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" ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. "
The Edinburgh annual register - Pagina 15
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An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands in the South ..., Volume 1

William Mariner, John Martin - 1817 - 540 pagina’s
...9/. Medium 4to.; 131. 13*. Imperial 4t.o. j or, with Indian Paper Proofs of the Plates, 27 /. Board*. CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements...explained. By the Author of " CONVERSATIONS on CHEMISTRY.'' The Sd Edition improved, in One large Volume, 12mo. 9*. Boards. Works published in the Course of July...
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The Eclectic Review, Volume 8

1817 - 738 pagina’s
...vol. 4to. Illustrât«) with Plates. Nearly ready, A New and improved - ¡.'mm of " Conversation« on Political Economy ; in which the Elements of that...Science are familiarly explained." By the Author of " Conversation* on. Chemistry." Abo, a New Edition, being the fifth, considerably evlarged, of the...
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Jenaische allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung. Jahrg. 1-[38. With] Intelligenzblatt ...

1817 - 418 pagina’s
...(РгЛбв. 6 d.) Staatswirthfchaft und Politik. Conversations on political economy, in u-hich the elements of that science are familiarly explained. By the Author of Conversations QII Chemistry. 12. (9 s.) Eine fdfsliche Anleitung zu einer Wiíleafchaft, die in England mehr als...
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A sketch of modern and antient geography

Samuel Butler (bp. of Lichfield and Coventry.) - 1818 - 376 pagina’s
...familiarly explained and illustrated by Experiments. In 2 vota 12mo. with Plates by T owry. 14*. boards. CONVERSATIONS on POLITICA.L ECONOMY; in which the...explained. By the Author of " Conversations on Chemistry." The sA Edition, improved, in 1 large vol. I2mo. price 9t, boards. ...
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The Edinburgh Annual Register, Volume 9

Walter Scott - 1820 - 744 pagina’s
...Parliamentary Debates, Volume XXXII. being the first of the late Session of Parliament. Royal 8vo. Illls6d Letters on the Corn Trade : containing Considerations...Political Economy, in which the Elements of that Science we familiarly explained. By the Author of Conversations on Chemistry. 13roo. 0t Correspondence of M....
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The Edinburgh Annual Register, for 1808-26, Volume 9

1820 - 740 pagina’s
...Parliamentary Debates, Volume XXXlf. being the first of the late Session of Parliament. Royal Svo. II I Is (id Letters on the Corn Trade : containing Considerations...Farmers, and the Monopoly of Corn. By Jos. Storrs Fry. Is Gd Conversations on Political Economy, in which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained....
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The Edinburgh Annual Register, Volume 9

Walter Scott - 1820 - 748 pagina’s
...Parliamentary Debates, Volume XXXII. being the first of the late Session of Parliament. Royal 8vo. 11 Us fid Letters on the Corn Trade: containing Considerations...Farmers, and the Monopoly of Corn. By Jos. Storrs Fry. Is Od Conversations on Political Economy, in which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained....
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Poetry for Children: Consisting of Short Pieces to be Committed to Memory

1820 - 190 pagina’s
...illustrated by an Engraving; and a short Accoimt is added of some of the principal Foreign Species. CONVERSATIONS on POLITICAL ECONOMY; in which the Elements...explained. By the Author of " Conversations on Chemistry." The Second Edit, improved, in One large Vol. 12mo. Price 9*. CONVERSATIONS on CHEMISTRY. In which the...
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Conversations on Political Economy: In which the Elements of that Science ...

Mrs. Marcet (Jane Haldimand) - 1821 - 510 pagina’s
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Modern Publications and New Editions of Valuable Standard Works, Published ...

Lea & Febiger - 1821 - 312 pagina’s
...Harrow) World without Souls, 63 cents Phil. 18\5 919 Conversations on Political Ec.jnoi.iy; in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained, by the author of Conversations on Chemistry, 8 1 50 Phil. 1817 990 Same work,bds. 8l 25 ibid. 921 Classical English Letter Writer ; or Epistolary...
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