Enlightenment to Enlightenment: Intercritique of Science and MythSUNY Press, 1 jul 1993 - 416 pagina's This book is a thorough and critical, comparative analysis of the logic of modern scientific thought and of traditional teachings generally referred to as mythological and mystical. Different rationalities with different domains of interest and legitimacy exist, which should not be confused and cannot be unified in any theory of "Ultimate Reality." Atlan suggests they must coexist in practice, although each of them presents itself as an exclusive and all-encompassing truth. The book introduces teachings from Jewish talmudic, midrashic, and kabbalist sources and text from Zen and Taoism to exemplify the kind of rationality or controlled irrationality at work in such traditional thinking. |
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Experimental Proceedings | 17 |
The President and the Biologists | 18 |
Versailles 1974 | 20 |
California 19671968 | 21 |
Two Views of the Universe3 | 22 |
Initial Questions | 24 |
Cosmic Consciousness and the Collapse of the Wave Function | 25 |
Confusions of Levels and Disciplines | 27 |
Ultimate Reality | 249 |
The Reality of Meanings in Interpretation | 259 |
Games of Speech and Silence | 262 |
Natural Science and the Wisdom of Israel in the Talmudic Tradition | 265 |
Moral Law and Natural Law | 271 |
The Normative as a Dialectic of Openness | 272 |
Ethics Comes from Somewhere Else | 276 |
Wisdom Is Superior to Folly | 277 |
Scientific Knowledge and Levels of Organization | 35 |
From the Experience of Separation to the Joy of the Encounter | 38 |
The Temptations of Reductionism | 43 |
The MindBody Problem | 46 |
Reductionism SelfOrganization and Levels of Observation | 50 |
Language as the Locus of the Articulation between the Physiological and the Psychological | 53 |
Creation of Meaning and Neoconnectionist Models | 55 |
SelfReference in Language and White Space on the Page | 59 |
Psychosomatic Organization and Unconsciousness of Self | 60 |
Weak Reductionism | 61 |
The Role of Mathematics | 64 |
The Outflanking of the Scientific by the Quotidian and the Ethical | 69 |
Mysticism and Rationality | 93 |
Unreason and Antireason | 96 |
Order and Chaos in Symbolic Rationality | 105 |
Reason as Complement of Illumination | 110 |
Scholastic Theology and Kabbalistic Rationality | 114 |
Maimonides and Nachmanides | 118 |
Kabbala and Alchemy as the Midwives of Modern Science? | 119 |
Rationality Strangeness and Cunning | 122 |
Intermezzi | 143 |
The Undecidability of Noncontradiction | 146 |
About Possibles | 151 |
Interpretation Delirium Black Mud | 159 |
Interpretands | 161 |
An Attempt at Classification | 162 |
On the Relativism of Knowledge and the Reality of Interpretands | 179 |
The Reality of the Real According to Kripke | 181 |
Physical Science as Interpretation | 187 |
Causality as Proximity | 190 |
Explanation is a Bonus in the Sciences | 191 |
On the Reality of Numbers | 194 |
The Dualism of Access Paths | 196 |
The Sciences Humaines and the Rational Myth of the West | 201 |
The Price of Entry into Scientificity | 206 |
Freud versus Jung and the Scientificity of Psychoanalysis | 209 |
The Scientific Wager in Modern Psychoanalysis | 220 |
ManasGame Winnicott Fink Wittgenstein | 289 |
Playing and Games | 291 |
Playing as the Symbol of the World | 293 |
Reality as a Reduction of Possibles | 295 |
The Opportunities Provided by Modern Atheism | 296 |
An Alternative to the Disclosure of Ultimate Reality | 298 |
Real and Unreal in Language | 300 |
A Review of the Possible and the Logical | 304 |
Games of Knowledge and Language Domains of Legitimacy | 306 |
The Need for a True Ethics versus the Jokes of Theory | 313 |
An Ethics That Falls from Heaven or A Plea for Wishful Thinking | 331 |
The Ethics of Life Dissociated from Objective Knowledge | 335 |
A Genealogy of Ethics | 337 |
The Voices of the Right Brain | 338 |
Modified States of Consciousness as Sources of Ritual | 339 |
Transcendentalities of Ethics and Logic | 343 |
Symbols and Rituals | 346 |
The Rationalities of Magic and of Science | 348 |
Jung and Complementarity | 350 |
The New Myths of Science Fiction | 354 |
Severing Science from Its Origins | 355 |
Scientistic Temptations | 358 |
Effective Nonbeliefs | 359 |
The Last Temptation? | 361 |
The Scope and Limits of Wishful Thinking | 364 |
Knowledge Games about Knowledge | 366 |
TwoTier Thinking | 368 |
Norm and Experience | 371 |
The Barrier of Responsibility | 372 |
Otherwise than Knowing Otherwise than Being? | 374 |
A Game of Games | 375 |
Naked Truth | 395 |
The Great Temptation of the Dogmatic | 397 |
The Games of Scientific Legitimacy | 398 |
Speaking to Say Nothing | 400 |
405 | |
Overige edities - Alles bekijken
Enlightenment to Enlightenment: Intercritique of Science and Myth Henri Atlan Gedeeltelijke weergave - 1993 |
Enlightenment to Enlightenment: Intercritique of Science and Myth Henri Atlan Gedeeltelijke weergave - 1993 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
abstract accept alchemy Atlan attitude behavior biology causal Chapter character cognitive concepts consciousness context culture described discipline discourse discovery domain effect Elkana ence ethics example existence experience explanation explanatory expressed fact formal Freud function G. E. M. Anscombe human Ibid illumination individual interpretation Jewish Jung Kabbala kabbalistic language games latter leads levels of organization logical Maimonides mathematical meaning metaphysical metatheory molecular mystical mystical traditions myth Nachmanides natural language noncontradiction object observation paradox Paris particular phenomena phenomenon philosophers physical physicists play posed possible postulate precisely principle priori problem psychoanalysis psychokinesis psychology quantum mechanics quantum physics question rational reason reductionism reductionist relations relativism result rigor ritual role rules scientific knowledge scientific method seems self-organizing sense social society speak structure symbolic talmudic theoretical theory things thought tion Torah Tractatus trans truth ultimate reality unconscious unifying unity wave function Wittgenstein words