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" ... written by incoherent parcels ; and, after long intervals of neglect, resumed again, as my humour or occasions permitted ; and "at last, in a retirement, where an attendance on my health gave me leisure, it was brought into that order thou now seest... "
The Edinburgh Magazine and Literary Miscellany - Pagina 303
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Locke's Conduct of the Understanding

John Locke - 1901 - 176 pagina’s
...first entrance into this discourse, which, having been thus begun by chance, was continued byentreaty ; written by incoherent parcels ; and, after long intervals...me leisure, it was brought into that order thou now seest it.' The Copy of the First Edition of the Essay which belonged to Sir James Tyrrell, one of Locke's...
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John Locke as a Factor in Modern Thought

Alexander Campbell Fraser - 1904 - 22 pagina’s
...next meeting, gave the first entrance to this Discourse ; which, having been thus begun by chance, was continued by entreaty ; written by incoherent parcels...intervals of neglect, resumed again as my humour or inclinations permitted ; and at last, in a retirement where an attendance on my health gave me leisure,...
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Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding

John Locke - 1905 - 382 pagina’s
...entrance into this discourse, which, having been thus begun by chance, was continued by intreaty ; written by incoherent parcels ; and, after long intervals...me leisure, it was brought into that order thou now seest it. This discontinued way of writing may have occasioned, besides others, two contrary faults,...
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Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding: Books II and IV (with Omissions)

John Locke, Mary Whiton Calkins - 1905 - 424 pagina’s
...continued by intreaty; written by incoherent parcels; and, after long intervals of neglect, fesumed again, as my humour or occasions permitted; and at...me leisure, it was brought into that order thou now seest it. This discontinued way of writing may have occasioned, besides others, two contrary faults,...
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A Student's History of Philosophy

Arthur Kenyon Rogers - 1907 - 540 pagina’s
...written by incoherent parcels, and after long intervals of neglect resumed again, as my humor or occasion permitted; and at last, in a retirement where an attendance...me leisure, it was brought into that order thou now seest it." 1 It is characteristic of the sober thoroughness which distinguishes Locke, that it was...
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A History of the Theology of the Disciples of Christ

Hiram Van Kirk - 1907 - 158 pagina’s
...entreaty ; written by incoherent parcels; and after long intervals of neglect, resumed again, as my humor or occasions permitted ; and at last. in a retirement...on my health gave me leisure, it was brought into the order that thoti now seest it." James Tyrrell, who was one of the company, wrote in his copy of...
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A History of the Theology of the Disciples of Christ

Hiram Van Kirk - 1907 - 152 pagina’s
...parcels; and after long intervals of neglect, resumed again, as my humor or occasions permitted ; and nt last, in a retirement where an attendance on my health gave me leisure, it was brought into the order that thou now seest it." James Tyrrell, who was one of the company, wrote in his copy of...
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A History of the Theology of the Disciples of Christ

Hiram Van Kirk - 1907 - 152 pagina’s
...meeting, gave me the first entrance into this Discourse ; which, having been thus begun by chance, was continued by entreaty; written by incoherent parcels...after long intervals of neglect, resumed again, as my humor or occasions permitted ; and nt last, in a retirement where an attendance on my health gave me...
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Modern Classical Philosophers: Selections Illustrating Modern Philosophy ...

1908 - 768 pagina’s
...first entrance into this discourse, which, having been thus begun by chance, was continued by intreaty; written by incoherent parcels ; and, after long intervals...gave me leisure, it was brought into that order thou DOW seest it." with our own understandings, will not only be very pleasant, but bring us great advantage...
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Modern Classical Philosophers: Selections Illustrating Modern Philosophy ...

1908 - 768 pagina’s
...first entrance into this discourse, which, having been thus begun by chance, was continued by intreaty; written by incoherent parcels ; and, after long intervals...in a retirement, where an attendance on my health gare me leisure, it was brought into that order thou now seest it." with our own understandings, will...
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