Front cover image for Perturbative quantum electrodynamics and axiomatic field theory

Perturbative quantum electrodynamics and axiomatic field theory

This book demonstrates that fundamental concepts and methods from phenomenological particle physics can be derived rigorously from well-defined general assumptions in a mathematically clean way. Starting with the Wightman formulation of relativistic quantum field theory, the perturbative formulation of quantum electrodynamics is derived avoiding the usual formalism based on the canonical commutation relations. A scattering formalism based on the local-observables approach is developed, directly yielding expressions for the observable inclusive cross-sections without having to introduce the S-matrix. Neither ultraviolet nor infrared regularizations are required in this approach. Although primarily intended for researchers working in this field, anyone with a basic working knowledge of relativistic quantum field theory can benefit from this book
Print Book, English, ©2000
Springer, Berlin, ©2000
ix, 355 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
9783540670247, 9783642086359, 3540670246, 3642086357
1 Introduction.- 2 Relativistic Covariance.- 3 Electrodynamics as a Classical Field Theory.- 4 The Basic Principles of Relativistic Quantum Field Theory.- 5 Free Fields.- 6 An Outline of Interacting QED.- 7 The Electric Charges.- 8 The Program of Perturbation Theory.- 9 Unrenormalized Solution.- 10 Renormalization and the UV Problem.- 11 The IR Problem for Wightman Functions.- 12 Physical States.- 13 The Standard View.- 14 Particle Probes.- 15 Interacting Particles.- 16 Reactions.- 17 Cross Sections.- References.