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" Parties agree to establish and maintain an International Joint Commission of the United States and Canada composed of six commissioners, three on the part of the United States appointed by the President thereof, and three on the part of the United Kingdom... "
The Canada Year Book - Pagina xxxiv
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Documents on the Use and Control of the Waters of Interstate and ...

United States. Department of the Interior - 1956 - 780 pagina’s
...appointed by the President thereof, and three on the part of the United Kingdom appointed by His Majesty on the recommendation of the Governor in Council of the Dominion of Canada. . • . . ARTICLE VIII This International Joint Commission shall have jurisdiction over and shall pass...
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The Great Lakes Basin

United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations - 1956 - 190 pagina’s
...appointed by the President thereof, and three on the part of the United Kingdom appointed by His Majesty on the recommendation of the Governor in Council of the Dominion of Canada. ARTICLE THI. This International Joint Commission shall have jurisdiction over and shall pass upon all...
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Upper Columbia River Development: Joint Hearings Before the Committee on ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations - 1956 - 410 pagina’s
...appointed by the President thereof, and 3 on the part of the United Kingdom appointed by His Majesty on the recommendation of the Governor in Council of the Dominion of Canada. The Commission met for organization in Washington on January 10, 1912, the members having been previously...
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Upper Columbia River Development: Joint Hearings Before the Committee on ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations - 1956 - 416 pagina’s
...appointed by the President thereof, and three on the part of the United Kingdom appointed by His Majesty on the recommendation of the Governor in Council of the Dominion of Canada. ARTICLE VIII. This International Joint Commission shall have jurisdiction over and shall pass upon...
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Diversion of Water from Lake Michigan. Hearings ... 85-2 ... July 28-29 ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works - 1958 - 432 pagina’s
...appointed by the President thereof, and three on the part of the United Kingdom appointed by His Majesty on the recommendation of the Governor in Council of the Dominion of Canada. ARTICLE vm. This International Joint Commission shall have jurisdiction over and shall pass upon all...
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Diversion of Water from Lake Michigan

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works - 1958 - 432 pagina’s
...appointed by the President thereof, and three on the part of the United Kingdom appointed by His Majesty on the recommendation of the Governor in Council of the Dominion of Canada. ARTICLE VIII. This International Joint Commission shall have jurisdiction over and shall pass upon...
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Water Diversion from Lake Michigan: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works - 1959 - 500 pagina’s
...apixnnted by the President thereof, and three on the part of the United Kingdom appointed by His Majesty on the recommendation of the Governor in Council of the Dominion of Canada. AETICLE VIII. This International Joint Commission shall have jurisdiction over and shall pass upon...
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Upper Columbia River Development: Hearings Before the United States Senate ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs - 1958 - 464 pagina’s
...appointed by the President thereof, and three on the part of the United Kingdom appointed by His Majesty on the recommendation of the Governor in Council of the Dominion of Canada. I ABTICLE VIII. This International Joint Commission shall have jurisdiction over and shall pass upon...
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Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America ...

United States - 1968 - 1338 pagina’s
...appointed by the President thereof, and three on the part of the United Kingdom appointed by His Majesty arty imposes tax by reason of a decedent's being domiciled in some part of ARTICLE VIII This International Joint Commission shall have jurisdiction over and shall pass upon all...
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The Great Lakes: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Inter-American Affairs ...

United States. Congress. House Foreign Affairs Committee - 1973 - 764 pagina’s
...appointed by the President thereof, and three on the part of the United Kingdom appoint: by His Majesty on the recommendation of the Governor in Council of the Dominion of Canada. ARTICLE VIII This International Joint Commission shall have jurisdiction over and shill pass upon all...
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