What a gloom hangs all around ! The dying lamp feebly emits a yellow gleam ; no sound is heard but of the chiming clock, or the distant watch-dog. All the bustle of human pride is forgotten ; an hour like this may well display the emptiness of human vanity.... Select British Classics - Pagina 761804Volledige weergave - Over dit boek
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1839 - 550 pagina’s
...feebly emits a yellow gleam; no sound is heard but of the chiming clock, or the distant watch-dog. All the bustle of human pride is forgotten, an hour like...its inhabitants, fade away, and leave a desert in ĶN room. What cities, as great as this, have once triumphed in existence, had their victories as great,... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1841 - 398 pagina’s
...feebly emits a yellow gleam ; no sound is heard but of the chiming clock, or the distant watch-dog. All the bustle of human pride is forgotten : an hour like...There will come a time, when this temporary solitude maybe made continual, and the city itself, like ita inhabitants, fade away, and leave a desert in its... | |
 | Charles Walton Sanders - 1849 - 316 pagina’s
...emits a yellow gleam ; no sound is heard but of the chiming clock, or of the distant watch-dog. All the bustle of human pride is forgotten. An hour like this may well display the emptiness of human grandeur. There will be a time when this brief solitude may be made continual, and the city itself,... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1844 - 738 pagina’s
...feebly emits a yellow gleam ; no sound is heard bin of the chiming clock or the distant watch-dog ; all ul stir Unprofitable, and the fever of the world,...spirit have I turned to thee, 0 sylvan Wye ! — thou will be made continual, and the city itself, like its inhabitants, fade away, and leave a desert ill... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1844 - 746 pagina’s
...feebly emits a yellow gleam ; no sound is heard but of the chiming clock or the distant watch-dog ; all $ will be made continual, and the city itself, like its inhabitants, fade away, and leave a desert in... | |
 | Charles Walton Sanders - 1842 - 316 pagina’s
...gleam ; no sound is heard but of the chiming clock, or of the distant watch-dog. All the bustle oi human pride is forgotten. An hour like this may well display the emptiness of human grandeur. There will be a time when this brief solitude may be made continual, and the city itself,... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1847 - 558 pagina’s
...feebly emits a yellow gleam; no sound is beard but of the chiming clock, or the distant watch-dog. All 㺠 ] 0 QP F L solitude may be made continual, and the city itself, like its inhabitants, fade away, and leave a... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1851 - 764 pagina’s
...of the chiming clock or the distant watch-dog ; all the bustle of human pride ie forgotten. An hoar like this may well display the emptiness of human vanity. There will come a time when this temporary nolitude will be made continual, and the city itself, like its inhabitants, fade away, and leave a... | |
 | Charles Walton Sanders - 1842 - 322 pagina’s
...emits a yellow gleam ; no sound is heard but of the chiming clock, or of the distant watch-dog. All the bustle of human pride is forgotten. ^ An hour like this may well display the emptiness of human grarffieur. There will be a time when this brief solitude may be made continual, and the city itself,,... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1854 - 588 pagina’s
...feebly emits a yellow gleam ; no sound is heard but of the chiming clock, or the distant watch-dog. All the bustle of human pride is forgotten ; an hour like...like its inhabitants, fade away, and leave a desert ш its room. What cities as great as this have once triumphed in existence, had their victorien as... | |
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