers and Travelling, full of humorous woodcuts. 4 vols, 18mo, original editions, in the illustrated covers. 10s 6d 330 NEWGATE Calendar (The New) containing Memoirs of the most notorious Murderers, Traitors, Highwaymen, and Thieves of every description, with their Speeches, Confessions, &c., by Knapp and Baldwin, plates. 5 vols, 8vo, calf. ll. 58 331 OLD NOVEL.-A Winter in London, or Sketches of Fashion, by T. S. Surr. 3 vols, small 8vo, half calf neat. 7s 6d 1848 1809 1806 Georgina, the beautiful Duchess of Devonshire, was dreadfully hurt at this novel. It contains various anecdotes concerning her which had been picked up from her confidential attendants. "Never read that book, for it has helped to kill me," were her words to a very near relative. She figures in it under the name of the Duchess of Belgrave. 332 OLD English Novelets-The Camp of Refuge. 2 vols, 18mo, cloth, scarce. 7s 6d Knight's Weekly Volumes, 1844 333 OXFORD.-Dillon (R. C.) The Lord Mayor's Visit to Oxford in the month of July, 1826, frontispiece, and one plate. 12mo, half calf. 78 6d 1826 1829 This serious absurdity was so much quizzed that the Lord Mayor (Venables) induced his over-earnest chaplain to suppress it. It was severely criticized by Theodore Hook in one of his papers in John Bull.-Lowndes. 334 PEACOCK (T. Love) The Misfortunes of Elphin, FIRST EDITION. Post 8vo, boards, UNCUT. 6s 335 PERCY's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our Earlier Poets, (chiefly of the Lyric kind), together with some Few of later date, engraved titles. 3 vols, sm. 8vo, calf. 35s Dodsley, 1765 The first and only edition containing the "Wanton Wife of Bath" and other pieces'not in subsequent editions; very scarce; a copy of this work fetched over £6 at Sotheby's last year. 336 PERSIA, containing a Brief Description of the Country and an account of its Government, Laws and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customs, Arts, Amusements, etc., of its Inhabitants, illustrated with 30 finely coloured engravings. 3 vols, 16mo, boards, uncut edges. 7s 6d Ackermann, 1822 337 PETER WILKINS, The Life and Adventures of, among the Flying Nations in the South Seas, taken from his own mouth, by Robert Paltock, woodcuts. Sq. 18mo, cloth. 5s 338 PICKERING's Diamond Edition of the Plays of Shakespeare, beautifully printed with the types of C. Corrall, portrait. 9 vols, 48mo, cloth, gilt edges. ll. 58 339 PICKERING's Virgil (Diamond type edition) beautifully printed from the types of C. Corrall, portrait. 48mo, morocco, gilt edges. 258 1839 1825 1821 340 PILKINGTON (Mrs. Letitia) Memoirs, written by herself, wherein are occasionally interspersed all Her Poems, with variety of Anecdotes and secret Transactions of Eminent Persons, living and dead, particularly Dean Swift, Mr. Pope, etc. 2 vols, 12mo, old calf. 10s 1751 340a PLANCHE (J. R.) THE CYCLOPEDIA OF COSTUME, or a Dictionary of Dress, Royal, Ecclesiastical, Civil and Military, from the Earliest Period in England to the Reign of George III., with Notices of Fashions on the Continent, and General History of Costumes of the Principal Countries of Europe, embellished with thousands of illustrations, plates, woodcuts, and chromolithographs, complete in 2 vols, 4to, handsomely bound, half red morocco, extra gilt backs, gilt tops, perfectly new. 4l. 10s 1879 341 PORTFOLIO (The) or a Collection of State Papers and other Documents and Correspondence, Historical, Diplomatic, and Commercial, Illustrative of the History of our Times, maps, first series, complete in 6 vols, 8vo, half green calf gilt. Formerly Lord Strangford's copy, each vol containing his Autograph. 51. 58 F. Shoberl, Jun., 1836-37 The value of this extremely rare series of the portfolio, a work which was published under the auspices of the late King William IV., consists in the fact that it comprises the Secret despatches of Pozzo di Borgo and others which were abstracted by the Polish Insurrectionists from the Russian Archives at Warsaw, in 1830-31, and which were brought over to this country by Prince Czartoryski. 342 PLAYS by Vanbrugh, Shirley, Macklin, Sheridan, O'Keefe, Colman and other esteemed authors, printed under the authority of managers from the prompt book. With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. Charming plates by Singleton, Heath, Howard, &c. 10 vols, 12mo, calf neat, contents lettered. 17. 10s 1806 343 PRAED (W. M.) Poetical Works, with Memoir by Rev. Derwent Coleridge, portrait. 2 vols, large paper, 8vo, hf bd, Roxburghe style. 178 6d E. Moxon, 1864 |