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" If the Spring put forth no blossoms, in Summer there will be no beauty, and in Autumn. no fruit. So if youth be trifled away without improvement, manhood will be contemptible, and old age miserable. "
Beauties of literature, selected from various authors by H. Waylett - Pagina 4
door Beauties - 1791
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A new British spelling book; or, An introduction to spelling and reading

Joseph Guy (of Bristol.) - 1864 - 176 pagina’s
...nature is turned out of its course, disorder takes place in the moral, just as in the vegetable world. If the spring put forth no blossoms, in summer there will be no beauty, and in autumn no fruit. Blair. • 9. BAD COMPANY. Evil communications corrupt good manners. This truth is general, and no...
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The Local Preachers' Magazine and Christian Family Record ..., Volumes 15-16

1865 - 848 pagina’s
...commended »ni pondered. A HINT FOR THE YOUNG. SHOULD spring put forth no blossoms, in summer there would be no beauty, and in autumn no fruit ; so if youth be trifled away without improvement, riper years will be contemptible, and old age miserable. KESTITUTION.— A REMARKABLE CASE. (JosH....
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An English grammar

Matthias Green - 1866 - 184 pagina’s
...puts forth no blossoms, in summer there will bo no beauty, and in autumn no fruit ; so, if youth is trifled away without improvement, manhood will be contemptible, and old age miserable. There are nothing, except simplicity of intention, and purity of principle, who can stand the test...
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Questions and exercises adapted to Hiley's English grammar, style, and poetry

Richard Hiley - 1867 - 224 pagina’s
...Providence never intended that any state here should be either completely happy or entirely miserable. If the spring put forth no blossoms in summer there...manhood will be contemptible and old age miserable. Exercise 76 a. — Lesson 76.— Pars. 462 to 469. — p. 180. The Semicolon and the Colon. 1 . Questions....
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Rural and City Life : Or: The Fortunes of the Stubble Family

John Richard Houlding, Old Boomerang - 1870 - 456 pagina’s
...sentiment, — viz., " That if the spring pnt forth no blossoms, there will be no beauty in summer, and in autumn no fruit ; so if youth be trifled away without improvement, riper years will be contemptible, and old age miserable." After looking about him for some time, Mr...
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The Printer's Manual: A Practical Guide for Compositors and Pressmen

Thomas Lynch - 1872 - 244 pagina’s
...arises security ; from security, curiosity; from curiosity, knowledge." EXAMPLES. 1 . If spring puts forth no blossoms , in summer there will be no beauty...manhood will be contemptible, and old age miserable . 2. As a companion he was severe and satirical; as a friend, captious and dangerous i in his domestic...
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English Grammar: The English Language in Its Elements and Forms, with a ...

William Chauncey Fowler - 1873 - 816 pagina’s
..." From law arises security ; from security, curiosity ; from curiosity, knowledge." EXAMPLES. 1. If spring put forth no blossoms, in summer there will...manhood will be contemptible, and old age miserable. 2. 'As a companion, he was severe and satirical ; as a friend, captious and dangerous ; in his domestic...
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The Note-taker; Or, Elements of Tachygraphy, Part II. ...

David Philip Lindsley - 1873 - 254 pagina’s
...of its regular course, disorder takes place in the moral world just as in the world of outward life. If the spring put forth no blossoms, in summer there will be no beauty, and in the autumn no fruit. If youth be trifled away without improvement, manhood will be contemptible, and...
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Times and seasons

William Walters - 1883 - 208 pagina’s
...suffer loss in the future. You can never make up for lost time or privilege. Some •one has well said, "If the spring put forth no blossoms, in summer there...So, if youth be trifled away without improvement, riper years will be contemptible and old age miserable." Many men in the stir and struggle of business...
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English Grammar: The English Language in Its Elements and Forms

William Chauncey Fowler - 1884 - 806 pagina’s
...as, "From law arises security; from security, curiosity ; from curiosity, knowledge." EXAMPLES. 1. If spring put forth no blossoms, in summer there will...manhood will be contemptible, and old age miserable. 2. As a companion, he was severe and satirical ; as a friend, captious and dangerous ; in his domestic...
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