The Day of the LORD Is at HandGet Ready Publishing, 2005 - 368 pagina's This volume covers the great deception many Christians fall under concerning the false rapture theology. Benjamin Baruch expounds on the prophesies of Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah and John's Revelation as well as other prophetic warnings in the Scriptures. Researched thoroughly, this work insightfully ties Biblical prophesy with world events, expounding on truth often overlooked or avoided by modern day Biblical scholars. The Day of the LORD is at Hand navigates the reader through end time warnings to help the sincere Christian prepare for the coming of the Lord. |
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In February of 2003 I was attending a solemn assembly praye | 331 |
Overige edities - Alles bekijken
The Day of the Lord Is at Hand: 7th Edition - Behold, He Cometh with Clouds ... Benjamin Baruch Geen voorbeeld beschikbaar - 2014 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
abomination America angel anointed anti-Christ apostasy beast begin Behold blessed blood bring burn called children of Israel Church covenant Daniel darkness David Wilkerson day of vengeance deceived desolate destroy destruction dwell earth Edom evil faith false prophets Father fear Feast fire fulfilled glory God’s hand hath hear heart heaven holy hour Illuminati Isaiah Israel Jeremiah Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jubilee Judah judge judgment kingdom kings Lamb land land of Israel last days lion Lord declares Lord of hosts Lord’s mercy Messiah midst mighty Moab mountains Mystery Babylon nation Passover peace pray prince prophecy remnant revealed righteousness saints saith the Lord saved say unto Scripture second coming seven weeks Shavuot signs sins speak Spirit spoken stand sword tells temple mount thee things thou shalt tion told tribulation true trumpet truth vision voice walk warning wicked wilderness wisdom word wrath Zion