ULYSSES. IT little profits that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Match'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race, That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. Graded Literature Readers: Eighth Book - Pagina 213geredigeerd door - 1901 - 256 pagina’sVolledige weergave - Over dit boek
 | John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell - 1849 - 610 pagina’s
...action. " It little profits that an idle king, By this small hearth, among these barren crags, ¡Vlatch'd l, I've sailed in all parts of the world, and have seen nun sights ' I cannot rest from travel : I will drink Life to the lees : all times I have enjoyed Greatly, have... | |
 | 1849 - 864 pagina’s
...his island-home and kingdom, pants again for enterprise — for wider fields of thought and action. " It little profits that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Match 'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race. That hoard, and sleep,... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1851 - 300 pagina’s
...steep slate-quarry, and the great echo flap And buffet round the hills from bluff to bluff. ULYSSES. IT little profits that an idle king, By this still...That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. I cannot rest from travel : I will drink Life to the lees : all times I have enjoyed Greatly, have... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1851 - 290 pagina’s
...steep slate-quarry, and the great echo flap And buffet round the hills from bluff to bluff. ULYSSES. IT little profits that an idle king, By this still...That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. I cannot rest from travel: I will drink Life to the lees : all times I have enjoyed Greatly, have suffered... | |
 | Edwin Percy Whipple - 1851 - 434 pagina’s
...the imagination, leave upon the soul a most profound impression of the author's genius. " ULYSSES. u It little profits that an idle king, By this still...among these barren crags. Matched with an aged wife, I meet and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race, That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. I... | |
 | M. Edgeworth Lazurus - 1852 - 458 pagina’s
...change, excitement, and energetic struggle, which Tennyson has so finely drawn in his Ulysses : ULYSSES. It little profits that an idle king, By this still...That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. I cannot rest from travel : I will drink Life to the lees : all times I have enjoyed Greatly, have... | |
 | M. Edgeworth Lazarus - 1852 - 470 pagina’s
...change, excitement, and energetic struggle, which Teunyson has so finely drawn in his Ulysses: ULYSSES. It little profits that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Matehed with an aged wife, I mete and dole Unequal Inws unto a savage rnce, That hoard, ond sleep,... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1853 - 468 pagina’s
...steep slate-quarry, and the great echo flap And buffet round the hills from bluff to bluff. ULYSSES. IT little profits that an idle king, By this still...race, That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me I cannot rest from travel : I will drink Life to the lees : all times I have enjoyed Greatly, have... | |
 | Edwin Percy Whipple - 1853 - 434 pagina’s
...the imagination, leave upon the soul a most profound impression of the author's genius. "ULYSSES. " It little profits that an idle king, By this still...among these barren crags, Matched with an aged wife, I meet and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race, That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. I... | |
 | Richard Holt Hutton, Walter Bagehot - 1855 - 522 pagina’s
...power. " It little profits that an idle kind, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Match 'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole Unequal laws unto...That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. I cannot rest from travel : I will drink Life to the lees : all times I have enjoy'd Greatly, have... | |
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