MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER'S Flowers of History, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain, from the beginning of the World to AD 1307. By CD Yonge. 2 vols. NENNIUS. Chronicle of.— See Six OE Chronicles. ORDERICUS VITALIS' Ecclesiastical History... Catalogue or alphabetical index - Pagina 1079door New York city, Astor libr - 1859Volledige weergave - Over dit boek
| Joseph Addison - 1856 - 474 pagina’s
...Notes, and an Anglo-Saxon Gnimmar and Glossary, by B. THOEPK, Esq. 24 & 25. MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER'S FLOWERS OF HISTORY, especially such as relate to the...affairs of Britain, from the beginning of the world to AD 1307. Translated by C. 1). YOSGE, BA . In 2 Vols. 26. LEPSIUS'S LETTERS FROM EGYPT, ETHIOPIA, and... | |
| Izaak Walton - 1856 - 592 pagina’s
...Notes, and an Anglo-Saxon Grammar'and Glossary, by B. THORPE, Esq. 24 &. 25. MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER'S FLOWERS OF HISTORY, especially such as relate to the...affairs of Britain, from the beginning of the world to AD 1307. Translated by CD \OHGE, BA In 2 Vols. Cv\ LEPSIUS'S LETTERS FROM EGYPT, ETHIOPIA, and'the... | |
| Mignet (M., François-Auguste-Marie-Alexis) - 1856 - 454 pagina’s
...ENGLISH HISTORY, from A.Ii. 7:i3 to AU 12(il. Translated and edited by II. T. UILKY, Esq., BA In 2 Vuls. such as relate to the affairs of Britain, from the beginning of the world to AD 1307. Translated by CU YOSGE, BA In a Vols. ' 26. LEPSIUS'S LETTERS FROM EGYPT, ETHIOPIA, and the... | |
| John Foster - 1856 - 542 pagina’s
...and Glossary, by B. THOHFE, Esq. Ik 28. MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER'S FLOWERS OF HISTORY, cipecially lurh as relate to the affairs of Britain, from the beginning of the world to AI). 1307. Translated by C. I). YOMOE, BA ID J Vols. LEPSIUSS LETTERS FROM EOYPT, ETHIOPIA, nnd the... | |
| New York State Library - 1856 - 1014 pagina’s
...under the superintendence of Jon. Pereira, MD London, 1847. 12°. 2 copia. MATTHEW of WESTMINSTER. The Flowers of History, especially such as relate to the Affairs of Britain to 1307 : trans, by CD Yonge. Bohn, London, 1853. 2 vol. 12'. MATTHKWS ( EJ), etc. Statement of Facts... | |
| Marcus Tullius Cicero - 1856 - 430 pagina’s
...Ikulcs, and an Anglo-Saxon Grammar ami Glossary, by B. TIIUKPK, Esq. 24 & 25. MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER'S FLOWERS OF HISTORY, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain, from tlm beginning of the world to A.Il. 13(;7. Translated by CD YOSGC, BA lu 3 Vols. 26. LEPSIUS'S LETTERS... | |
| Daniel Defoe - 1856 - 586 pagina’s
...Glossary-, by B. THORPE, Esq. 24 oV 25. MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTERS FLOWERS OF HISTORY, especially nch a relate to the affairs of Britain, from the beginning of the world to AD 1307. Translated by CD YoKOE, BJL In 2 Vols. 28. LEPSIUSS LETTERS FROM EGYPT, ETHIOPIA, and the... | |
| Maximilien de Béthune duc de Sully - 1856 - 562 pagina’s
...SIOOND SECTIOH: From 1236 to 1113. With Index to the entire Work. In 3 vols. Matthew of Westminster's Flowers of History, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain ; to ie 1307. Translated by CD YOSOE. In 2 vols. Ordericus Titalis' Ecclesiastical History of England... | |
| Astor Library - 1859 - 548 pagina’s
...1831 Matthew of Paris. See Paris. Matthew of Westminster. Elegans, illustris et facile, prœsertim Britanicarum et aliarum obiter, notatu dignarum a...Flowers of History, especially such as relate to the affaire of Britain, from the beginning of the World to the year 1307. Translated from the original... | |
| Robert Carruthers - 1857 - 554 pagina’s
...Rev. JA Giles, DCL With Frontispiece. 3 vols. — Set also Roger of Wendovcr. MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER'S Flowers of History, especially such as relate to the...affairs of Britain, from the beginning of the World to AD i307. By CD Yonge. 2 vols. NENNIUS. Chronicle of.— See Six OE Chronicles. ORDERICUS VITAL IS'... | |
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