Front cover image for Encyclopædia Iranica

Encyclopædia Iranica

Print Book, English, 1985-<1988>
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1985-<1988>
volumes : illustrations ; 29 cm
9780710090997, 9780710090973, 9780710091079, 9780710091086, 9780939214662, 9780939214693, 9780939214709, 9780939214716, 9780939214723, 9780939214730, 9780939214808, 9780939214938, 9781568590004, 9781568590011, 9781568590028, 9781568590035, 9781568590196, 9781568590202, 9781568590219, 9781568590226, 9780933273740, 9780933273757, 9780933273764, 9780933273788, 9780933273894, 9780933273931, 9780933273948, 9780933273993, 9781934283004, 9781934283035, 9781934283042, 9781934283066, 9781934283073, 9781934283097, 9781934283141, 9781934283202, 9781934283219, 9780710091017, 9780710091024, 9780710091031, 9780710091048, 9780710091055, 9780710091062, 9780710091109, 9780710091178, 9780710091185, 9780710091314, 9789004472907, 0710090994, 0710090978, 0710091079, 0710091087, 0939214660, 0939214695, 0939214709, 0939214717, 0939214725, 0939214733, 0939214806, 0939214938, 1568590008, 1568590016, 1568590024, 1568590032, 1568590199, 1568590202, 1568590210, 1568590229, 0933273746, 0933273754, 0933273762, 0933273789, 0933273894, 0933273932, 0933273940, 0933273991, 1934283002, 1934283037, 1934283045, 1934283061, 193428307X, 1934283096, 1934283142, 1934283207, 1934283215, 071009101X, 0710091028, 0710091036, 0710091044, 0710091052, 0710091060, 0710091109, 0710091176, 0710091184, 0710091311, 9004472908
V.1. Ab-Anahid
v.2. Anamaka- A tar al-Wozara
v.3. Atas-Bayhaqi
v.4. Bayju-Carpets
v.5. Carpets-coffee
v.6. Coffeehouse-Dara
v.7. Dara(B)-Ebn al-A tir
v.8. Ebn Ayyas-E'Tezad-al-Saltana
v.9. Ethe-Fish
v.10. Fisheries-Gindaros
v.11. Gioni-Harem I
v.12. Harem I-Illuminationism
v. 13. Illuminationism-Isfahan VIII
v. 14. Isfahan IX-Jobba'I
v.15. Joči-Kāšḡari, Sa‛d-al-din
v. 16. Kashan-Khorasan XIV
Cover title (v. 2, fasc. 4-6)
Some volumes have imprint: Costa Mesa, Calif : Mazda Publishers
Some volumes have imprint: New York : Bibliotheca Persica Press
Some volumes have imprint: New York : Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation
Some volumes have imprint: The Netherlands : Koninklijke Brill NV Access Encyclopaedia Iranica online.