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" A Complete Historical, Chronological, and Geographical American Atlas: being a Guide to the History of North and South America and the West Indies ; exhibiting an accurate Account of the Discovery, Settlement, and Progress of their various Kingdoms, States,... "
A List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress: Preceded by a List of ... - Pagina 112
door Library of Congress. Map Division, Philip Lee Phillips - 1901 - 1137 pagina’s
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Catalogue of Books, Maps, Plates on America, and of a Remarkable ..., Deel 1

Frederik Muller & Cie - 1872 - 660 pagina’s
...R(euvens.) 1823. 54 pp. 8vo. Extr. 1.— 2380 Atlas. — Historical, Chronolog. and Geographical America« Atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America, and the WestIndies, exhibiting an accurate account of the discovery, settlement and progress of their various...
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Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the University ..., Volumes 1874-1876

University of Minnesota. Board of Regents - 1876 - 672 pagina’s
...Henry. (8633) Cabinet A. CAKDALE, JS See Alfred, King. (4290) 282.14 [CAREY, Henry Caleb, and Lea, I.] A complete Historical, Chronological, and Geographical,...History of North and South America, and the West Indies; exhibiting an accurate account of the discovery, settlement, and progress, of their various Kingdoms,...
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Catalogue of the Library, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. 1873 ...

United States Military Academy. Library - 1876 - 1056 pagina’s
...Fol. Weirnar, 1807-13. 6787 American Atlas — A complete Historical, Chronological, and Geographical; being a Guide to the History of North and South America, and the West Indies. Fol. Philadelphia, 1822. 6788 Amman et Bohnenberger. Carte topographique de Souabe. Fol. Tubingen,...
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Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets, Atlases, Maps, Plates, and Autographes ...

Frederik Muller & Cie - 1877 - 238 pagina’s
...Georgien. — Die Universität von CharlottesviJle. etc. etc. 19* Atlas. — Historical, Chronolog. and Geographical American Atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America, and the WestIndies, exhibiting an accurate account of the discovery, settlement and progress of their various...
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Catalogue, Nummers 1-40

Johnson, George P., bookseller, Edinburgh - 1881 - 1156 pagina’s
...cloth, uncut, 2s (pub. 3s 6d) Land. 1S59 1075 ATLAS, Historical, Chronological, and Geographical ; being a Guide to the History of North and South America, and the West Indies, to 1826, third edition, 53 coloured maps, folio, half morocco, ¡/ilt, 9s 6d PhiUul. 1S27 1076 BACON,...
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The New World Book List

George, firm, publishers, Bristol, Eng. (1890. William George's Sons) - 1890 - 172 pagina’s
...allowed a State law to override the Federal treaties — Pereira being claimed as an . English seaman. A Complete Historical, Chronological, and Geographical...to the History of North and South America and the WL, exhibiting an accurate Account of the Discovery, Settlement, and Progress of their various Kingdoms,...
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Catalogues No. 111-114, 137, 141, 147, 148, 151

Bernard Quaritch (Firm) - 1891 - 916 pagina’s
...enlarged, ready for binding, headlines cut off T. and R. Cotes for Michael Sparke, 1630 12 О О 119 HISTORICAL, Chronological and Geographical American...History of North and South America and the West Indies .... with the Wars, celebrated Battles, etc. to the year 1822, folio, 52 coloured maps, hf. bd. Philadelphia,...
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Bibliotheca Americana, 1893: Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of ..., Nummer 4

Clarke, firm, booksellers, Cincinnati - 1893 - 368 pagina’s
...children. 16mo. pp. 282. London, 1799. 75 142 Carey (H. С ) and Lea (J.) . The 143 Carey (HC) and Lea (J.) A Complete Historical, Chronological, and Geographical...history of North and South America and the West Indies: exhibiting an accurate account of the discovery, settlement of the various kingdoms, states, provinces,...
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Bibliotheca Americana, 1893: Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of ..., Nummer 4

Clarke, firm, booksellers, Cincinnati - 1893 - 372 pagina’s
...to August 17, ISG.j. Lithographed. With portraits and illustrations. Folio, pp. 24. 3 UO 61 Atlas. Historical, Chronological, and Geographical American...history of North and South America and the West Indies, exhibiting an accurate account of the discovery , settlement, and progress of their various states,...
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Americana: livres et cartes, provenant en partie de la collection d'un ...

Frederik Muller & Cie - 1896 - 218 pagina’s
...Amsterdam, Is. Tirion, 1754. in-folio. 1.50 1477 A complete, historical, chronological and geographioal American Atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America, and the West Indies : exhibiting an accurate account of the discovery, seulement, .... wars, celebrated battles and remarkable...
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