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" ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. "
The Edinburgh annual register - Pagina 15
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Nationalöconomie oder Volkswirthschaft, Volume 3

Adolph Friedrich Johann Riedel - 1847 - 306 pagina’s
...verbesserte Ausgabe. Tübingen, 1820. (Madame Marcet,) ConversStions on polkical economy, An -which the elements of that science are familiarly explained. By the author of conversations on chemistry. London, 1816. 8. Französisch: Entreties sur l'economie politique, dans lesquels les elements de cette...
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"Hawbuck Grange:", Or, The Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, Esq

Robert Smith Surtees - 1847 - 396 pagina’s
...New Edition, enlarged and corrected. Fcp. 8vo. with 23 Plates, 10s. (id. cloth. MARCET.-CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. By Mrs. MARCBT. New Edition revised and enlarged. Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. cloth. JOUND aY f)GY; comprehending...
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The Sugar-planter's Manual: Being a Treatise on the Art of Obtaining Sugar ...

William Julian Evans - 1847 - 310 pagina’s
...New Edition, enlarged and corrected. Fcp. 8vo. with 23 Plates, )0s. 6d. cloth. MARCET.-CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. By Mrs. MARCET. New Edition revised and enlarged. Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. cloth. MARCET.-CONVERSATIONS ON VEGETABLE...
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Hints to Mothers on the Management of Health During the Period of Pregnancy ...

Thomas Bull (M.D.) - 1847 - 456 pagina’s
...Edition, enlarged and corrected. Fcap. Svo. with 23 Plates, 10*. 6d. cloth. MARCET.—CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. By Mrs. Mareet. 7th Edition, revised and enlarged. Foolscap Svo. /s. 6rf. cloth. MARCET.—CONVERSATIONS...
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Narrative of a campaign against the Kabaïles of Algeria

Dawson Borrer - 1848 - 446 pagina’s
...Marcet. New Edition, enlarged and corrected. Fcap. Svo. with 23 Plates, 10s. 6d. cloth. MARCET.— CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. By Mrs. Marc*t. New Edition,revised and enlarged. Foolscap Svo. 7s. 6rf. cloth. MARCET.— CONVERSATIONS...
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School Chemistry; Or, Practical Rudiments of the Science

Robert Dundas Thomson - 1848 - 296 pagina’s
...Mrs. Mareet. New Edition, enlarged and corrected. Fcap. Svo.vrith 23 Plates, l0i.6d. cloth. MARCET.— CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. By Mrs. Marcet. New Edition, revised and enlarged. Foolscap Svo. 7s. 6rf. cloth. MARCET.— CONVERSATIONS...
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The Fountain of Arethusa, Volume 1

Robert Eyres Landor - 1848 - 338 pagina’s
...Mareet. New Edition, eularged and correeted. Fcau. Svo. with 23 Plates, Ui..6rf. cloth. MARCET.— CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. By Mrs. Mareet. New Edition, revised and eularged. Foolscap Svo. 7s. 6d. cloth. MARCET.— CONVERSATIONS...
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A Treatise on the Succession to Property Vacant by Death: Including ...

John Ramsay McCulloch - 1848 - 244 pagina’s
...New Edition, enlarged and corrected. Fcp. 8vo. with 23 Plates, 10s. 6d. cloth. MARCET.-CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. By Mrs. MARCBT. New Edition revised and enlarged. Fcp. 8vo. 7s. fid. cloth. MARCET.-CONVERSATIONS ON VEGETABLE...
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On the means of facilitating the transfer of land, 3 lectures

James Stewart - 1848 - 182 pagina’s
...New Edition, enlarged and corrected. Fcp. 8vo. with 23 Plates, 10s. 6d. cloth. MARCET.-CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. By Mrs. MARCET. New Edition revised and enlarged. Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. cloth. MARCET.-CONVERSATIONS ON VEGETABLE...
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Rest in the Church. By the author of “From Oxford to Rome” [i.e. Elizabeth F ...

Elizabeth Furlong Shipton HARRIS - 1848 - 416 pagina’s
...Edition, enlarged and corrected. Fcap Svo. with 23 Plates, lO». 6d. cloth. MAUCET.—CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. By Mrs. Marcet. New Edition, revised and enlarged. Foolscap Svo. 7,. 6d. cloth. MARCET.-CONVERSATIONS...
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