
623 PANINI, SUTRA VRITI, the Grammatical Aphorisms of Panini, in
Sanskrit, 1 vol. in 2, 8vo. title and pp. 1203 and 42, calf, very rare


Calcutta, 1810 "This is the legitimate edition of the Grammar of Panini.”—Goldstücker. -- acht Bücher grammatischer Regeln herausg. und erläutert von O. Boehtlingk, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 18s Bonn, 1839-40 625 RADJATARAUGINI, Histoire des Rois du Kachmîr traduite et commentêe par M. A. Troyer et publiée aux frais de la Société Asiatique, Sanscrit et Français, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 18s; or hf. calf Paris, 1840-52 626 THE SACRED LAWS of the Aryas, as taught in the Schools of Apastamba, Gautama, Vâsishtha, and Baudhâyana, translated by Prof. GEORG BÜHLER. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth (pub. at 21s)



Sanscrit Grammar, 8vo. cloth


627 SANKHYA KARIKA; or, Memorial Verses on the Sankya Philosophy;
from the Sanscrit by COLEBROoke. Also the Báhshya; or Commentary
of Gaurapáda; by H. H. WILSON. 4to.
O. T. F., 1837
628 WILLIAMS (M.). A Dictionary, English and Sanskrit. 4to. bound,
pp. xii, 859
London, 1851
A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, etymologically and philologi-
cally arranged with Special Reference to Greek, Gothic, German,
Anglo-Saxon and other cognate Languages. 4to. cloth, pp. xxviii, 1186
(pub. £4. 14s 6d), a used copy
Oxford, 1872
Oxford, 1864
631 Sardinia. LA MARMORA. Voyage en Sardaigne, ou description
statistique, physique et politique de cet Ile, ses productions naturelles
et ses antiquités, par le Comte Albert de la Marmora, 2 parts or vols.
(the second consisting of the ANTIQUITIES), with 2 atlases containing 4
maps and 48 plates, those illustrating the people and their manners and
COSTUME COLOURED, those of Antiquities plain; Paris, 1839-TROISIÈME
PARTIE, Description Géologique, 2 vols. and atlas consisting of large
coloured map and 18 geological and paleontological plates, some coloured,
Turin, 1857-Itinéraire de l'Ile de Sardaigne, pour faire suite au
Voyage, 2 vols. with portrait, maps, etc. Turin, 1860;-in all 6 vols.
large 8vo. of text, the oblong large folio Atlases in 1 vol. stained, half
morocco; and a separate large MAP on two sheets



Voyage en Sardaigne, 2 vols. royal 8vo. and 2 oblong folio atlases; 4 vols. (forming the first and second parts of the work), including all the COLOURED plates; sd., Presentation copy to J. H. Frere, with the author's autograph


Schoolbooks (Early):
633 OSBORN, School-master (T.) A rational Way of Teaching. Whereby
Children and others may be instructed in True Reading, Writing, etc.,
12mo. rare frontispiece, calf

London, Printed for Thomas Hawkins, in George- Yard in
Lombard Street, 1688
Curious frontispiece representing children saying one line each in praise of the book
with the following effect :-

To hold the pen the way to write;

I hold the pen to my delight.

We can divide our words so well,

Few masters can our Art excell.

The Method's easy our Instruction plain;
This cannot bruize the reed nor break the brain.

The Master: This to my comfort now I see;
All my desires accomplisht bee.

634 RONKSLEY (W.) The Child's Weeks-work: or, A little Book, so nicely suited to the Genius and Capacity of a Little Child, both for Matter and Method, that it will infallibly Allure and Lead him on into a Way of Reading, 1712-Urmston (J.) The London Spelling-Book: being a more easie and regular Method of Teaching to Spell, Read and Write true English, frontispiece and woodcuts, 1710-The Anatomy of Orthography: or, a practical introduction to the Art of Spelling and Reading English by T. C., 1712-together 3 vols. in 1, 18mo. calf 1712

[blocks in formation]

Schoolbooks (Early)-continued.



former of naturall Arithmetique: the other of Artificiall Arith-
metique, 12mo. fine copy in original calf
Printed for Phil. Stephens and Chr. Meredith at the Golden Lyon
in Pauls Churchyarde, 1630


Title 1 1. Dedication 2 11. Preface 7 11. and 484 pp.

636 HEADRICK (Rev. James). View of the Mineralogy, Agriculture, Manufactures and Fisheries of the Island of ARRAN. 8vo., map; bds.

Edin., 1807 637 JAMIESON'S Dictionary of the Scottish Language, latest and BEST EDITION, with the entire Supplement incorporated; also the SUPPLEMENTARY VOLUME, by David Donaldson, 5 vols. 4to. buckram, cloth (pub. £8. 58)


638 SHAKESPEARE (W.) Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems, Text newly edited, with glossary and notes, by Richard Grant White, portrait, 6 vols. 8vo. full citron morocco, gilt top, uncut


4 4

0 2



1 4

639 DE LA LOUBERE, Relation of the Kingdom of Siam, 2 vols. in 1, sm. folio, plates 1693 640 RELATION des Missions des Eveques François aux Royaumes de Siam de la Cochinchine, de Camboye et du Tonkin, etc. 12mo. old calf Paris, 1674 641 SILVESTRE DE SACY, Mémoires sur diverses antiquités de la Perse, et sur les médailles des Rois de la Dynastie des Sassaindes, suivis de l'histoire de cette dynastie, traduite du Persan, de Mirkhond, 4to. plates, hf. bd.

Paris, 1793 MS. notes in the handwriting of King William IV. 642 SINGER (H. W.) and STRONG, Etching, Engraving and the other Methods of Printing Pictures, square 12mo. with 10 original plates and four illustrations, cloth

0 12

0 15



0 10

With a complete bibliography of all the books printed on the art of engraving. 643 SMITH'S (G. Barnett) History of the English Parliament, 2 stout vols. 8vo. cloth 1894 A most laborious and scholarly book, giving also an account of the Parliaments of Scotland and Ireland.

644 SOCIÉTÉ de GEOGRAPHIE de LISBONNE. A selection of 18 memoirs published by this Society, 8vo. sd. 1892

Including: Descobertas e Descobridores: Diogo d'Azambuja e Diogo CãoPassos los Lusiadas, a luz da mitolojia e do orientalismo-Dos primeiros trabalhos dos Portuguezes no Monomotapa-O Oriente e a America, India Portugueza comparada com o Brazil-Affinité étymologique des langues égyptienne et indo-européennesLa première Invasion des Normands dans l'Espagne Musulmane en 844-A Penalidade na India segundo o codigo de Manu-Le Dialecte Portugais de Macao-Sociologia Chinesa: o homen como medicamento-Simplification possible de la composition en caractères arabes-Les Communautés des Villages a Goa-etc.

South Kensington Museum :

645 TEXTILE FABRICS. Descriptive Catalogue of the collection of Churchvestments, Dresses, Silk, Stuffs, Needlework and Tapestries, by the Rev. D. Rock. Royal 8vo., with 20 plates in colours; cloth gilt



[blocks in formation]

646 AZNAR DE CARDONA (P.) Expulsion Justificade de los MORISCOS
Españoles, stout 12mo. title in MS. vellum, rare Zaragossa, 1612
647 MARIANA (Juan de) Historia General de España, 9 vols. folio,
portrait, maps, and vignettes, crimson morocco, gilt edges
En Valencia, 1788-93

Best Library Edition of this classical work.

648 SPRENGER (A.) Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammad, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. Berlin, 1861

1 4


1 7

South Kensington Museum-continued.

649 STUDIO (The) An Illustrated Magazine of fine and applied Art from the commencement in April, 1893, to September, 1897, being 11 vols.; together with the Extra Numbers, the Winter Numbers, 1896-7; Christmas Cards by Gleeson White; Art at the Paris Salons; Art at the New Gallery; and Art at the Royal Academy; thus forming an absolutely complete set up to date, in the original wrappers as published

650 SWINBURNE'S (Alg. Chas.) Works, 6 vols. 12mo. cloth

Poems and Ballads, 1873.

Second Series, 1878.


[blocks in formation]


1 16 0

Bothwell, a Tragedy, 2 vols. 1875.


Atalanta in Calydon, a tragedy, 1875.
Songs of two Nations, 1875.

651 CASTELLI Lexicon Syriacum ex ejus lexico heptaglotto curavit atque dua adnotata adjecit Michaelis, small 4to. fine paper, hf. calf Gött., 1788 652 KIRSCHII Chrestomathia Syriaca cum lexico ed. Bernstein, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd.

653 TAGORE Law Lectures, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth

Contents: the years 1870-1, 1873-6, 1978.

Lipsiae, 1832
Calcutta, 1870-79

18 0



654 THEATRUM EUROPAEUM oder wahafftige Beschreibung, aller denkwürdigen Geschichten so hin und wieder fürnemblich in Europa: hernach auch an andern Orthen der Welt, so wol im Religion als Policey wesen vom Jahr 1617 bis auf das Jahr 1711 sich zugetragen. Beschrieben durch M. J. P. Abelinum, Oreum, und Lotichium, 20 vols. folio, a large number of well engraved portraits of Kings and leading men, maps, views of cities, plans of battles, and woodcuts, by Matthew Merian, bds. Franckfurt a. M. 1634-1734 10 0 0 Students of the development of European politics will find reference to this work indispensable; it should be in every public library.


the same, complete in 21 vols., with all the numerous plates, contemporary calf Franckfurt a. M. 1634-1738 17 10 0

Tibetan :

656 A BUDDHIST WORK, in Tibetan, translated from the Sanskrit, consisting of 274 leaves, oblong imp. folio, printed in Tibet either from wood blocks or from stone; enclosed within thick wooden boards

(Lhassa?) About 1830

A great curiosity. The title of the Sanskrit original is given apparently in the form of Kusha lamalaparinha.

657 CSOMA DE KÖRÖS, Tibetan-English Dictionary, 4to. sd. Calcutta, 1834 658- Grammar of the Tibetan Language, 4to. 204 pp. and 40 lithographic pages, bd.


1 0 0

[blocks in formation]

659 HODGSON (B. H.) Essays on the languages, literature and religion of Nepal and Tibet, roy. 8vo. cloth


04 0



660 FOUCAUX (P. E.) Grammaire de la Langue Tibétaine, 8vo. sd. 1s 6d; or, hf. bd. 1858 661 JAESCHKE (H. A.) Romanized Tibetan and English Dictionary, 8vo. hf. Lithographed Kielang in British Lahoul, 1866 Handwörterbuch der Tibetischen Sprache, 4to. 632 pp. double columns, sd. 15s; or, hf. bd. Gnadan, 1871


0 12 0

0 16 0



A Tibetan-English Dictionary with special reference to the
prevailing Dialects; to which is added an English-Tibetan Vocabulary,
roy. 8vo. xxiv, and 671 pages in double cols.
India Office, 1881

Tibetan Grammar, sm. 8vo. cloth

1 0 0


0 2 6

655 RGYA TCH'ER ROL PA; ou developpement des Jeux contenant l'histoire de Bouddha Caky-Mouni, Tibetain et Français par Foucaux, 2 vols. 4to. plates, sd. £1. 1s; or, hf. morocco

[blocks in formation]

£ 1. L


0 15

668 THE TOWNELEY PLAYS, re-edited from the unique MS. by G. England, and notes by A. W. Pollard, 8vo. cloth

The original MS. in my possession for sale.

669 TRUTH, a weekly Journal, from the commencement in 1877 to 1888, 24 vols. folio, bound in publisher's cases 1877-88


670 EVLIYA. Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the 17th Century, from the Turkish by von HAMMER, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. O. T. F. 1834-50 671 NAIMA. Annals of the Turkish Empire, A.D. 1591-1659, from the Turkish, by FRASER. Vol. I (all published), 4to. O. T. F. 1832 672 REDHOUSE, Turkish and English Lexicon, shewing in English the signification of the Turkish terms, thick 4to. (impl. 8vo.), pp. 2224, double columns, hf. morocco Constantinople, 1884-90 All the Turkish words are given both in the native and in Roman characters. 673 TYMMS' Art of Illuminating, 8vo. 96 chromo-plates, cloth Day & Son, n. d. 674 WAAGEN'S (Dr.) Treasures of Art in Great Britain, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth 1854-57 Galleries and Cabinets of Art in Great Britain, 8vo. cloth 1857 The Supplemental volume.


676 WARING (J. B.) Art Treasures of the United Kingdom, with Essays by Owen Jones and others, stout folio, 100 coloured plates, calf extra, gilt edges 1858 Comprises Sculpture, Ceramic Art, Vitreous Art, Textile Art, and Decorative Art. Only 250 copies were printed.

677 WATTS-DUNTON (Theodore) The Coming of Love and other Poems, 12mo. cloth

2 10

0 10


2 16

0 12

2 12


3 15

[blocks in formation]

678 WEIL (G.) Mohammed der Prophet, sein Leben und seine Lehre, 8vo. hf. bd. Stuttgart, 1843

0 2

1816 680 WOLFF (J.) Mission to Bokhara, 1843-5, to ascertain the fate of Col. Stoddart and Capt. Conolly, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth

679 WEST (Benjamin) President of the Royal Academy, The Life and times of, by John GALT. 8vo., hf. calf


[blocks in formation]

682 EPISTOLE THURCI per Laudivicum Hierosolimitanum aggregate, small
4to. numerous fine woodcuts, blue morocco, gilt edges
Lugd., J. Marion, 1520
683 NEUE KÜNSTLICHE wohlgerissene unnd in Holtz geschnittene
Figuren von Albrecht Dürer, Hanss Holbein, Hanss Sebaldt Böhem,
Hanss Scheuflin und andern Künstlern, oblong 4to. above 200 woodcuts,
mostly with German verses under them, fine copy in old calf

Franckfurt, 1620

The copies vary, the above lacks apparently eight leaves.

684 KRISTELLER (Paul) Early Florentine Woodcuts, with an annotated list of Florentine illustrated books, the ordinary state, £1. 10s; in 2 vols.


Dr. Kristeller's book is printed at the Chiswick Press, the edition limited to 350 copies, of which 300 are in one volume, price £1. 10s, and 50 in two volumes, with the illustrations printed on one side of the paper only, price £2. 28.

685 YOUNG (Arthur) Travels during the Years 1787-9; undertaken more particularly with a view of ascertaining the Cultivation, Wealth, Resources and National prosperity of the Kingdom of France, 2nd edition, 2 vols. 4to. map, hf. bd.

4 4

7 10

1794 200

[blocks in formation]

86 ABHANDLUNGEN für die Kunde des Morgenlandes: herausgegeben von der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. B de. I-VI, 8vo. half Leipzig, 1859-78



687 SPIRO'S (S.) English-Arabic Vocabulary of the Modern and Colloquial
Arabic of Egypt, post 8vo. xvi and 554 pp. cloth

Cairo, 1897
The Arabic given in its own letters, with an English transliteration.
688 AN ARABIC-ENGLISH Vocabulary of the Colloquial Arabic of Egypt, by
Socrates Spiro, royal 8vo. sd.
Cairo, 1895

"This is a very valuable work, indispensable to residents and others in Egypt who
wish really to learn the language of the country.

"Mr. Spiro modestly calls the book a vocabulary'; but it may well claim the
title of a dictionary, as it contains most of the words which the speaker of Egyptian
Arabic is likely to hear."

A. CUNNINGHAM, Director-General, and J. D. BEGLAR and A. C. L.
CARLLEYLE, Assistants, complete in 22 vols. 8vo. including a GENERAL
INDEX, with several hundred maps, plans, and plates of Ancient Indian
Architectural Remains, Sculpture, Inscriptions, and Coins, cloth, very
scarce complete
Simla, 1871; Calcutta, 1887
Very few sets remain for sale. Several of the volumes are not obtainable
separately; some are still for sale separately at the prices affixed.

[blocks in formation]

ib. 1875

Report for 1872-3, 50 plates
Report of a Tour in EASTERN RAJPUTANA
in 1871-72,and 1872-73,by A.C.L.CARL-
LEYLE, 24 plates, rare, £2. 10s ib. 1878

Report of a Tour in BUNDELKHAND and
MALWA, 1871-72, and in the Central
Provinces, 1873-74, by J. D. Beglar,
22 plates, 208
ib. 1878

Report of a Tour through the BENGAL
PROVINCES of Patna, Gaya, Mongir, and
Bhagalpur; the Santal Parganas, Manb-
hum, Singhbhum and Birbhum ; Bank-
ura, Raniganj, Bardwan and Hughli; in
1872-73, by J. D. BEGLAR, 22 plates, 20s
ib. 1878
Report of a Tour in the CENTRAL PRO-
VINCES in 1873-74, and 1874-75, by
CUNNINGHAM, 37 plates, 20s b. 1879


Report of Tours in BUNDELKHAND and
MALWA in 1874-75, and 1876-77, by
CUNNINGHAM, 36 plates, 20s ib. 1880

Report of Tours in the GANGETIC PRO-
VINCES from Badaon to Bihar, in 1875-
76, and 1877-78, by CUNNINGHAM, 44
plates, 20s
ib. 1880


Report of Tours in the CENTRAL DOAB
and GORAKHPUR in 1874-75, and 1875-
76, by A. C. L. CARLLEYLE, 14 plates
Calcutta, 1879


Report of Tours in the SOUTH-EASTERN
PROVINCES in 1874-75, and 1875-76, by
J. D. BEGLAR, 20 plates ib. 1882


Report of a Tour in the PUNJAB in
1878-79, by CUNNINGHAM, 31 plates
ib. 1882


Report of a Tour in BIHAR and BENGAL,
1879-80, from Patna to Sunargaon,
by CUNNINGHAM, 35 plates, £1. 10s
ib. 1882
Report of Tours in NORTH and SOUTH
BIHAR, in 1880-81, by CUNNINGHAM
and H. B. W. GARRICK, 31 plates
ib. 1883

Report of a Tour in the CENTRAL PRO-
in 1881-2, by CUNNINGHAN, 34 plates,
ib. 1884

Report of a Tour in the Gorakhpur
district, 1875-77, by CARLLEYLE, 7
plates, £2. 108

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