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" For delivery within the eighth zone and between the Philippine Islands and any portion of the United States, including the District of Columbia and the several Territories and possessions... "
The Canada Year Book - Pagina xli
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Committee Prints

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service - 1966 - 1460 pagina’s
...States, including the District of Columbia and the several Territories and possessions, 13 centfor the first pound or fraction of a pound and 12 cents for each additional pound or fraction of a pound. [7J/wvV/«/, That the rate of postage on matter of the fourth...
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Annual Reports of the War Department, Volume 4

United States. War Department - 1914 - 832 pagina’s
...United States, including the District of Columbia, and the several Territories and possessions is 12 cents for the first pound or fraction of a pound and 12 cents for each additional pound or fraction of a pound. II. PORTO BICO. CHANGES IN PERSONNEL. The following changes...
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Annual Report of the Secretary of War, Volume 3

United States. War Department - 1914 - 830 pagina’s
...United State?, including the District of Columbia, and the several Territories and possessions is 12 cents for the first pound or fraction of a pound and 12 cents for each additional pound or fraction of a pound. II. PORTO RICO. CHANGES IN PERSONNEL. The following changes...
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